
Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows
Monogatari: Eyebrows, like a painting, paint all the love, hate, joy and sorrow of a woman's life, and paint all kinds of moods in a woman's life.

In the eyes of the ancients, the first criterion of appearance is eyebrows. "The water is the eye wave, the mountain is the eyebrow peak gathering", the double eyebrows are like the green hills, the waves are like water, the mountains and rivers are suitable, and the square is a beauty.

The poet Mu Xin said: "The eyebrows are fixed and static, and once the eyebrows move, they are more attractive than the eyes." "The eyes are subjects, and the eyebrows are kings." As the saying goes, eyebrows are affectionate.

Therefore, for women, thrush is an extremely important thing. Deep, shallow, long, short, eyebrow geometry, who paints each other, each has its own exquisite.

A smile, a painting, is all put into affection.

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows
Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

The ancients called the eyebrow "rainbow of seven emotions". Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows.

During the Han Dynasty, "Yuanshan Mei" was popular. The "Miscellaneous Records of Xijing" once recorded: "WenJun is good, and his eyebrows are like looking at distant mountains." "It's the talented woman Zhuo Wenjun." Her eyebrows are slender, slightly pale in color, comfortable and clear. When they fell in love, they eloped, and when they learned that the other party was going to change their hearts, they first wrote a "Farewell Book". Some women are like this, the light and the moon, like this distant mountain.

In the Tang Dynasty, the eyebrow makeup style was extremely prosperous, Tang Xuanzong once ordered the painting work "Ten Eyebrows", Mandarin duck eyebrows, small mountain eyebrows, Han smoke eyebrows, inverted eyebrows... Far more than that, Tang Dynasty women's thrushes can be three hundred and sixty-five days without heavy samples.

And the women in Chang'an City, the most favorite painting is the moth eyebrow.

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows
Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

Yang Guifei's third sister, Lady Yuguo, liked to face the sky in Su Rili, and often felt that "fat powder stained color", only when she was facing the saint, she painted a pair of moth eyebrows, and rode into the palace gate. The moth's eyebrows are short and broad, and the ends are raised, which is a strong stroke on the eyebrows. Lady Yu Guo relied solely on a pair of moth eyebrows, showing the natural beauty and confident and free style of a Tang woman.

Knowing the eyebrows, the first acquaintance with a person, looking at the double eyebrows can know one or two.

Just like Lin Daiyu, when Bao Yu first saw her, "two bends like a furrowed eyebrow, a pair of eyes that seem to be happy or not happy", close to look at it carefully, see her eyebrows are like a frown, if there is no frown, she is weak and weak as Xizi wins three points, and then wants to take a word for Daiyu. And because "the West has a stone name, which can replace the ink of the eyebrows", it was later given the word "颦颦", which can be described as wonderful.

The eyebrow shape of the beauty is varied, but there are a hundred charms and thousands of styles.

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows
Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

Looking at the eyebrows, it is a variety of styles. Thrush, on the other hand, has a gentle affection.

The Western Han Dynasty Jing Zhaoyin opened his eyes, pitied his wife's eyebrows with scars, and got up early every day to draw her eyebrows.

The sky was just clear, the brocade curtain next to the bed was still half hanging and half rolled, and Zhang Chang and his lover looked at the mirror with disgust. At this moment, the boy's true color is transformed into a soft finger, one hand gently supports the other party's chin, the other hand takes a pen to dip the eyebrow ink, outlines the eyebrow shape, and then gently depicts, the gesture is extremely skilled. Occasionally, he looked down and smiled and asked how he was drawing. It wasn't until the person in front of him, Liu Bo, looked forward to Gu Jian and smiled, that he was relieved to put down his eyebrow pencil.

On such a quiet morning, the two people in the mirror are affectionately opposite, gentle and delicate, and look at each other tirelessly. In this painting and painting, the deep love of husband and wife is revealed.

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

As for the discussion of the ministers of the DPRK and China, Zhang Chang was also full of concern, saying, "The ministers have heard about the boudoir, the private affairs of the husband and wife, and there are people who are too thrushed. "For the couple, thrush is the joy of the boudoir and the love of husband and wife, which is extremely important.

When a woman gives the eyebrow pencil in her hand to others, she has a heart to belong to and a strong feeling. It is to get a promise that wishes to win the hearts of a person and the white head is inseparable, and I also want to feel the affection of a stroke and a painting slowly telling one day and one night.

At the end of "The Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens", Zhao Min asked Zhang Wuji to draw eyebrows for her every day from now on, which is why.

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

Zhang Wuji smiled and agreed, and then he lifted his pen. But after seeing Zhou Zhiruo outside the window, "all of a sudden, there were mixed feelings, and I didn't know whether I was happy or worried, my hand trembled, and a pen fell on the table."

Zhao Min loves Zhang Wujie, but he is not the only one zhao min, if the man is as inconsistent as he is, wandering, this thrush love, do not want to stop.

In the square inch boudoir, between husband and wife, whether it is "makeup and whisper to the husband," the depth of the thrush is not there", or "raise your hand to put the last stroke for your thrush", this small action is not only for the beautiful makeup, but also for more promises and affection between the two.

Let the affection be long, transformed into a dynasty to draw eyebrows for you.

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows
Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

The ancients were subtle, not exposed, but could be placed on the eyebrows.

There is a saying: the eyebrows are as promised, and they can carry idle sorrows. If the mountain wants to rain, the eyebrows should also speak. When the young girl is pregnant with spring, she "opens her eyebrows to see the king", and when she has tens of thousands of heavy worries, she "idles and does not speak", and through a pair of eyebrows, she can express many children's feelings.

"The Biography of Zhen Huan" says that in Zhen Huan's life, her various moods of love and hate and sorrow are revealed on this pair of eyebrows.

When she first entered the palace, she was dressed in a light green dress, her eyebrows were curved, and the color was light and elegant, just like the white hibiscus she wore on the first day of entering the palace, there was a hazy beauty, and she was not familiar with the world but was playful and flexible.

The deep palace organs were exhausted, and Zhen Huan, who was in the predicament of falling out of favor, her eyebrows became thinner and lighter, and the top of her eyebrows went down slightly, at this time, she was fully wronged, and she was also more stoic and lowered her eyebrows.

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

After Zhen Huan decided to return to the palace, the eyebrows became raised, the tail of the eyebrows became more pointed, and the woman with hatred and combat effectiveness was more aggressive and sharp.

In the past ten years, Zhen Huan is no longer the cardamom girl when she entered the palace at the beginning of the year, she has experienced various vicissitudes, and she has better understood the sinister people's hearts.

In a person's life, it is impossible to maintain the same state of mind forever, or joy or sorrow, or ignorance or maturity, always changing and growing.

And this change of feelings from the woman's heart was handed over to the eyebrows.

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

"Eight years old sneak peeking in the mirror, long eyebrows can already draw", the woman began to draw eyebrows from a very young age, until the white hair is green. Some people say that every woman will paint a picture in her life, and the picture is her own eyebrows.

For thousands of years, women have always dressed themselves up tirelessly, telling stories of beauty and telling stories of life.

Eyebrows, like a painting, paint all the love, hate, joy and sorrow of a woman's life, and paint all kinds of moods in a woman's life. In the end, the woman is finally depicting her innermost affection.

They have painted and painted all their lives, using this pair of eyebrows to tell a piece of affection, painting a painting called "love".

Where does it end? Love for yourself.

Why did ancient women attach so much importance to thrush? Thousands of styles, all between the eyebrows

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