
Pan Chunsheng, the candidate of the Top Ten Loyal Defenders, "ate through" the traces of the scene, and the murderer could not escape his eyes

author:Henan Police

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Pan Chunsheng, male, 52 years old, trace inspection engineer, special criminal investigation expert of the Henan Provincial Public Security Department, is currently the deputy captain of the criminal investigation brigade of the Qishan County Public Security Bureau. In the past thirty years since joining the police, Comrade Pan Chunsheng has been fighting in the front line of cracking down on crime and investigating and cracking cases, and has gradually grown from a technician to an excellent investigator and a sharp soldier on the criminal investigation front. Thirty years as a day, down-to-earth, willing to dedicate, no complaints, no regrets, poured full enthusiasm for public security criminal investigation work, adhered to a scientific and rigorous attitude, and successfully solved a large number of major criminal cases. He has been awarded the title of "May 1st" Labor Medal and "Model Worker of Qishan County" for five consecutive years, and has been rated as an advanced worker and an outstanding Communist Party member for many consecutive years. We have always adhered to the principle that "murder cases must be solved" and severely cracked down on "two robberies and one theft" and "telecommunications fraud" that endanger the vital interests of the masses and other crimes of sexual assault on property. In the past 30 years since the police, more than 380 criminal suspects have been arrested, more than 30 murder cases have been cracked, more than 1,800 cases of "theft and deception" and other types have been detected, and more than 10 million yuan of economic losses have been recovered for the people.