
From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

author:Beechburg Bandits

In the long history of the Qing Dynasty, clothing is not only a dress, but also a symbol of status. The dragon robe and the python robe, these two seemingly similar but completely different costumes, carry the complex etiquette and cultural connotation of the Qing Dynasty. From Kangxi to Qianlong, and then to Guangxu, how has the shape of the dragon robe and the python robe evolved? What are the differences in material, pattern and color? More importantly, what kind of social hierarchy did these changes reflect in the Qing Dynasty? When we walked into the Forbidden City and traveled through time and space, it seemed that we could hear the rustle of silk and silk, and see the gold and silver threads shining in the sun. However, is there a deeper cultural code hidden beneath this gorgeous exterior? Let's uncover the mystery of the dragon robe and python robe, and explore the power play and cultural evolution behind the costumes of the Qing Dynasty.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

1. The establishment and development of the clothing system in the Qing Dynasty

In 1644, the Qing army entered the customs and established the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history. What followed was not only a change of regime, but also a profound cultural change. In this change, the establishment and development of the clothing system has played a vital role.

At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu rulers were faced with the arduous task of how to maintain their own national characteristics while integrating into the culture of the Central Plains. During the reign of Emperor Shunzhi, although a series of regulations on clothing were promulgated, a complete system was not yet formed. It was not until the Kangxi period that the clothing system of the Qing Dynasty was gradually established.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

In the eighteenth year of the reign of Kangxi (1679), the Qing court promulgated the "Qing Huidian", which detailed the dress system for officials at all levels. This marks a new stage in the integration of Manchu and Han costumes. Emperor Kangxi himself was the promoter of this integration. According to the "Kangxi Living Notes", Emperor Kangxi often wore Han-style dragon robes on important occasions, and wore Manchu-style clothes in daily life. This not only demonstrated his political wisdom, but also set an example for future generations.

However, the establishment of the dress code did not happen overnight. After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he further improved the clothing system. In the first year of Yongzheng (1723), he ordered the revision of the "Qing Huidian", which made more detailed regulations on the clothing system. For example, he specified the number of python patterns on the python robes worn by officials of different ranks, and this rule remained in use until the end of the Qing Dynasty.

During the Qianlong period, the Qing Dynasty's clothing system reached its peak. Emperor Qianlong not only inherited the clothing system of the Kangxi and Yongzheng periods, but also made further innovations. He paid special attention to the beauty of his clothes and was often personally involved in the design. During the Qianlong period, the skills of the palace weaving bureau reached an unprecedented height, producing a large number of exquisite dragon robes and python robes.

It is worth mentioning that the development of the clothing system in the Qing Dynasty was not all smooth sailing. There have also been some interesting episodes along the way. For example, in the tenth year of Qianlong (1745), the imperial court found that some officials had privately increased the number of python patterns on python robes in order to show off their status. For this reason, Emperor Qianlong specifically ordered the severe punishment of these violators, and reaffirmed the importance of the clothing system.

Over time, the Qing Dynasty's dress system also evolved. In the Daoguang period, due to financial difficulties, the imperial court had to simplify the production process of some clothing. However, even so, the dragon robe and the python robe still maintain their unique status and symbolism.

The establishment and development of the Qing Dynasty's clothing system not only reflected the integration process of Manchu and Han cultures, but also reflected the political wisdom of the Qing rulers. Through their costumes, they both maintained a strict hierarchy and promoted cultural exchange to a certain extent. This practice laid an important cultural foundation for the Qing Dynasty's nearly 300-year rule.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

From Kangxi to Qianlong, and then to Jiaqing and Daoguang, although the clothing system of the Qing Dynasty has changed in details, its core concept has never changed. The dragon robe is still a symbol of imperial power, and the python robe still represents the rank of officials. This continuity is not only reflected in the clothing itself, but also in the cultural connotation and social order behind the clothing.

2. The evolution of the shape of the dragon robe and the python robe

The evolution of the dragon robe and the python robe is a fascinating chapter in the history of Qing Dynasty clothing. This evolution not only reflects the importance that the Qing rulers attached to the clothing system, but also reflects the deepening of the integration of Manchu and Han cultures.

The shape of the dragon robe of the Kangxi Dynasty laid the basic characteristics of the dragon robe of the Qing Dynasty. The dragon robes of this period were usually in bright yellow satin and embroidered with nine five-clawed golden dragons. The dragon's form is relatively rugged, with clearly visible scales and abundant mane, giving it a sense of might. It is worth noting that the dragon robes of the Kangxi Dynasty also retained the characteristics of Manchu costumes at the neckline, cuffs, and hem, such as horseshoe sleeves and slit hems. This design not only maintains the Manchu cavalry tradition, but also incorporates elements of Han costumes.

The shape of the dragon robe of the Yongzheng Dynasty has changed significantly. Emperor Yongzheng himself had a lot of research on clothing, and he put forward new requirements in the design of dragon robes. During this period, the dragon pattern became more delicate, and the dragon's posture became more agile. On a famous dragon robe of the Yongzheng Dynasty, the dragon's eyes are even inlaid with pearls, which is lifelike. In addition, the dragon robe of the Yongzheng Dynasty is also richer in color, in addition to the traditional bright yellow, there are also dark blue, dark green and other colors of the dragon robe, which are used for different occasions.

The Qianlong Dynasty was the peak of the development of the dragon robe. Emperor Qianlong not only inherited the fine traditions of the previous two dynasties, but also innovated on this basis. In addition to the traditional dragon pattern, elements such as cloud pattern and wave pattern were also added to symbolize the harmony of heaven and earth. At the same time, the dragon robe of the Qianlong Dynasty has also reached an unprecedented height in terms of production technology. For example, a dragon robe made in the tenth year of Qianlong (1745) used a variety of techniques such as silk, embroidery, and gold weaving, and took three years to complete.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

At the same time, the shape of the python robe is constantly evolving. The python robe was originally derived from the regular clothing of the Manchu people, and later gradually developed into the formal clothing of officials. The python robe of the Kangxi Dynasty is relatively close to the dragon robe in shape, the main difference is that the number of claws of the python pattern is four claws. At the beginning of the Yongzheng Dynasty, the hierarchy of python robes became more stringent. Emperor Yongzheng stipulated that first-grade officials could wear nine-python robes, second-rank officials could wear seven-python robes, and so on.

The python robe of the Qianlong Dynasty reached maturity. The python robes of this period not only had strict regulations on the number of python patterns, but also had detailed requirements in terms of color and material. For example, the python robes of civil officials are generally cyan or purple, while military attachés are mostly red or brown. The front chest and back of the python robe are embroidered with complements to indicate the rank and civil and military attributes of officials.

It is worth mentioning that the evolution of the dragon robe and the python robe is not an isolated process, but is closely related to the changes in Qing Dynasty society. For example, in the middle and late Qianlong period, due to the social and economic prosperity, the production of dragon robes and python robes became more luxurious. However, in the Jiaqing and Daoguang periods, due to the decline of national power, the production of dragon robes and python robes was also simplified accordingly.

In addition, the evolution of the dragon robe and python robe has also been influenced by foreign cultures. For example, some dragon robes of the Qianlong Dynasty appeared with Western-style floral patterns, which reflected the cultural exchange between China and the West at that time. Similarly, in the design of the python robe, you can also see the integration of some Western elements, such as the use of some Western dyeing techniques.

Over time, the shape of the dragon robe and python robe has changed in detail, but its basic characteristics and symbolism have remained the same. Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the dragon robe was still the exclusive clothing of the emperor, and the python robe was still an important symbol of official status. This continuity not only reflects the respect that the Qing rulers had for tradition, but also the important role of clothing in maintaining social order.

3. The differences in material, pattern and color between the dragon robe and the python robe

As the most important dress of the Qing Dynasty, the differences in materials, patterns and colors of the dragon robe and the python robe not only reflect the strict division of the hierarchy, but also show the outstanding achievements of the Qing Dynasty's arts and crafts. These differences were an important part of the Qing Dynasty's clothing culture, reflecting the social structure and aesthetic concepts of the time.

In terms of materials, dragon robes are usually made of the finest silk fabrics. The dragon robes of the Kangxi Dynasty were mostly satin, with a heavy texture and a soft luster. At the beginning of the Yongzheng Dynasty, the materials of the dragon robe became more diversified, in addition to the traditional satin, light fabrics such as silk and Luo also appeared. The Qianlong Dynasty's dragon robe reached its peak, using not only the finest silk, but also precious materials such as gold and silver threads. For example, a dragon robe made in the twentieth year of Qianlong (1755) adopts the "golden thread embroidery" process, and the entire dragon robe is almost woven with gold thread, weighing dozens of catties and is worth a fortune.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

In contrast, although the material of the python robe is also mainly silk, the texture and fineness are slightly inferior to the dragon robe. The python robe of first-rank officials can use high-quality silk similar to the dragon robe, but the material of the python robe of officials below the second rank has been downgraded. For example, a third-rank official's python robe may use a slightly inferior texture, while a sixth-rank official's python robe may even use cotton fabric. This difference in materials is a visual reflection of the rank of the official.

In terms of patterns, the difference between the dragon robe and the python robe is more obvious. The dragon pattern on the dragon robe is a five-clawed golden dragon, symbolizing the supremacy of imperial power. The dragon pattern of the Kangxi Dynasty is relatively simple, and the posture of the dragon is mainly front and side. The dragon pattern of Yongzheng Dynasty has become more agile, and there are various postures such as looking back and leaping. The dragon pattern of the Qianlong Dynasty reached the pinnacle of art, not only the posture of the dragon was more diverse, but also added auxiliary patterns such as cloud pattern and sea pattern, constituting a complete cosmology.

The main pattern of the python robe is the four-clawed python pattern, and the number depends on the rank of the official. The nine python robes of the first-rank officials are embroidered with nine python patterns, and the seven-python robes of the second-rank officials are embroidered with seven python patterns, and so on. In addition to the python pattern, there are various auspicious patterns on the python robe, such as cloud pattern, water ripple and so on. The combination of these patterns not only reflects the rank of the official, but also reflects the aesthetic orientation of the time. For example, in the Qianlong Dynasty, in addition to the five python patterns, there are also embroidered patterns such as peonies and bats, which imply wealth and auspiciousness.

Color is another important factor that distinguishes the dragon robe from the python robe. The main color of the dragon robe is bright yellow, which is the exclusive color of the emperor. However, with the change of times, the color of the dragon robe has also undergone some changes. For example, Kangxi wore a navy blue dragon robe in his later years, and a dark green dragon robe appeared in the Yongzheng Dynasty. These changes reflected the emperor's personal aesthetic preferences and the flexibility of the dress system.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

The colors of the python robe are more diverse. The python robes of civil officials are usually cyan or purple, while military attachés are mostly red or brown. In addition, officials of different grades also have subtle differences in the color of python robes. For example, a first-rank civil official can wear a purple python robe, while a second-rank civil official can wear a dark blue python robe. This difference in color makes the python robe an important symbol to identify the identity of officials.

It is worth mentioning that the colors of the dragon robe and the python robe have also been affected by the changes of the times. For example, some dragon robes and python robes of the Qianlong Dynasty appeared on the new pigments introduced from the West, such as magenta and magenta, which reflected the cultural exchanges between China and the West at that time. At the same time, the choice of color is also related to the specific occasion. For example, during rituals, the emperor would wear a dark dragon robe instead of the usual bright yellow.

The differences in material, pattern and color between the dragon robe and the python robe not only reflect the strict hierarchy of the Qing Dynasty, but also show the superb level of arts and crafts at that time. From Kangxi to Qianlong, these costumes continued to evolve, maintaining both tradition and incorporating new elements, becoming an important symbol of Qing culture. Through these exquisite costumes, we can get a glimpse of the structure of Qing Dynasty society, aesthetic concepts, and the development of craftsmanship.

Fourth, the production process and technology of dragon robe and python robe

The craftsmanship and technology of the dragon robe and the python robe are the essence of the Qing Dynasty's clothing culture, reflecting the highest level of weaving, dyeing, embroidery and weaving skills at that time. The process of making these garments is not only a technical task, but also an art, which embodies the wisdom and painstaking efforts of countless craftsmen.

The production process of dragon robe is the most complex, and it usually needs to go through multiple links such as material selection, weaving, dyeing, embroidery, and sewing. First of all, the material selection process is crucial. The dragon robes of the Kangxi Dynasty were mostly made of high-quality silk, which was carefully selected to ensure that every silk thread was perfect. At the beginning of the Yongzheng Dynasty, the choice of fabrics for dragon robes became more diverse, and high-end fabrics such as cloud brocade and silk appeared. For example, a dragon robe made in the tenth year of Yongzheng (1732) uses Nanjing Yunjin as the fabric, which has a soft texture and a lustrous cloud.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

The weaving process is the core of the dragon robe production. The weaving technology of the Qing Dynasty was quite mature, and it was able to weave complex patterns directly on the fabric. Some dragon robes of the Qianlong Dynasty even adopted the technique of "weaving gold", weaving gold threads directly into the silk to form gorgeous golden dragon patterns. This technique requires a high level of weaving skill and precision looms, and every inch of fabric is the result of the efforts of the craftsmen.

Dyeing is another important link. The dyeing technology of the Qing Dynasty was already quite developed, and it was able to dye bright and long-lasting colors. The bright yellow color commonly used in dragon robes requires special dyes and processes. According to records, a yellowing technique of the Kangxi Dynasty used elm bark and madder roots, which were dyed several times to achieve the desired effect. At the beginning of the Yongzheng Dynasty, the dyeing technology was more sophisticated, and some new colors appeared, such as "cherry red", "navy blue", etc., and the production process of these colors was a secret of the palace.

Embroidery is the most delicate craft in the production of dragon robes. The embroidery technique of the Qing Dynasty had reached its peak, capable of embroidering lifelike dragon patterns and other motifs. The embroidery of the dragon robe of the Kangxi Dynasty is mainly flat embroidery, with simple and powerful lines. At the beginning of the Yongzheng Dynasty, embroidery techniques became more diverse, and new techniques such as cloisonné embroidery and panjin embroidery appeared. The dragon robe embroidery of the Qianlong Dynasty reached the pinnacle of art, and the dragon pattern on some dragon robes even adopted the "double-sided embroidery" technique, with complete patterns on both sides.

Although the production process of the python robe is not as complex as the dragon robe, it also has its own uniqueness. The fabric of the python robe is usually made of lighter silk, such as aya, luo, etc. The weaving of these fabrics requires special skills to ensure that they are both thin and tough. There are also strict requirements for the dyeing of python robes, and the color of official clothing of different grades is slightly different, and the dyeing process needs to be precisely controlled.

The embroidery process of the python robe should not be underestimated. Although the python pattern is not as complex as the dragon pattern, it still requires great skill. In particular, the python robes of some high-ranking officials, the embroidery process is comparable to that of dragon robes. For example, a python robe of a first-class military attache in the Qianlong Dynasty adopted the "gold thread embroidery" technique, and the nine python patterns were lifelike, which was not inferior to the dragon robe.

It is worth mentioning that the production of dragon robes and python robes also involves some special processes. For example, the "lacquer" process, in which gold dust is applied to an embroidered pattern to make the pattern more ornate. This technique was widely used on some dragon robes in the Qianlong Dynasty. Another special technique is "inlay", which is the inlay of precious materials such as pearls and gemstones in embroidery patterns. On a dragon robe of Yongzheng Dynasty, the dragon's eyes are inlaid with pearls, which is lifelike.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

The production of dragon robes and python robes also involves some auxiliary processes, such as cutting, sewing, etc. These seemingly simple processes actually require a high level of skill. For example, the neckline, cuffs, and other parts of the robe require special cutting techniques to ensure that they are comfortable to wear and do not compromise the overall aesthetics. The sewing process is even more exquisite, requiring a special stitch method to ensure that the stitches are concealed and firm.

With the development of the times, the production process of dragon robes and python robes is also constantly innovating. For example, in the late Qianlong period, a new weaving technique emerged, which could weave patterns of multiple colors on a piece of cloth at the same time, and this technique was applied to the production of python robes for some high-ranking officials. At the same time, some new technologies imported from the West were also introduced into the production of dragon robes and python robes, such as new dyes and looms, which injected new vitality into traditional crafts.

The production technology and technology of the dragon robe and the python robe not only reflect the highest level of arts and crafts in the Qing Dynasty, but also reflect the scientific and technological development and cultural exchanges of the society at that time. These exquisite craftsmanship have left us a valuable cultural heritage and become an important window into the society and history of the Qing Dynasty.

5. The historical evolution and cultural significance of the dragon robe and the python robe

The historical evolution of the dragon robe and the python robe not only reflects the development of the clothing culture of the Qing Dynasty, but also reflects the changes in social system, aesthetic concepts and cultural exchanges. From Kangxi to Qianlong, these two important dresses have undergone many changes, and each change contains rich historical information and cultural connotations.

The dragon robe and python robe of the Kangxi Dynasty were innovated on the basis of continuing the tradition of the Ming Dynasty. In the early years of Kangxi, the dragon robe still retained the basic style of the Ming Dynasty, but the details were changed. For example, in the seventh year of the Kangxi reign (1668), the "Clothing Color Customization" stipulated that the dragon pattern on the dragon robe was increased from nine to twelve, a change that reflected the strengthening of imperial power in the Qing Dynasty. At the same time, the style of the dragon pattern has also changed, becoming more concise and powerful, presenting a new aesthetic style.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

The python robe system of the Kangxi Dynasty was also gradually improved. In the tenth year of Kangxi (1671), the imperial court stipulated that first-class officials could wear nine python robes, and second-grade officials could wear seven python robes, and this system was used until the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is worth noting that the python robe of the Kangxi Dynasty was relatively simple in color, mainly blue and purple, which reflected the simple aesthetic orientation at that time.

The Yongzheng Dynasty was an important period for the development of dragon robes and python robes. Emperor Yongzheng himself attached great importance to clothing and personally participated in a number of clothing reforms. In terms of dragon robes, a variety of new styles appeared in the Yongzheng Dynasty. For example, a dragon robe made in the fifth year of Yongzheng (1727) adopts a new dragon pattern design, and the dragon's posture is more flexible, showing the effect of soaring through the clouds. This design later became a typical style of the dragon robe of the Qing Dynasty.

The python robe of the Yongzheng Dynasty has also undergone major changes. Emperor Yongzheng allowed some high-ranking officials to wear clothing similar to the dragon robe on special occasions, which was seen as a special compliment to meritorious heroes. For example, in the eighth year of Yongzheng (1730), the scholar Zhang Tingyu was given a dress similar to a dragon robe for his merits, which caused a great sensation at the time. This practice reflects the political wisdom of the Yongzheng Emperor's flexible use of the clothing system.

The Qianlong Dynasty was the heyday of the Qing Dynasty's clothing culture, and the design and production of dragon robes and python robes reached unprecedented heights. Emperor Qianlong himself was extremely particular about clothing, and it is recorded that he owned thousands of dragon robes during his lifetime. The dragon robe of the Qianlong Dynasty was more elaborate in design, and in addition to the traditional dragon pattern, a large number of auspicious patterns were added. For example, a longevity robe made in the 20th year of Qianlong (1755) not only has dragon patterns on it, but also embroidered with patterns such as longevity characters and bats, implying longevity.

The python robe of the Qianlong Dynasty is also more gorgeous. The python robe of a high-ranking official is almost comparable to the dragon robe in terms of material and craftsmanship. For example, in the 30th year of Qianlong (1765), a python robe was given to Heshen, using gold thread embroidery technology, and the whole costume was shiny with gold, showing the highest level of python robe production.

It is worth noting that the dragon robe and python robe of the Qianlong Dynasty began to appear under the influence of Western elements. For example, some dragon robes and python robes have appeared on the new pigments introduced from the West, such as "magenta", "magenta", etc. This reflects the cultural exchange between China and the West at that time, and also reflects the inclusiveness of the clothing culture of the Qing Dynasty.

From the dragon robe to the python robe: what changes did the Qing Dynasty's clothing form make? What is the difference in status?

The historical evolution of the dragon robe and the python robe is also closely related to some major historical events. For example, in the 50th year of Qianlong (1785), the British envoy Macartney came to China to meet the Qianlong Emperor, and the dragon robe worn by Qianlong at that time became an important medium for cultural exchanges between China and the West. Macartney described the style of this dragon robe in detail in his diary, which became an important source for the West to understand Chinese clothing culture.

The cultural significance of the dragon robe and the python robe is far-reaching. First of all, they are a direct manifestation of the hierarchy of the Qing Dynasty. Through the difference in clothing, it is possible to clearly distinguish the identity and status of people. Secondly, these costumes are an important carrier of traditional Chinese culture. Patterns such as dragon pattern and python pattern contain rich cultural connotations, reflecting Chinese's understanding of the universe and nature. Thirdly, the evolution of the dragon robe and the python robe reflects the changes in Qing society. From Kangxi to Qianlong, the changes in clothing reflect the changes in social atmosphere and aesthetic concepts.

In addition, the dragon robe and the python robe are also the culmination of traditional Chinese arts and crafts. From weaving and dyeing to embroidery, every process reflects the wisdom and skill of Chinese craftsmen. These garments are not only practical objects, but also works of art, showing the aesthetic pursuit of ancient China.

The historical evolution and cultural significance of the dragon robe and the python robe provide us with a unique perspective to understand the society, culture, and politics of the Qing Dynasty. Through these exquisite costumes, we can get a glimpse of the rise and fall of an empire and feel the profound heritage of Chinese civilization.

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