
"Strengthening the Construction of Rural Grassroots Party Organizations" The Cao County General Brigade went to Niji, Brick Temple, and Weiwan Town Street to conduct field research

author:Nine factions view the world

On November 3, the provincial party sent Lu Jianchun, head of the fifth round of "First Secretary" working group, deputy secretary of the county party committee and chief of the general team, to lead the Cao County General Team of "Strengthening the Construction of Rural Grassroots Party Organizations" to the three town streets of Niji Street, Brick Temple Town and Weiwan Town, to conduct on-the-spot research and understanding of the construction of beautiful and livable villages, mass resettlement and the construction of grass-roots party organizations, listen to the relevant situation reports of local cadres, and study and promote measures. Li Jin, secretary of the party committee of Brick Temple Town, Wang Aihua, secretary of the party committee of Weiwan Town, Chen Jian, director of the Niji Street Office, and Chen Zhihua, captain of the Niji Street Squad, accompanied the investigation.

In the Cuihe community of Niji Street, Lu Jianchun listened to the report of Niji Street and the working group stationed in the village on the construction of new houses, learned in detail about housing construction, water and electricity heating facilities, and industrial development in the village, and went to the construction site for on-site inspection. Lu Jianchun demanded that we should raise our political standing, pay close attention to project construction, coordinate and resolve the problems existing in the construction process as soon as possible, and realize the dream of the masses living in peace.

"Strengthening the Construction of Rural Grassroots Party Organizations" The Cao County General Brigade went to Niji, Brick Temple, and Weiwan Town Street to conduct field research

Subsequently, Lu Jianchun and his party rushed to the Yaotang community in Brick Temple Town, communicated with the "two committees" of the community and some villagers, and listened carefully to their opinions and demands on the construction of new rural areas.

"Strengthening the Construction of Rural Grassroots Party Organizations" The Cao County General Brigade went to Niji, Brick Temple, and Weiwan Town Street to conduct field research

During the visit, a villager named Yan Chao from Yaotang Community warmly invited Lu Jianchun to visit his home to visit the new house he had been assigned. He sighed at Lu Jianchun: Still the party's policy is good, and we will no longer have to be covered in soil on sunny days and mud on rainy days. Today, I also live the life of a city person with "electric lights and telephones, upstairs and downstairs".

"Strengthening the Construction of Rural Grassroots Party Organizations" The Cao County General Brigade went to Niji, Brick Temple, and Weiwan Town Street to conduct field research

Lu Jianchun pointed out that in helping and supporting villages, it is necessary to tightly twist the "bull nose" of strengthening the construction of rural grass-roots party organizations, handle well the relationship between supporting the development of village dwellings and cultivating endogenous power, turn the effectiveness of "blood transfusion" into the ability of "hematopoiesis", and promote the healthy development of all work in newly built village communities.

In the Fuxing community of Weiwan Town, Lu Jianchun learned in detail about the reuse of the demolished land, solicited opinions and suggestions on the promotion of the project, and inspected the project construction site on the spot.

"Strengthening the Construction of Rural Grassroots Party Organizations" The Cao County General Brigade went to Niji, Brick Temple, and Weiwan Town Street to conduct field research

Lu Jianchun pointed out: We must regard safeguarding the people's housing needs as an important task, find out problems and deficiencies, be cautious from beginning to end, do a good job in all work, always understand the situation and demands of the masses, and truly send the care of the party and the government to them.

Subsequently, Lu Jianchun learned in detail about the work, life and study of the Niji Street Squad and the working groups, fully affirmed the solid, effective, healthy and orderly work of the squad, and put forward the requirements for work objectives, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the town streets and communities for providing a good working environment and living conditions for the team, as well as for their strong support and cooperation in the work.

Lu Jianchun demanded that the task force should redouble its efforts, strengthen its own study, improve its political attainment, earnestly shoulder its due duties and missions, and do a good job as the party's policy "propaganda team," the "promotion team" for rural governance, and the "service team" for private affairs, so as to contribute wisdom and strength to the comprehensive development of village communities.

"Strengthening the Construction of Rural Grassroots Party Organizations" The Cao County General Brigade went to Niji, Brick Temple, and Weiwan Town Street to conduct field research

【Source: Cao County Party Building】

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