
Love yourself in your own way

author:Watch the sea and listen to the rain

Today is the Winter Clothing Festival, go to the grave in the morning, go to the grave in the afternoon, busy and mourning relatives for most of the day, full of negative energy in your heart, just think of finding a book to read.

Opened the WeChat reading, turned to Su Hei's "Love Yourself is a Lifelong Practice", and was once again attracted by the title of the book.

Love yourself in your own way

Slipping into the reading, I see the author say this in the preface: "Growth is a process tempered from trauma; maturity is stability that struggles from growth." In an instant, my heart was filled with a sense of identity.

Looking further down, the author does not just talk about reasoning, but talks about simple living conditions.

Get up in the morning with the sun, wash, take care of, do exercise, what to eat at brunch, what to eat at noon, what to do, and at dusk to go out for a walk, buy vegetables, cook, do before going to bed...

Look, this is a simple daily life of a person, quiet, simple, day after day, just maintaining a quiet focus of life.

But such a simple and quiet life is a luxurious life that I envy.

The business entered a loss, the father and brother died one after another, the mother suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and the chicken flew and the dog jumped every day.

Love yourself in your own way

However, when I saw this sentence in the book, I suddenly felt a little healed.

"All the sufferings you have suffered are karmic obstacles in your previous lives, and the debts you have repaid in this life can only be taken to the path of liberation."

"Laughter is an attempt at self-salvation. No matter how bad life is, the outer world will not redeem you according to what you need, and you can only get rid of the bad luck you are falling into in your own way. ”

Yes, when the pain is extreme, laugh out loud, exaggerated laughter, bold laughter, whether it is really crying or strong laughter, the body will indeed relax a little, and the negative energy will be reduced a lot.

Love yourself in your own way

"Responding to a sad and happy life with laughter is really no big deal."

Love yourself in your own way, be righteous and ask for goodness without shame, and there is no hardship that cannot be crossed.

Life is to be simple and contented, confident and self-loving, not to disturb oneself, regardless of shadow self-pity, everyone lives not easy, slowly love, live quietly, embrace themselves and the world, try to enjoy the rare beauty in this world, so it is good.