
Wuthering Heights: Son of the Wasteland, Flower of Evil

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Wuthering Heights: Son of the Wasteland, Flower of Evil

First, Heathcliff from Hell

Let's take a look at the complex life trajectory of the male protagonist (hereinafter referred to as Xi) - abandoned child, gypsy, meeting himself (soul mate Catherine), abandonment, revenge...

It involves possible pathologies, shattered hopes of healing, missing personalities, the nature of darkness, mysteries... Wait a minute.

Like children's excessive satisfaction of love, which leads to the numbness of love in adults later, the deprivation of love can also endanger the lives of infants, and it is commonplace to be the pathological personality of adults later.

Wuthering Heights: Son of the Wasteland, Flower of Evil

The seeds of misfortune were planted in Heath's infancy, and Catherine, who may have become a good medicine, betrayed him, and his fragile soul was once again deeply pierced into the knife, love, inability to satisfy and express, and he became a self-sustaining organism in this particular environment of the wasteland- the channeling of cultural forces was far isolated.

If the healthy man has strong inner laws and is less subject to external constraints, then the unhealthy and powerful inner law of Hope becomes the least stressful seed in the wasteland, free to grow his dark essence—danger, sin, greed, and predatoriness—the first evils of mankind, with unprecedented release.

Wuthering Heights: Son of the Wasteland, Flower of Evil

Where there is Catherine, hell is heaven, otherwise, heaven is also hell.

Hee comes from hell, he is the messenger of darkness, only Catherine can see, like seeing herself, but not fully herself—she has more pursuits than Hee—the gentle and cowardly Linton, who is not loved by her, but attracts her with his civilized aura.

Wuthering Heights: Son of the Wasteland, Flower of Evil

Two, the divided Emily Brontë

The life of Xi obsessed with love, with wildness, madness, almost instinct, with anti-control laissez-faire, anti-repressive tearing, has become the most individual artistic image and has lasted for a long time, he is the statue of the wasteland, the soul of the wasteland, to be precise, he is a wasteland himself - abandoned by life, but has the most tenacious life.

"I love him so much not because he's handsome, but because he's more like myself than I am, and no matter what our souls do, his is exactly the same as mine." Heroine Catherine said. There is no doubt that this is also the voice of author Emily Brontë.

Wuthering Heights: Son of the Wasteland, Flower of Evil

The same soul, but to be separated, betrayed, obviously Emily is showing a divided self.

Breathing in the wind on the wasteland, but with a freer imagination than the wind; allowing the "I" on the wasteland to roar, wander, and not land, but hiding a wisp of ghost into a corner that symbolizes civilization, enjoying vanity, warmth, elegance; dreaming of escaping, and deeply attached... This is like a kind of fate - the wildness and passion that becomes blood into bones, let it shatter into powder, thrown and returned, only the wasteland can nurture and accept such destruction and enthusiasm, and not twisting and crushing with such all its strength is not enough to vent the unwillingness of the heart.

Wuthering Heights: Son of the Wasteland, Flower of Evil

Born in the wasteland and raised in the wasteland, Emily, far from the mainstream center of life, longs for civilization, longs for a man, with a rare full brushstroke, to destroy the presentation of beauty and good "evil", will be far away from civilization a kind of barbarism and a naked writing to the extreme, and the truth of its core (the self-hidden and dark inner world) has become the great beauty, become the flow of the centuries.

Emily's Son of the Wasteland, like Baudelaire's Flower of Evil, is shown in the forest of mediocre art for its unique beauty.

Wuthering Heights: Son of the Wasteland, Flower of Evil

Wuthering Heights (1992)

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