
Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post

author:The beauty short that will pick the skin
1: Wu Sign suicide is not saved?
Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post

Yesterday, many people came to ask Hammer Ye about wu signing the problem of suicide (the network exposed that he had a high fever and then took a needle in the hanging salt water to prick himself, the whole process did not say a word of suicide and constantly stabbed himself, and the nurses who stabbed more than a dozen times were screaming, saying that the hospital had completely blocked the news), this news if not everyone first came to ask Hammer Ye did not pay attention to, because now he is similar to the female vegetarian and personally related controversial topics, basically will not appear on the hot search.

The above things, with the actual situation that Hammer Ye has actually learned over the years, can only say that there are a few bugs in it: 1, when he pierces himself, he does not make a sound (he is a person who shouts at the injured person when he is filming, and the person who has a work injury in the working state is clamoring for leave, and after being locked up, he says that he knows all kinds of things like a poured bean, and he can be so cruel to himself at his own death and encouragement?). 2, the hospital has completely blocked the news, why can there be people who claim to be nurses who dare to spread it? Afraid that I feel that I have earned too little money in this job to resign? 3, high fever weakness can still take the needle hanging salt water to prick themselves? Although the infusion needle is a little painful, but how fine the needle is, you don't need to say more about the hammer, can you gg yourself a dozen times? That is not a good material for learning Chinese medicine, needle acupuncture points in place. So when no one around is watching him?

Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post

In addition, on the topic of his being sued by the brand (this kind of can still be on the hot search, after all, the brand side is also going to show how it is dragged down), this kind of thing must have privately contacted Wu's mother one step ahead, but the conversation is definitely not smooth and has affected the brand side, so the brand side will take the prosecution procedure. Regarding the matter of brand cooperation, before this kind of business resources are in the docking process, there is a big brand cooperation or out of the face to talk about, although the hammer said that the is really quite difficult to do, but I have to say that there is indeed a brush on the tearing resources.

During this time, his mother fucked her heart for this son, although she had been worried about her son wiping her son's ass before, but at that time, how to do it in a controllable state, she could see the road ahead. Now it is different, the way that can be thought of as an elder has been used, and the hammer master has also said that it is now a state of finding a relationship that no one pays attention to, spending a lot of money to the lawyer to let the other party help think of various ways to save the son, and he is also staring at the matter of directly managing the company, which already belongs to the state of self-care.

2: Hu Ge recruits black hair fans?
Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post
Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post

Now fans are often dissatisfied with the business ability of the artist team, so some can't control the emotions will be on the Internet a variety of diss, a few will say particularly ugly directly related to the photographer and stylist, etc., these words are not the artist team can not see, but some really lazy to pay attention. To be honest, the staff behind the scenes is not as easy as a small number of fans complain, and the so-called perfunctory in the eyes of fans is only the opinion of outsiders, and sometimes many decisions are not just choices made by the staff.

Just like this time Hu Ge came out to help the staff speak, fans complained that the staff perfunctorily put unprofessional photos, and even asked the studio to delete Weibo to resend photos (there are some words that look like being a mother to the artist, it seems that caring about the actual will not win any favor from the artist, and even how the private artist complains is not accurate, after all, the hammer and his friends are not the first time to see the artist spit on the fans, and even spit is to say that it is good, encountering too positive fans, some artists directly scold after getting on the car), As a result, the artist posted chat records to indicate that it was the publicity photo he selected, which happened to Liu Xueyi at the same time, and he directly asked the fans on Weibo not to ask too much, and also asked the fans not to shoot at the staff.

Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post

Hu Ge's matter is actually very simple, he is such a coffee position of the artist can not have no right to speak, even the second and third-line artists have their own right to choose the picture, and even take the initiative to send which photos, not to mention his situation. Fans think that it is for the sake of the artist, the artist will not accept it in its entirety, interfering in the arrangement of the artist team and pointing fingers at them, in the eyes of others, it is not a move for your good for him, and it will not thank the fans for it.

Just like hammer grandpa advised a small number of fans before, don't worry too much about artists, don't worry too much about things that shouldn't be worried, there are works to see and listen to, with too much real feeling to spend a lot of energy and money to chase artists, in their eyes may not take these as a good. If the star does not appreciate it, those efforts are only touching themselves.

3: Liu Yifei's old routine beauty is ridiculed?
Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post

Liu Yifei did not have a stable cooperative relationship with the platform side before, the topic is not much and not long on the hot search, the most frequent time is in the "Mulan" warm-up and publicity before and after this stage, her own team also has to cooperate with the marketing topic arrangement planning, in addition to spending more money is the film side, the film side in the publicity is really a hard work, from domestic to overseas all did not let go, although the film did not reach the expected fire, but this marketing frequency is already her business peak state.

Now that "Dream Hualu" is in the stage of needing to warm up, it is natural that there will be relevant hot search topics, and as the main actor, her personal topics will also increase accordingly, and there is also a relationship between the women's team and the platform side. She is no longer as unsustainable as before, on the contrary, after reaching cooperation, there will be topics like #white clothes old photos# appearing on hot searches, rather than more negative controversial topics like before.

Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post

In addition, Hammer Ye found that compared to the appearance of the drag down of the artist to buy hot search to occupy the audience's attention, more melon friends still want to see the male and female actors with good looks on the hot search, although in terms of acting Skills Liu Yifei has been in a state of mixed praise, netizens mock her acting skills are also a frequent occurrence, but as long as the face value of the topic of most people's views are still unanimously recognized. Now the inner fish has no acting skills, no face value can also play the main role, but also to highlight the sense of existence, compared to this kind of artists who do not occupy both ends, netizens should be able to accept Liu Yifei.

4: Jin Han is dissatisfied with the appearance of the diss?
Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post

Before hammer ye said, Jin Han in terms of resources is not short of male works sent to the door, this is mainly due to his own "responsible" agent, and the family background is not bad these two reasons, to say that it is to see his acting skills to take the initiative to contact the fear is too much. His current state has not yet reached that level, the heat is not as good as the first-line traffic, the acting skills are not as good as the old drama bones, and the appearance is not as much as more, so everyone who understands understands where his resources come from.

Like the "Junjiuling" producer responded to the question about jin Han's casting, everyone just look at it, the words spoken are all answered, and they will not seriously reply to this question from the perspective of the audience, saying that he meets the masculinity of the "general" role can not talk about the appearance of the face, can not only lean on the "masculine" (otherwise, why give yourself a step down, is it really to the camera to offend people by the way to hit their own faces, this time very regret to choose him? )。

Wu Sign, Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, Jin Han, and the Furious Shadow Emperor were violently beaten by the shadow queen, replying to the breaking news post

In fact, if his family takes advantage of this time to market to self-deprecation (similar operations have been done by other artists before, and the effect is good, it can also circle fans), maybe it will not be ridiculed as it is now, but the artist's own idol burden is extremely heavy and refuses to nod, then the natural team does not dare to make its own opinion, and then the artist refuses to cooperate with the topic, which is even more embarrassing. So it's not that he doesn't give him a chance to change his impression, it's that he's not willing to compromise.

5: Furious Shadow Emperor beaten by Shadow Queen?

Rage Movie Emperor in the business ability is undoubtedly recognized inside and outside the circle of the type, and there are well-known film and television masterpieces in hand, but these years he himself picked the drama of the strong, coupled with the stinky temper offended a lot of peers and big guys in the circle, so there is also a certain impact on his resources, as long as he appears with him on a liquor bureau, the day will leave a not very good impression, because he is a well-known wine poor every time must play drunk madness, mouth is not covered to everyone afraid to appear with him on the same liquor board. In the early years, there were often contradictions in the process of cooperation with Sasshuang Film, small contradictions appeared on the shooting scene, both sides were dissatisfied with each other's work, the woman was particularly annoyed that the man drank too much and did not start work on time, the man because of the woman's previous emotional experience was particularly low to her, and felt that her private life was very chaotic and the evaluation was very poor. Anyway, many times the contradictions are accumulated, it is easy to have accidents, and they will completely explode at a party after the end of their cooperation. The man borrowed wine to go crazy and talk nonsense on the innings, first from the other actors in the same film began to ridicule, and then developed to everyone to persuade him when he has become more and more hi, while drinking while saying that he despises the shadow queen in his heart, crazy diss Women are not in order to accompany the wine to the position and other difficult to hear, saying that at least dozens of people present at the time of these have heard. That time was the first time that the woman lost her mind in public, she angrily picked up the guy in her hand and threw it at the Emperor of The Shadow, directly smashing the head of the Emperor of the Shadow to "blossom", and the two had not eased up since the time of the fight.

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