
Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

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Today to share Linyi Yishui eighth grade biology round mock exam questions, you know.


1. This volume is 8 pages long, divided into two volumes: I. and II. Volume I is multiple choice with a total of 50 points, Volume II is non-multiple choice with a total of 50 points, and two volumes have a total of 100 points. The answer time is 60 minutes.

2. Before answering the questionnaire, be sure to fill in the items in the seal line of the test question and on the answer card. All answers must be scribbled and written in the corresponding position of the answer card, and the answers on this paper are invalid.

Volume I (50 points in total)

Volume I is a multiple-choice question with a total of 25 questions, each with 2 points, for a total of 50 points. Of the four options listed for each question, only one is the one that best meets the requirements of the question.

1. Among the following life phenomena, the same biological characteristics as those embodied in the "Bright Moon Branch" are ( )

A. Planting melons gets melons, and planting beans gets beans

B. Mimosa leaves close when touched

C. Praying mantises catch cicadas, yellow finches in the back

D. Whales often surface to spew misty water jets

2. Of the following organisms in relation to the environment, the other three are different from ( )

A. Fresh air in the woods with rich vegetation

B. Human industrial production emits pollutants, causing acid rain

C. Deep in the mountains, the wet rocks are covered with moss

D. The lichen accelerates rock weathering and promotes soil layer formation

3. The following description of the use of a microscope to observe the structure of cells is correct ( )

A. In order to observe more cells, the 10× objective can be replaced with a 40× objective

B. If a stain appears in the field of view, if the eyepiece or objective is wiped with polishing paper and there is no change in the eyepiece or converter, the stain is likely to exist in the temporary film

C. If the grasshopper is seen swimming counterclockwise in the field of vision, the actual swimming direction of the grasshopper on the slide is clockwise

D. After converting the high magnification, you need to rotate the coarse zoom helix to adjust the focal length

4. As the basic unit of life activity, the structure and function of cells are highly unified. The following about the narrative error is ( )

A. Cell walls have a role in supporting and protecting cells

B. Genetic material is mainly present in the nucleus, which also controls the life activities of the cell

C. The water flowing from the plates of "sugar mixed tomatoes" and "cold cucumbers" on the table mainly comes from the cytoplasm

D. Cell membranes not only protect cells, but also exchange substances with the outside world ( )

5. The following description of the structural hierarchy of living organisms, the error is ( )

A. The roots of corn and the heart of the kitten belong to the same structural hierarchy

B. The human salivary glands belong to the epithelial tissue and are composed of epithelial cells with secretory functions

C. The leaves of angiosperms are composed of mesophyll, veins, and epidermis, and belong to organs

D. The structural hierarchy of angiosperm bodies is: cells→ tissues→ organs→ plant individuals

6. The following poems contain ferns as ( )

A. Under the eastern fence of the chrysanthemum, you can leisurely see the South Mountain

B. The desolate moss under the forest is the Yun family, and the jade bones are dusty and sandy

C. Arrow-brittle sweet and sweet snow fungus, fern buds are tender and pressed spring vegetables

D. The twilight sky looks strong and loose, and the chaotic clouds are still calm

7. The students planted peppers in the "Happy Farm" and observed and recorded the cultivation and growth process. The following narrative error is ( )

A. The first to break through the seed coat when pepper seeds germinate is the radicle

B. A pepper flower has both stamens and pistils in it, and it can be judged that the pepper flower belongs to the gender flower

C. The multiple seeds in a chili pepper are developed from multiple ovules in a sub-room

D. Pepper seedlings grow slowly and have yellowing leaves due to the lack of potassium-containing inorganic salts in the soil

8. "Away from the grass on the original, one year old and one withered", this is a vivid portrayal of the life cycle of plants. Please analyze the following statements about plants that are wrong ( )

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

A. The peaches we eat are developed from the structure (2) in Figure 1

B. Peanut's "hemp house" and "red tent" are developed from the sub-room wall and beads, respectively

C. The branches of the plant develop from the leaf buds, and the leaves on the branches develop from the structure (1) in Figure 2

D. The growth of young roots is mainly achieved by the division of cells at (2) in Figure 3 and the increase in cell volume at (3).

9. The following measures taken in agricultural production are incorrect ( )

A. Seedling soil transplanting can reduce transpiration B. Proper dense planting can increase crop yields

C. Loosening the soil to the farmland is conducive to the respiration of the roots of the crop

D. Supplementing greenhouse crops with carbon dioxide improves photosynthetic efficiency

10. Assuming you are a dietitian, which diet plan is not reasonable for the following specific groups? (  )

A. Patients with hypertension should have a light diet with less salt B. Patients with scurvy should be supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables

C. Teenagers should supplement high-protein foods such as eggs, milk, and soy products

D. People who have just undergone surgery eat foods high in sugar

11. "Burn calories, say goodbye to donuts, bubble tea instant noodles, hot pot rice and large plates of chicken, take away and don't be rude." Calorie, or calorie for short, is a unit of energy that is widely used in nutrition metering and fitness manuals. The following statement is incorrect ( )

A. The main ingredient of instant noodles is starch, which can be initially converted into maltose through the action of saliva in the mouth

B. Fat cows, fat sheep, grilled sausages, etc. when eating hot pot are high-fat foods, and their fat is first emulsified into fat particles by bile in the small intestine, and then completely decomposed into glycerol and fatty acids by intestinal fluid and pancreatic juice

C. "Burning calories" mainly refers to the release of heat by the energy supply substances being decomposed and consumed in the body

D. Milk tea tastes delicious and has a high sugar content, which can meet the needs of human life activities, and drinking more is conducive to good health

12. The following description of biological experiments is correct ( )

A. In the experiment "Exploring the Conditions Required for Seed Germination", there is more than one experimental variable, which violates the principle of single variable

B.“ Determining energy in a certain food" experiment requires setting up repeat groups

C. In the "Detection of bacteria and fungi in different environments" experiment, inoculation can be done directly after high temperature sterilization of the medium

D. In the "Exploring the Effect of Tobacco Leachate on Flea Heart Rate" experiment, a flea can only do two experiments, first in clear water, and then in tobacco leachate for observation, and the order can also be reversed

13. Some patients with severe COVID-19 need endotracheal intubation to assist breathing, as shown in the figure. In order to ensure that both lungs can receive oxygen, after the endotracheal intubation enters the patient's mouth, the position of passing through and finally arriving is ( )

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

A. Pharynx, esophagus, trachea

B. Pharynx, esophagus, trachea, bronchi

C. Pharynx, larynx, trachea

D. Pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi

14. The following statements about the human body are correct ( )

A. The oxygen content of the exhaled gas by the human body is higher than the carbon dioxide content

B. Directions in which nutrients and oxygen enter the embryo: the maternal → umbilical cord→ placenta → embryo

C. Plasma, white blood cells, and red blood cells in the blood all have a transport function

D. Metabolic waste products are excreted from the body through the urinary system, skin and anus

15. Regarding the regulation of human life activities, the following statement is correct ( )

A. The human nervous system consists of three parts: the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves emitted by them

B. Insufficient insulin secretion in the human body can cause blood glucose levels to fall below normal levels

C. When watching a movie, the myopic student sitting in the back row cannot see the movie image clearly because of a problem with the retina

D. The "vegetative person" in the medical clinic has normal breathing and heartbeat, indicating that the brainstem has not been damaged

16. Scientists have conducted experimental studies on the behavior of planarians as shown in Figures (1) to (4), and according to the experimental steps and phenomena, it is not correct to judge that ( )

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

A. The learning behavior of planarians is based on congenital behavior

B. The elongation of the body of planarians in the light of light is a congenital behavior, and the contraction of the body by electric shock is a learning behavior

C. After the combination of "light-electric shock" many times, only light is given, and the body of the planarian will also contract is a learning behavior

D. In Figure (4), the body contraction behavior of planarians under light will slowly subside

17. Seated body forward flexion is one of the sports selection items of Changchun Secondary School Entrance Examination. As shown in the figure, the candidate's arms and hands are straight, the knees cannot be bent, the hands and five fingers are together, and the fingertips gently push the vernier on the ruler to slide forward (there must be no sudden forward pushing), until the forward push cannot continue, and the description of the "seated body forward flexion" action is wrong ( )

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

A. Only the upper extremity skeletal muscles are involved

B. There are multiple groups of skeletal muscle groups involved

C. Multi-system cooperation is required

D. Regulation of the nervous system is required

18. The following statements about bacteria and fungi are correct ( )

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

A. There are no formed nuclei in the cells of A, and there are formed nuclei in the cells of B, C, and D

B. A, B and D can all be propagated by spores, and C can be propagated by producing spores and sprouts

C. Class A organisms can only live a saprophytic or parasitic life, while Class D can live an autotrophic life

D. A, B and C are all pathogenic microorganisms, and as long as people and animals come into contact with them, they will cause infectious diseases

19. In the following narrative about food preservation, the error is ( )

A. Foods that have exceeded their shelf life should not be eaten

B. The principle of food preservation is to kill or inhibit microorganisms from growing and multiplying in food

C. Proper control of oxygen concentration when preserving fresh fruits and vegetables is mainly to inhibit the life activities of microorganisms

D. The main reason for the expansion of vacuum-packed food bags is the decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms to produce gases such as carbon dioxide

20. The following narrative errors about taxonomy are ( )

A. The two-name method was proposed by the Swedish botanist Linnaeus

B. The larger the unit of taxonomy, the more species of organisms are contained

C. The same organism must be in the same genus at the taxonomic level

D. The main references in the classification of angiosperms are roots, stems, and leaves

21. The following description of biological reproductive development is correct ( )

(1) The male and female frogs carry out in vitro fertilization, and the fertilized eggs formed are completely metamorphosed into adult frogs

(2) Molds and mushrooms reproduce their offspring by producing spores

(3) The key to the survival of fruit tree grafting is the close combination of scion and the formation layer of rootstock

(4) There is a disc-shaped small white dot in the center of the yolk surface of the chicken egg, which is the placenta

(5) Grafting, plant tissue culture, and cloned sheep are all asexual reproduction

(6) In the process of human reproduction, the formation of fertilized eggs and embryonic development are completed in the womb





22. Jia Liandong, an agricultural expert in Zhoukou, Henan Province, cultivated a corridor of "sweet potatoes in the air", in which sweet potatoes are not knotted in the soil, but are suspended in mid-air. Jia Liandong introduced that the use of morning glory mother root system cultivation into the soil, the soil to produce roots, to provide sufficient water and fertilizer for the plant, and then the use of morning glory plant and sweet potato seedlings grafted to grow the vine, climbed on the scaffold, at the upper end of the scaffold the grafted vine in the nutrient tray growth. The following description is correct ( )

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

A. This mode of reproduction is sexual reproduction

B. Morning glory flowers make rootstock and sweet potato seedlings make scion

C. Sweet potatoes obtained in this way are highly variable

D. The water and inorganic salts needed for sweet potato growth and development are absorbed from the air by the roots of sweet potato blocks

23. Individuals of different types such as slender mouths and thick and short mouths in a bird population feed on insects in tree holes. Hundreds of years later, the proportion of elongated individuals with elongated mouths in this bird population living in this area increased significantly. To explain this phenomenon according to the theory of natural selection, the most reasonable item below is ( )

A. Insect habitats play an unordirectional selection role in the bird's mouth shape

B. The slender beak type of the bird is a favorable variation that is particularly produced to adapt to a particular environment

C. The proportion of slender-billed birds in the population is affected by insect habitats

D. Birds with thick and short beaks try to make their beaks slender in order to eat insects in tree holes

24. One of the following accounts of the origin of life and biological evolution is ( )

A. Primitive life originated in the primordial ocean B. Fossils are the most direct evidence for studying biological evolution

C. Primitive mammals evolved from certain ancient birds

D. The more ancient the strata, the simpler and lower the fossil-forming organisms

25. "Care for life, healthy life". The following is correct ( )

A. When you encounter setbacks, you can relax your emotions by listening to music, playing ball, etc

B. When bleeding from a large vein, the finger is pressed against the proximal end of the heart to stop the bleeding

C. In the case of sudden drowning, artificial respiration should be performed immediately, and then dial 120 for help

D. OTC is referred to as OTC, and there is no need to carefully read the drug instructions before taking the drug

Volume II (50 points in total)

Volume II is a non-multiple-choice question, with a total of seven major questions from 26 to 32 questions. 1 point per empty, for a total of 50 points.

26. (7 points) Xinghai Peninsula ecological wetland, inspect the protection and governance of Dianchi Lake. A glass "ecological tank" at the scene is eye-catching: the snow white and elegant sea cauliflower blooms on the water, the Dianchi Lake golden line catfish swim through, and the toothless mussels in the back corner inhabit the bottom of the tank, this miniature version of the ecosystem is the ideal state that the waters of Dianchi Lake are expected to reach in the future. Please answer the following questions according to the figure:

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

(1) Biologically, the factors that affect the life and distribution of green algae, such as air, light, snails, and shrimp, are collectively referred to as ( ).

(2) The biological component missing from the ecosystem in Figure 1 is ( ), which has a total ( ) food chain.

(3) The ultimate source of energy for the Dianchi ecosystem is ( ).

(4) C in Figure 2 corresponds to the organism in Figure 1 is ( ), and the relationship between this organism and the Dianchi lake golden rayfish is ( ).

(5) A in Figure 3 manufactures organic matter in the ecosystem through physiological processes ( ) (number number in Figure 3), which not only meets the needs of its own growth and reproduction, but also provides a basic food source for other organisms in the biosphere.

27. (9 points) "Green water and green mountains are light in cooking, peach forest flowers and sea of nostalgia are thick", the spring village in April, the peach forest with flowers, reflecting the blue sky, infinitely feminine in the arms of the majestic Guqun. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the physiological activity of the peach tree leaves (arrows indicate the direction of material in and out), Figure 2 is the change curve of some physiological processes of the plant at different time points in the summer weather (the solid line is curve I., the dotted line is curve II., the two lines intersect at points a and point c), and Figure 3 is a schematic diagram of the cross-cutting of peach tree leaves. Please analyze and answer the following questions.

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

(1) Peach blossoms are varied and appear in different colors, and from the structural level of the organism, it belongs to ( ).

(2) In 1637, Song Yingxing, a scientist of the Ming Dynasty in China, proposed in "On Qi" that "all food that people eat is transformed by qi, so it is restored to the qi ear". From 1771 to 1772, the British scientist Priestley proved through experiments that green plants absorb nutrients from the air and turn into peach trees "qi" refers to ( ), and the physiological activity of the "qi" into peach trees in Figure 1 is ( ) (filler letters).

(3) The ( ) (filler letter) in Figure 1 and the curve II in Figure 2 represent the same physiological activity.

(4) Analyzing the curve in Figure 2, organic matter accumulates the most around the ( ) point (the time point in the figure). Curve I. Declines around 12 points, related to the closing of the [(6)] ( ) (fill in the structure name) section in Figure 3.

(5) In the peach tree, the power of water flowing to the heights comes from the physiological activity in Figure 1 is ( ) (filler letters). When transplanting peach trees, the peach trees are often replenished with water and inorganic salt by playing "drip", and the needle used for "drip" should be inserted into the tree's ( ) (fill in the "catheter" or "sieve tube").

(6) Put forward the scientific thesis that "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", and advocate afforestation because green plants have an irreplaceable role in conserving water sources and maintaining the balance in the biosphere.

28. (9 points) On March 15, 2021, a sandstorm struck the north, and many places were full of yellow sand. The Central Meteorological Observatory upgraded the dust storm warning to a yellow warning. This is the strongest sand and dust weather process affecting our country in the past 10 years. As of 8:00 a.m. on the 16th, the sand and dust weather process from the north to the south will still affect the northern region of China. Air quality in Gansu, Shaanxi, Ningxia, central and southern Xinjiang has maintained severe to severe pollution levels, which has brought certain impacts on everyone's travel and health. As shown in the figure, a schematic diagram of some of the life activities of the human body, please answer the following questions:

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

(1) When someone goes out and inhales too much particulate matter and causes bronchitis, the ( ) content in his blood will be significantly increased. The doctor injects the drug intravenously into the patient's hand, then, before the drug reaches the lesion site, it first passes through the [ ] of the heart in Figure II ( ). As can be seen from Figure 1, the functional unit of gas exchange in the human body is the alveoli, which is wrapped around the abundant capillaries, and the gas b in the alveoli enters the blood through the action of ( ).

(2) During the treatment, the doctor recommends that the patient's diet be light, while paying attention to the supplementation of protein, the protein is finally decomposed into ( ) in figure IV (3), through the process of absorption through the small intestine and transported to the brain, the order of the substance through the four chambers of the heart is ( ) (represented by letters and arrows in the figure).

(3) When the doctor examined the person's urine, he found more glucose, which may be caused by the abnormal function of []( ) in Figure 3. Please write out the pathway by which glucose in Figure 3(1) temporarily leaves the bloodstream and returns to the bloodstream: (1) → () → capillaries (indicated by the serial number and arrow in figure).

(4) The alveolar wall, the inner wall of the renal sac, the villous wall of the small intestine, the capillary wall and other structures are composed of a layer of cells, which is conducive to material exchange, which fully reflects the biological point of view of ( ).

(5) Air pollution caused by sand and dust weather is very easy to cause respiratory diseases, how should we protect ourselves, please cite an example: ( ) (meaning reasonable).

29. (7 points) With the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in January 2020, we had to continue learning through the "classroom in the air" during the special period, but this brought challenges to the usual way of life. With the increase in exposure to electronic screen time, how to reasonably arrange learning, exercise and rest? Bob explores the following:

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

(1) Xiaoming made a water lens with a variable focus, using physical experimental instruments to simulate the imaging process of the human eye (Figure A). Among them, the "water lens" simulates the ( ) in the eyeball.

(2) During the online learning period at home, Xiaoming likes to watch the electronic screen in a dark environment, and the strong light of the screen will make the pupil ( ) (fill in "shrink" or "enlarge"), which is the pupillary reflex, and the structural basis of the reflex is ( ). Long-term use of mobile phones to learn to watch words or pictures, will lead to seeing distant objects a little blurry, resulting in myopia, doctors recommend Xiaoming wear glasses, should use ( ) mirrors to correct vision.

(3) When isolating at home, exercising with dumbbells is a way to enhance the strength of the upper arm muscles. When the dumbbell is lifted with one arm (Figure B), (1) the biceps are in the ( ) state.

(4) At present, the "new crown epidemic" in many countries has rebounded, and China has taken the lead in developing a new crown vaccine and has begun to vaccinate high-risk groups. Xiaoming's father worked in the port quarantine, and when he was injected with a vaccine, he would feel pain when he stabbed his arm, and the pain sensation arose in Figure C [ ] (fill in the letters); when he saw the needle for the second time, he would consciously avoid it, the following is different from this type of reflection ( ) (filled letter).

A. Hope plum quenches thirst

B. Babies are born and suck and suck

C. Hear the class bell ringing and enter the classroom

D. Red light stop, green light line

30. (6 points) Read the following materials and answer relevant questions:

Material 1: At 8:12 on November 10, 2020, China's independently developed "Strivers" manned submersible successfully sat at the bottom of the Mariana Trench at a depth of 10,909 meters; scientists found some deep-sea creatures on the 8145-meter seabed - lionfish, anglerfish, hermit crabs, luminous jellyfish, etc.

Material 2: On December 8, 2020, China announced that the latest elevation of Mount Everest is 8848.86 meters, and during the detection process, it was found that there were yaks, horses, sheep and other livestock on Mount Everest, and there were also some birds, reptiles and so on.

Material 3: As of December 2020, the new crown pneumonia that has ravaged the world has detected more than 19 million patients and more than 300,000 deaths in the United States.

(1) Among the four species of animals involved in material 1, namely lionfish, anglerfish, hermit crab, and luminous jellyfish, the one that belongs to the vertebrate is ( ), the main characteristic of the animal taxon to which the luminous jellyfish belongs is ( ), and the taxonomy and locust belong to the same group of animals is ( ).

(2) The reproductive mode of the birds involved in material 2 is oviparous, while the reproductive development mode of yaks, horses and sheep is ( ), which greatly improves the survival rate of offspring.

(3) The new crown pneumonia in material 3 is an infectious disease caused by the new coronavirus composed of the outer shell and the inner ( ) of the protein, and the main difference in structure of the virus compared with Streptococcus pneumoniae is that Streptococcus pneumoniae has ( ) structure, while the new crown virus does not.

31. (5 minutes) In the early morning of December 17, 2020, the Chang'e-5 returner landed on Earth with lunar samples, which has become a hot topic in recent times. But students, do you know? Chang'e-4, which landed on the moon in 2019, conducted a series of biological experiments. The experimental payload tank is a highly sealed container containing six organisms, cotton, rapeseed, potatoes, Arabidopsis, yeast and fruit flies, forming a simple micro-ecosystem. Among them, Drosophila is the experimental material of classical genetic research, Figure 1 is the genetic diagram of the body color of Drosophila (A) and the quantitative relationship between offspring (B); Figure 2 is the chromosomal composition of male Drosophila somatic cells. Answer the question based on the graph analysis:

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

(1) Fruit flies belong to arthropods, have tough exoskeletons on the surface of the body, and their role is ( ).

(2) The appearance of different body colors from the parents in the offspring of Fruit flies shown in Figure 1 (A), a phenomenon known biologically as ( ).

(3) From the quantitative relationship of the offspring of Figure 1 (B), it can be inferred that the genomic composition of the parent gray body is ( ), and the genome of the gray body individual in the offspring becomes ( ) (the dominant gene is represented by "A", and the recessive gene is represented by "a").

(4) As shown in Figure 2, the somatic cells of male Drosophila contain 3 pairs of autosomals and 1 pair of sex chromosomes. The sperm neutral chromosome composition produced by this drosophila is ( ).

32. (7 points) The new crown pneumonia caused by the new crown virus (COVID-19) has triggered a global public health emergency in 2020, and the new crown pneumonia is still spreading in the world, which has a great impact on the health of the people of the world, and the development of a vaccine is imminent. As shown in the figure is a schematic diagram of the human immune response process, please answer the relevant questions in conjunction with the question:

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

(1) The following diseases are the same as "new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)", and the ones that are infectious diseases are ( ).

A. Albinism

B. Diabetes

C. Viral conjunctivitis

D. Night blindness

(2) People infected with the new crown virus may have severe lung inflammation, and when they speak and cough, they will spew out a large number of droplets containing the new crown virus, and such patients belong to the basic links of the epidemic of infectious diseases ( ) and should be forcibly isolated and treated. During the epidemic, healthy people should also take protective measures, such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and maintaining social distancing, which are among the preventive measures for infectious diseases.

(3) "Novel coronavirus" from an immunological point of view it is equivalent to the ( shown in the figure ). The "memory cells" and "plasma cells" in the figure are also two lymphocytes, and the antibodies produced by plasma cells are a special kind of antibody against pathogens ( ).

(4) (1) (2) in the figure represents the life course of the cell, and in turn represents the ( ) process of the cell.

(5) On May 22, 2020, the results of the Phase I clinical trial of the world's first recombinant novel coronavirus vaccine (referred to as "Ad5 new coronavirus vaccine") were announced, published in the international academic journal The Lancet, which was developed by a team led by Chen Wei, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a researcher at the Academy of Military Medicine of the Academy of Military Sciences. After the vaccine is successfully developed, the immunity obtained by the vaccinated person is called ( ) immunity, which obtains immunity to the new crown virus.

The picture version and the answer are ready for you.

Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you
Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you
Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you
Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you
Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you
Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you
Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you
Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you
Linyi Yishui Eighth Grade Biology Round Simulation Questions, Picture Version and Answers, ready for you

Reference Answer:






26.(7 points)(1)Ecological factors (2)Decomposers 4(3)Solar energy (4)Grey herons Predation and competition (no points for incomplete respondents)(5)(2)

27. (9 points) (1) organ (2) carbon dioxide C(3)A(4)18 stomata (5)B catheter (6) carbon-oxygen

28.(9 points) (1) Leukocyte A right atrium Gas diffusion (2) Amino acid A→C→ B→D(3) (3) Renal tubules (4) → (2) → (5) (4) Structural and functional adaptation (5) Wear masks, hats, windproof glasses and other protective equipment or go out as little as possible; reduce outdoor activity time; wash your hands and face immediately when you go out, rinse your mouth with clean water, clean your nasal cavity; close doors and windows when you are at home (meaning reasonable to score)

29. (7 points) (1) Lens (2) Shrinking Reflection Arc Concave (3) Shrinking (4) A B

30. (6 points) (1) Lionfish, anglerfish (few answers, wrong answers are not scored) The body is radiative symmetry, there are spiny cells on the surface of the body, there is no anus in the mouth (those who answer incompletely cannot be divided) Hermit crab (2) Fetal breastfeeding (those who answer incompletely are not divided) (3) Genetic material cells

31. (5 points) (1) Protection and support of internal soft organs, prevention of evaporation of water in the body (no points for less answers and wrong answers) (2) variation (3) Aa × Aa (or Aa, Aa or Aa and Aa and Aa) AA or AA (or AA, Aa, less answers, no wrong answers) (4) X or Y

32. (7 points) (1) C (2) Source of infection Cut off the transmission route (3) Antigen Protein (4) Division and differentiation (or division, differentiation, reverse order can not be divided) (5) Specificity (or acquired)

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