
Zhang Zhongjing fought the epidemic, tried medicine with his mother, and wrote a different Xiao Zhang of "On Typhoid Fever" to defeat the plague

author:Easy water life

Before 1871, in Nanyang Nieyang County, which is now Zhangzhai Village, Yongdong Town, Dengzhou City, Henan Province, the old Zhang family gave birth to a boy.

Since the day when the great figures appeared in history, they would send visions from heaven, such as when Liu Bang was born, it is recorded in the "Records of History":

"His ancestor Liu Mi tasted the misfortune of Osawa, dreaming and meeting with God. When the thunder and lightning were obscure, taigong looked up and saw the dragon on it. Already in the flesh, he gave birth to a high ancestor.

It is estimated that when Sima Qian wrote Liu Bang, the Liu family must have been holding a 30-meter-long machete and watching Sima Qian write it.

However, going through the entire historical data did not find any vision of heavenly descent when Xiao Zhang was born, so Lao Zhang gave him a mediocre name, just a character machine, the full name Zhang Ji, the word Zhongjing.

Later, after Zhang Ji became famous, everyone began to call him Zhang Zhongjing.

The ancients called it a word or a number, which generally showed respect.

In fact, Zhang Zhongjing did not expect that he would be respected, and he did not expect that he could become a generation of medical saints.

Zhang Zhongjing fought the epidemic, tried medicine with his mother, and wrote a different Xiao Zhang of "On Typhoid Fever" to defeat the plague

Although on the day Xiao Zhang was born, no vision of the heavenly descent occurred.

But in childhood, Xiao Zhang did show something different from everyone else.

When other children were playing with peeing and mud, Xiao Zhang especially liked to read medical books.

Xiao Zhang lived in the last year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when wars were raging and plagues were rampant.

Zhang Zhongjing, who has been accustomed to seeing the dead since he was a child, vowed that he must become a doctor and save many people.

It just so happened that Zhang Zhongjing had an uncle named Zhang Bozu, who was a famous doctor in the Nanyang area.

One day Zhang Bozu went out to see a doctor and took Zhang Zhongjing with him, and he witnessed the whole process of his uncle's treatment.

Zhang Zhongjing was convinced at that time: What is a meaningful life? Isn't that a meaningful life?!

Since then, Zhang Zhongjing has studied medicine with his uncle and followed him out to see a doctor all day.

Zhang Bozu also taught Zhang Zhongjing: If you want to be a good doctor, there is no trick, only to be diligent in ancient training, to learn from all parties, to personally experiment, until death.

This sentence completely woke up Zhang Zhongjing.

Zhang Zhongjing fought the epidemic, tried medicine with his mother, and wrote a different Xiao Zhang of "On Typhoid Fever" to defeat the plague

Since then, Zhang Zhongjing has studied medical texts at home as long as he has time.

Day after day, year after year of accumulation, when Zhang Zhongjing was in his 10s, he had already mastered important medical classics such as the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classics and the Difficult Classics.

Coupled with Zhang Zhongjing's diligent study of medical technology, medical technology has improved rapidly, and the young age has actually become famous in Nanyang.

At that time, a particularly famous scholar at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, After seeing Zhang Zhongjing, he said to him:

When you grow up in the future, don't do anything, just be a doctor is definitely a famous doctor.

Zhang Zhongjing listened and replied with a smile: "If you enter, you will save the world, and if you retreat, you will save the people, you can't be a good person, you should also be a good doctor." ”

It turned out that He Yong was too accurate.

Later, Zhang Zhongjing did not really do a good job as an official, and when others became officials, they all fought lawsuits and adjudicated cases in the yamen.

But when Zhang Zhongjing was an official, he was always looking for medical treatment in the yamen.

At that time, they all called him the Doctor of the Sitting Hall.

If only relying on amazing technology, Zhang Zhongjing may not be able to become a medical saint, after all, there are too many masters in the history of medicine.

But then, Zhang Zhongjing did something that directly established his status as a medical saint.

And historically, this is the only one.

Zhang Zhongjing fought the epidemic, tried medicine with his mother, and wrote a different Xiao Zhang of "On Typhoid Fever" to defeat the plague

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were many major plagues that can be recorded in history.

For example, there were three major plagues during the Huan Emperor period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, five plagues during the Ling Emperor period, and the plagues during the Jian'an period of emperor Xiandi were even more terrible.

Every time the plague came and went, it was a normal thing, and the most serious one was the one that Zhang Zhongjing personally experienced, and even his mother was infected.

And it was also at that time that the seven sons of Jian'an, who were famous in history, actually died four because of the plague.

History records that the plague was not only human, but even the chickens in Nanyang were almost dead, and two-thirds of the infected people died of typhoid fever.

Zhang Zhongjing, who has been determined to save many people since he was a child, decided to fight the plague.

Zhang Zhongjing personally collected medicinal herbs, personally boiled the medicine, and let his mother personally taste the medicine.

After trying for more than half a year, Zhang Zhongjing actually cured them and actually developed a special anti-plague treatment for typhoid fever.

Then it was quickly distributed widely in the society, so that the plague was ended early, saving countless lives, and Zhang Zhongjing became famous in the war.

He also wrote the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases", which established the status of a medical saint.

Zhang Zhongjing fought the epidemic, tried medicine with his mother, and wrote a different Xiao Zhang of "On Typhoid Fever" to defeat the plague

In zhang Zhongjing's old age, medical technology basically reached the point of pure fire.

At that time, he met Wang Zhongxuan, who was only in his twenties, but Zhang Zhongjing concluded that he was ill.

He also told him that this disease did not occur until he was forty years old, and he lost his eyebrows first, and he would die half a year after the eyebrows fell.

Wang Zhongxuan did not listen to his nonsense at all, nor did he eat the medicine he prescribed.

As a result, twenty years later, Wang Zhongxuan dropped his eyebrows first, and when his eyebrows fell off, he hung up.

Zhang Zhongjing is the only person in the history of medicine who can be called a medical saint, and has contributed indelible contributions to the culture and inheritance of Chinese medicine.

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