
Du Feng, head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team: I am related to her, and I will definitely make her the happiest wife

Du Feng, head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team: I am related to her, and I will definitely make her the happiest wife

A person's initial pursuit, from the influence of the family, his most distant dreams, but also born from the family, a person's life growth, will also grow with the growth of the family, he every step forward, the family will make great contributions with him, and the hardships and setbacks he experienced, will also have some pressure on the family, and with the support of the family, try to overcome, a person's struggle, often not he alone in the struggle, but has a great relationship with the family, is under the help and influence of all members of the family, Towards the dream, strive to move forward.

Du Feng is a CBA championship team coach, has led the team to win many championships, he was born in 1981, his mother worked in Xinjiang Sports School, learned speed skating and high jumping at a young age, junior high school began to learn to play basketball, when applying for basketball in the sports school, he was only 1.78 meters tall and only two centimeters away from the recruitment standard, resulting in the exam falling off the list, because her mother went out to fight for the coach, he only entered the sports school, and then entered the Xinjiang sports team, after a period of time, went to Beijing Sport University to study, was favored by the Guangdong Hongyuan team coach, and entered the Guangdong team. In his career, he has been selected for the Men's Basketball Team of the Olympic Games and asian championships many times, and performed well in the Athens Olympic Games, this time, the Chinese men's blue team reached the quarterfinals. He retired in 2012 and became a basketball coach. Sometimes, geniuses will also encounter setbacks, but when they encounter difficulties, they should not be discouraged, find ways to solve difficulties, persist, and have confidence in themselves.

Du Feng, head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team: I am related to her, and I will definitely make her the happiest wife

Du Feng was born to her mother when she was forty years old, at that time, her mother was already an advanced maternal age, his father was very worried, did not want his wife to risk, but his mother insisted on giving birth to him, and, in the process of giving birth to him, there were two power outages, his mother was also nervous at the time, but in the end there was no danger, Du Feng landed safely in the world. Du Feng's father was a volleyball celebrity, and Yuan Weimin is a contemporary player, his mother has also been trained under the devil coach Omatsu Bowen, and he has also been personally received by Premier Zhou, both of them are elites and celebrities in the sports world, a child born in such a family, destined to be related to sports, fate is the development opportunities in the process of growth.

After entering the sports school, his figure grew 10cm taller, exceeding the basketball player admission standard of 1.80 meters, after the sports school fell off the list, his mother asked around for a home remedy to increase height, heard that the smell of cucumbers and coriander mixed can promote the growth of the body, she followed the square, tested on his body, and finally, he grew to 2.07 meters tall. Her mother once said that the child was born by herself, his shortcomings she knew best, others were not willing to point to the mistakes of her son, she criticized her son to help him grasp the direction of life growth. Since Du Feng was 15 years old, his mother has been teaching him how to be a person, and excellent children are educated and guided by a good mother.

Du Feng, head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team: I am related to her, and I will definitely make her the happiest wife

Du Feng is a filial piety child, every time his mother criticizes, he patiently accepts, but when he faces his mother's excessive criticism, he feels that his mother is a bit nagging, and in the face of this situation, the mother changes her strategy, and she writes down what she wants to say to her son on a note to encourage her son. Moreover, she collected all the reports of her son's competition, carefully read it, and then, put forward some suggestions and ideas for her son. After her son became an adult, Du Feng's mother wanted to personally find a girlfriend for her, but she was rejected by her son, believing that she was still very young and needed to play well, and did not want to affect the game because of love. Poor mothers in the world always put one of their own love on their sons.

After that, in order to take care of him, the family moved to Dongguan, and his mother opened a restaurant in Dongguan in order to let him eat delicious hometown dishes, featuring Xinjiang style, named Lily Ti Hotel. In 2004, Du Feng ate his mother's hometown meals for many years, and jumped from the title of "Rib Trapeze" to the captain of the team's boss Hongyuan team "Lao Du". In 2006, he was selected for the Chinese Men's Blue, preparing for the Beijing Olympic Games, and Ma Chenfei trained in the same venue, Ma Chenfei is a swimmer, because they are Hui, the two often go to the halal restaurant of the training hall to eat, each other has a deep impression and concern for each other, after that, Ma Chenfei due to injury, early retirement, went to a university radio and television department major, during school, the school TV station gave her a task, let her interview an athlete, her mother gave her help, found Zhang Jinsong, But she did not contact the other party, so her mother introduced her to Du Feng again. Du Feng and Ma Chenfei's mother met, but also because when preparing for the Beijing Olympic Games, they were both Hui and ate together in a halal restaurant, and they knew Ma Chenfei before. Thousands of miles of marriage are tied, and the right people will always know and fall in love with each other through some coincidences and encounters.

Du Feng, head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team: I am related to her, and I will definitely make her the happiest wife

In the process of interviewing Du Feng, Ma Chenfei felt very nervous, actually forgot to take the voice recorder recording, Du Feng reminded on the side, she followed the outline, let Du Feng answer the question, the interview is over, although the interview is over, but the topic of the two is not over, after the interview, the two chatted together for two or three hours, after a period of time, the two got along, established a romantic relationship, and had a three-year relationship. In this regard, Du Feng once said that although we have known each other for three years, the real time together is very short, and she understands my career very well. Ma Chenfei said about the love situation between the two, Du Feng is not good at expressing emotions in words, their love is not romantic, very real, but Du Feng is very considerate of her, often carefully care for and take care of her, everything he does makes her feel very much, they understand each other's feelings, which is her favorite way of love. In fact, this is the heart-to-heart seal, good love, that is, the two people have a spirit in their hearts. Fly with wings.

The two got married in 2009, and when they were about to marry Ma Chenfei, Du Feng said that I was related to her, and I would definitely make her the happiest wife. Ma Chenfei's father is a weightlifter Ma Wenguang, who works in the General Administration of Sports, she once won the youth swimming championships and broke four national swimming youth records, not a family does not enter the door, said, are athletes, this is the basis of feelings. Du Feng is a family lover, from childhood and family relationship, as soon as he comes home, he is willing to chat with his parents, tell his family about his interesting things, he has three sisters, every time he goes home to bring gifts to his sisters, sometimes, he will bring them a large bag of clothes, every time, the family gets together, always have to wait for people to get together, before eating together, hours, the family is not rich, there are good things, the family always has to let each other eat, which makes him develop a good habit, at any time, the family is mainly home, home is always the first.

Du Feng, head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team: I am related to her, and I will definitely make her the happiest wife

In his career, his wife has helped him a lot, ma Chenfei once said that her heart is very conflicted, but since she is a wife, she unconditionally supports his work. When Du Feng retired, his wife said that he could completely maintain a good competitive state and play for a few more years, which was a bit regrettable. When he plays, I am always worried, afraid of what injuries he will encounter, I may care more about his body than others, after he retires, I will worry a lot less, in fact, I am also very conflicted. It shows that the wife loves her husband deeply, and always thinks and cares about him, worries about him, and worries about him.

Ma Chenfei, a woman who knows and understands her husband very well, said that she will unconditionally stand behind Du Feng and support and believe in him. Du Feng's retirement, she is actually very happy in her heart, because after he went to the national team, the family was finally able to reunite, Ma Chenfei usually works in Beijing and lives in Beijing. In the profession, Du Feng has a very personality, during the coaching period, the results are very outstanding, the annual salary reached about 2 million, when he played, he was called "rib trapeze", the bouncing explosive power is outstanding, and Zhu Fangyu is called Guangdong "Twin Star". The couple has a son, who has cultivated his son's personal hobbies from an early age and sent him to basketball camps, but they respect their son's choices and will firmly support him if he wants to go the way of playing. Ma Chenfei opened a restaurant, the son then carried out professional training, the two were busy, sometimes, the son would go to see Du Feng's game, and Du Feng would accompany his family as soon as he had time, he was a good man with a loving and responsible heart, who struggled in his career at the same time, but also put his family fashion in his heart.

Du Feng, head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team: I am related to her, and I will definitely make her the happiest wife

During his coaching, he won the best coach of the CBA many times, and also became the head coach of the national team, bringing out many excellent players, when competing for the head coach of the national team, no one initially looked up to him, but at his own insistence, he led the team to play the fifth in Asia, he said, to dare to take responsibility and face, at the beginning, he led the Guangdong team to lose to the Shanxi team, was shouted by tens of thousands of spectators to let him go of class, and was also called "poisonous bee", but he gritted his teeth and persevered, and then led the team to win three league championships in the next few years. The truly responsible person is the one who can persist and face reality, and challenge reality to achieve success.

A person who loves the family will also be conscientious and conscientious of his career, a person who can persist will also achieve good results in the career, a happy family, will have great help in the career, want to make the career progress, first of all, let the family be happy and happy, get the support of the family, in their own career will also be more confident and more confident, the pursuit, but also more persistent and lasting, life to the high and far to see, love to the harmony and satisfaction of the same, career and love, to move forward side by side, both hands to hold, both hands to be hard.

Text/House Slave

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