
The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

author:The flower planter on the road to the sea of stars

The angel rescued Lot, his wife, and two daughters and made them flee to Joel. The Lord sent sulphur and fire down from heaven with Sodom and Gomorrah, destroying those cities and all the plains, and all the inhabitants of the cities, even those who grew on the earth."

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

"In an instant, the smoke rose all over the plain, like a kiln. Lot's wife did not heed the angel's warning, took care of Sodom, and when she looked back, she became a pillar of salt."

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

When God was about to destroy the sin city of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were indulging in masculinity and fornication, Abraham interceded with him, and Jehovah promised that if he could find ten righteous men in the city, he would not destroy the city, but the angel only found The Lot's family in the city of Sodom, and the angel warned the Lot family to leave Sodom immediately, and asked to run all the way to the mountain and not to turn back! Jehovah God sent down sulfur and fire from heaven and destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah, and everything in the vicinity!

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

According to the Bible, friends who believe in science generally regard it as a myth, so they have always thought that Sodom is just a mythical city, after all, in the era described in the Bible, how can there be such a weapon to destroy a city?

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

But the archaeological discoveries did not break this myth, but instead cast a more mysterious veil over the story of Sodom's destruction, because scientists, based on the biblical Genesis records, speculated that Sodom was located in the shallow waters of the southern part of the Dead Sea, which should be the location of the ancient Xiding Valley, and that the ruins of an ancient city were really found in the adjacent highlands.

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

There are a large number of religious altars in the city, and the pottery excavated in the city is confirmed to be between 2300 and 1900, which is the era of Abraham, and the city was abandoned after this era, and there are many salt columns in the southwest, which are basically recorded, but whether they are or not is not, it is not confirmed for the time being.

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

Is the explosion real?

This is the most concerned question for everyone, the suspected city of Sodom has been found, so what about the explosion recorded in the Bible? How exactly did it happen? Because in addition to the "heavenly fire" of the destruction of Sodom City, there is also the famous Indian Death Hill Incident in history and the Apocalyptic Explosion in China, these mysterious explosions are difficult to find the cause!

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

The ancient city of Mohenzodaro in India was destroyed in an instant more than 3,600 years ago and is known as the "Death Hill Incident". The picture shows the ruins of Mohenzodaro in India.

In particular, the Dead Hill and Sodoma incidents, the explosion that destroyed a city, it is said that the melted glass on the ground can be found, so many sources speculate about these events on the nuclear explosion, and the Dead Hill incident refers to the destruction of the city of Mohenzodaro:

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

"The Gurkha threw a projectile in his flying vehicle ' Vimana ' toward the three cities of the Velišni and Andakha tribes, and a wisp of white smoke rose from the ground, shining like ten thousand suns. This secret weapon, called the Iron Thunderbolt, reduces all enemies to ashes."

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

"It breathes fire, but it's smokeless and powerful. Suddenly, the wind blew, the clouds churned, and the sun seemed to shake in the air. Throw away a lot of dust and sand,...... The earth was burned and trembled, and the elephants were scorched by the heat."

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

Many articles have quoted this description that does not know where the source is, but it seems to be tailor-made for the description of nuclear explosion, of course, we can imagine the strange phenomenon in the death row incident, such as the bones excavated in the city are suddenly dead in the state of life or work, can reach such a power, and can destroy the entire city of weapons, only nuclear bombs!

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

The skeletons in the city of Mohenzodarro, all in the posture of walking or daily life, show that disaster has come suddenly.

But these are in the ancient times, how can there be nuclear bombs, either wars between ancient civilizations or wars between aliens, because only civilizations that have reached the atomic age can have such powerful weapons, so the rumors about various ancient aliens or ancient civilizations have been enduring.

On September 20, 2021, in the Science Report of Nature, a research team from Trinity University of South West in the United States published a paper on the destruction of the middle Bronze Age city of "toll el hammam" in the southern Jordan Valley in the northeast of the Dead Sea from a "Tunguska Big Bang" asteroid impact:

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

The city prospered for about 3,000 years, but suddenly disappeared before 1650! Scientists have found from the ruins that many of the city's buildings and fragments of ceramics have signs of being melted, and this condition is impossible to happen under ordinary fires.

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

At the same time, scientists also found that there is a 1.5-meter-thick "sedimentary layer" rich in carbon and ash in the city, which is rich in impact quartz, molten pottery and mud bricks, diamond-like carbon, and soot; Pellets rich in iron and silicon, as well as molten platinum, iridium, nickel, gold, silver, zircon, chromite and other elements, indicate that the heating temperature exceeds 2000 °C.

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

Scientists believe that this is a small starry sky explosion with a diameter of about 50 meters, and its energy is equivalent to 20 million tons of tnt, because these products are the same as the asteroid explosion, which should be an air explosion, because there is no crater left (the Tunguska explosion also has no crater), the explosion destroyed almost the entire city, leaving a large number of ruins, the human remains near the heart of the joint detached, the bones shattered, its death phase is very tragic, but it should be instantaneous death, no pain.

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

According to carbon-14 analysis in carbonized wood, carbonized grains and species, charred organic materials, organic sediments, and collagen from burnt bones in "sediments", the age of the explosion is approximately between 1686 and 1632 BC, which roughly coincides with the age of the disappearance of civilization found by archaeology.

Was the ancient city of Sodom destroyed in this way?

"toll el hammam" is sodom? There are theories in the scientific community that the two are the same city, but there are also scientists who think that there may be other options, but even if not, the distance is not too far, from the description in the Bible Genesis, such as sky fire, sulfur and fire, these are very similar to the asteroid phenomenon of air explosion, after all, before 2000, it was only one option that could meet the criteria for destroying the city, after all, according to the Occam Razor Principle, when there is a scientific principle but a simpler explanation, we should choose a simpler and more violent answer.

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

Therefore, when ancient nuclear explosions and asteroid volley explosions can be explained, we will not hesitate to choose asteroid explosions, which are disintegration behaviors that occur when the pressure difference caused by hypersonic shocks is far beyond the strength of the asteroid structure, which often occurs when loosely structured comet-like objects enter the Earth's atmosphere.

The city of Sodom was also destroyed in this way? Scientists have found the source of the "nuclear bomb", which actually came from outside the sky, what destroyed Sodom? Scientists unveil the mystery: "Heavenly Fire" really comes from outside the sky!

In February 2019, an asteroid exploded over the Bering Strait

However, it is indeed inexplicable to look back and become a column of salt, and perhaps there are still many mythical elements here, and this half-truth is mixed together to make the believers believe in it.

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