
Parents should sit down and dissolve the "theater effect" of education

On July 24, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Further Reducing the Burden of Homework and Off-campus Training for Students in the Compulsory Education Stage. The long-rumored "big move" for off-campus training institutions was officially unveiled.

The market has keenly captured the policy wind. The day before, the education stocks that had been falling endlessly for several months fell sharply across the board again, and the leaders of off-campus training institutions such as New Oriental and Good Future were even more tragically cut in the US stock market, with a decline of more than 50%. This not only means that capital is not optimistic about the off-campus training sector, but also indicates that an important turning point for off-campus training institutions is coming.

The Ministry of Education has experienced a number of serious problems in off-campus training institutions, including mixed fish and dragons, prominent violations of laws and regulations, and serious situations of being coerced by capital.

In the "Opinions", the governance and rectification measures for off-campus training institutions can also be described as unprecedentedly severe, in addition to requiring strict examination and approval, the establishment of a training content filing and supervision system, and the inclusion of discipline fees in the government guidance price, it is also clearly required that discipline training institutions must not be listed for financing, and it is strictly forbidden for off-campus training institutions not to occupy national statutory holidays, rest days and winter and summer vacations to organize discipline training.

These measures directly limit the size of off-campus training institutions in disciplines and reduce the duration of extracurricular training. This is a "trick" for off-campus training. The prohibition of capitalization is to curb its profit impulse. During winter and summer vacations, rest days and other periods, subject training must not be organized, which is simply the life of off-campus training institutions. Holding off-campus training, the amount of time taken up by students will directly affect their profitability, and the less training time, the more profitability will be affected.

Of course, there is a process from the formulation of policies to the time they are effective. The introduction of policies does not mean "success on horseback". Considering that off-campus training has been on the verge of fire, it has formed a trillion-dollar market, breaking the entanglement of its industry interests and reorganizing its market positioning, how easy it is to talk about! In this regard, whether it is the competent departments of education in various localities, as well as schools and parents, they must have a clear idea and be mentally prepared to fight a protracted war.

As some parents worry, if there is no change in the high school and university enrollment system, the imbalance in educational resources has not been alleviated to a certain extent, there will still be opportunities for off-campus training institutions, not to mention that off-campus training institutions have successfully created educational anxiety, so that countless parents are trapped in it and cannot extricate themselves. Therefore, under the severe crackdown of the policy, even if the living space of off-campus training institutions is greatly reduced, if parents are still anxious as always, the wind of off-campus training will be difficult to be effectively curbed, and there will be parents who will try their best to send their children to off-campus training institutions.

Over the past few years, the anxiety that pervaded the field of education has led to the "theater effect". It means that the audience in the front row stands up, and the audience in the back row has to stand up, otherwise they will not see the performance on the stage. So, when many people are standing, how can they sit down consciously? If someone in the front row breaks the rules, it is to stand and watch the performance, and others may not dare to sit down.

Under the order of "double reduction", whether it can effectively curb the "theater effect" and eliminate the drawbacks of off-campus training requires parents to consciously change their concepts and actively cooperate with policies. Only in this way can we curb the situation of "policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom" and make the "double reduction" measures really have an effect.

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