
All the way the flowers bloom only for dreams - listening to Teacher Chen Zhou's speech has a feeling

author:Pea ljl

What is life? The most beautiful encounter after an experience; the calmness of facing after a tribulation; a choice without regret after walking through it, it is also the most beautiful encounter of growth and transformation. Therefore the heavens will send down a great task, and the people will first suffer their hearts, strain their bones, and starve their bodies. Eat bitterly, bear tired and tired, still laugh and talk about life in the face of despair, only to cut through the clouds and see the light, and meet the best self at the corner of life.

Childhood, imperfections in good times

The best memories in life are childhood, the care of parents, the frolicking of childhood companions, accompanied by carefree happiness, but all of this seems to be out of touch with him.

When his three-year-old father was involved in gambling, he was doomed to tragedy in the family, and his mother left with his brothers, which made him lose his childhood maternal love. Since childhood, he has lived a poor life with his grandfather.

At the age of thirteen, he decided to go to a big city that he longed for, on the way to the train without money to buy a ticket, when he realized that he was on the wrong car and jumped down, this jump was the moment that changed the trajectory of his life, life is so impermanent, you never know tomorrow and disaster that come first. He lost his legs, and this person was Teacher Chen Zhou.

The loss of his legs was another beginning of life, and it also meant that he could not walk the world, and he hid in the house and watched the dogs in the courtyard enviously, just because they could walk. In the face of the dark cabin life, he still chose to enter life, and said that he should "climb" out.

Once free to walk is a luxury that will not be able to have in this lifetime, the ridicule of the former friends, the incomprehensible eyes of passers-by, who can really appreciate what kind of mood it is?

Maybe this is not the worst, when he once again comes to the big city he dreams of, and is caught as a little beggar, we can't compare what kind of torture it is, in order to escape the pursuit of others, hiding in the garbage can of helplessness and fear, fighting with dogs for bones, and fighting with rats for food. What kind of insult and helplessness is it to be lifted up and thrown to the ground by passers-by?

bitter? What is suffering? That hopeless torture is bitterness, right? If so, Heaven closed a door for him, but forgot to open that window.

Life is lived for no reason and no hope. What is an ideal? A warm sun in the winter, a little coolness in the summer is the best luxury, I thought of "The Little Girl Who Sold Matches", and finally Grandma took her, and he, after looking for death seven or eight times but hopelessly, persevered. When you can't go back to your old life, you have to face your current life.

Singers go all over the world

If a person does not have a reason to choose to persist, what is the reason for giving up?

Once, a beautiful girl saw him, subconsciously took money out of her pocket, and turned back while running in fear, which woke him up. Before that, there was a full meal and a dress that might be his whole world, and at this moment he was thinking: Why live? How to live? Is there a better way to live by? He chose to fend for himself.

He sold newspapers, shined shoes, and lived the humblest of times with dignity. Sunshine always strives to squeeze into the cracks in the darkness, he finally sees a little light of his own, he joined the singing team, and has to say that heaven is fair, when you choose to face the hardships of life, he will give you the harvest after paying.

His singing voice is so beautiful, "Sailor" I first met Zheng Zhihua, and today by Chen Zhou sung, let me realize what this pain is in the wind and rain, wipe away the tears do not be afraid of the real boy. A person who impresses the audience with his singing, walks the world with his hands, and creates a miracle of life.

Meet the best of yourself around the corner

Man, why do they live? As the saying goes: Man fights for a breath, Buddha fights for a pillar of incense, and this breath is the will and the spirit of not accepting defeat.

"Mencius, Confession" said: "Acting to disturb what they do is also, so they are moved to endure and gain what they cannot do." "Heaven's test for him has always been there.

At the foot of Mount Tarzan, look at the ridicule of the crowd: Will you climb the mountain? With the mental strength of how the Great Khan of Shandong could not resist losing, he climbed to the top of the mountain after eleven hours. When he climbed to the top of the mountain and climbed to nowhere to climb, the happiness of the small mountains made him realize the joy of success, and the pursuit of not success but his own dignity.

So, he chose to keep this happiness in his heart, that is his original idea, when the idea continues to succeed and realize in life, this is the dream come true.

Every time he climbs a mountain, kisses the top of the mountain, and shouts from the depths of his life, he releases all that he has: not easy, wronged, suffering, proof.

He fell in love with climbing mountains, he climbed one hundred and twenty mountains, and successfully climbed Mount Everest this April, known as the legless giant.

All of this made him confident, and he completely released himself: climbing mountains, skydiving, swimming, football, drilling the desert, you can't imagine, he did it.

This reminds me of Haidi Zhang: "I am like a shooting star, I want to leave the light to the world." With such an ideal, she studied and worked with extraordinary perseverance and sang a song of life. Nick Hu zhe: "I love my life, nothing can stop me, but am I happy all the time?" No, I'm going to get hurt, I'm hurt, and I can't do anything, and it's going to make me feel very miserable. ”

The mountains are in front, the road is at the foot, what makes them bloom so much? Not accepting defeat, proof of life, self-confidence and self-acceptance after proof, is the love of life. In life, there is a mutilated body but there is a spirit that is not mutilated. Those who understand you don't need to say more, and those who don't understand don't need to say more.

Along the way, there will be support, flowers, praise, encouragement, but also ridicule, teasing, puzzlement, and insults. Taste and read the taste of life, it is not easy to understand the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. The bumpy experience has made his heart strong enough to face the ups and downs of life.

At the beginning, he would not have thought that the doll who even had to look up to the three-year-old would become a singer and an inspirational master along the way. Life is like a pot, you have no suffering, there will be no boiling life; no persistence will fail you; mountaineering is not known to the world, only to see the world better.

Stick to your original dreams and fight for them.

He used his life to interpret a truth: if the body is mutilated, life can still bloom the most beautiful chapter.

The first time I met him was in the aisle between the volunteer teacher and the leading angel, his face was full of confidence and determination, and his face under the stage lighting was full of suits and leather shoes, neck ties, and glasses, which brought us happiness, humor and perseverance, and let us experience his enthusiasm and hardship in the song. From wandering singers to inspirational masters, gorgeous turns prove the power of dreams and will allow you to meet your best self.

Without suffering, don't talk about life, reflect on our lives, what are you still struggling with? What's the point? Don't wait until you lose it to feel how precious it is to have what you once had, what is the richest to have the present, what is the hardship? How to see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain. Look for victory in defeat, look for hope in despair.

There is always a way for you to walk alone, a person who is strong and brave, and who meets a better self because of persistence. When you realize that tribulation is the passport to success, you're halfway there!

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