
Di Lieba, Huang Jingyu, Wang Yuxin's melon? Zhou Xunshui Award? Wu Jinyan replaces baby?

author:Sister Mi said entertainment

Di Lieba, Huang Jingyu, Wang Yuxin's melon? Zhou Xunshui Award? Wu Jinyan replaces baby? The more ugly Wang Xing looks? Zhang Linghe, Zhao Jinmai, and Mai hit the street?


Wu Jinyan replaces baby?

Di Lieba, Huang Jingyu, Wang Yuxin's melon? Zhou Xunshui Award? Wu Jinyan replaces baby?

Wu Jinyan has been developing in the fashion circle since "Ink Rain Clouds" became popular, but Wu Jinyan's private clothes are too ugly to go from himself to the "fashion circle". Previously, when baby was still in the entertainment industry, Wu Jinyan once touched baby and wanted to attract the attention of the fashion circle through this kind of bundling, but at that time, baby was too powerful, and Wu Jinyan could hardly insert into her resource circle. Now that the baby has overturned, Wu Jinyan has become popular again, and her opportunity has come again, recently, there have been resource providers that baby has cooperated with before to find Wu Jinyan and want to cooperate with her, Wu Jinyan has been tempted.

Di Lieba, Huang Jingyu, Wang Yuxin's melon?

Di Lieba, Huang Jingyu, Wang Yuxin's melon? Zhou Xunshui Award? Wu Jinyan replaces baby?

On the 29th, Huang Jingyu's ex-wife called Huang Jingyu, saying that if Huang Jingyu disturbed her, she would send a message to his current girlfriend. And Huang Jingyu's current rumored girlfriend is Di Lieba, and for a while, the melons about Huang Jingyu and Di Ali Gerba were once again concerned by everyone. Huang Jingyu's ex-wife is a person in the entertainment industry, but she was not interested in the affairs of the entertainment industry before, so she did not continue to develop in the entertainment industry, until she could no longer get benefits from Huang Jingyu, so she could only go out of the mountains to do her old job, recently, Huang Jingyu's ex-wife won an award, but few people know about the award, in order to expand the influence of her award, Huang Jingyu's ex-wife posted this Weibo, as for why she brought in "Huang Jingyu's current position", because this is not only Huang Jingyu's weakness, but also can bring her ex-wife heat, Since it is no longer easy to rub Huang Jingyu, I will secretly poke and poke Di Liebabei!

Zhang Linghe, Zhao Jinmai, and Mai hit the street?

Di Lieba, Huang Jingyu, Wang Yuxin's melon? Zhou Xunshui Award? Wu Jinyan replaces baby?

Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" has been on the air for several days, but this drama has not only not received everyone's attention, but has become more and more confused, and there are not even many voices to discuss, and, judging from the data, this drama has been pressed and beaten by "Ink Rain Clouds", "The Story of Roses" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", and if it continues like this, when "Sauvignon Blanc 2" is launched, it will be completely out of play. In fact, the problem of "Du Hua Nian" is very big, in addition to the plot is not exciting enough, the acting skills of the male and female protagonists are not enough, which makes this drama feel very fragmented: for example, the heroine has obviously lived for decades, and she once again wears a teenage girl, but Zhao Jinmai acted very clearly and felt nothing; Moreover, as long as the male and female protagonists are together, it is like playing at home, without the slightest taste of conspiracy. If there is nothing attractive about a work, it will be pasty sooner or later.

The more ugly Wang Xing looks?

Di Lieba, Huang Jingyu, Wang Yuxin's melon? Zhou Xunshui Award? Wu Jinyan replaces baby?

After the finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wang Xingyue was ready to dismantle the CP, first of all, he published the finale copy, and he was very indifferent to the partner in the comment area, and secondly, his team posted the be ending of Xiao Heng's defeat and death, which instantly aroused the dissatisfaction of drama fans and CP fans. The original ending of the drama "Ink Rain and Clouds" was indeed be, but at Yu Zheng's strong request, the ending was finally changed and continued to be filmed. Moreover, there is a big difference between the CP fans of "Ink Rain Clouds" and Di Xin's gravity and Wu Luke's escaping CP fans, the former is Xiao Yu and Wu Jinyan, and the latter two are Yan himself, in the eyes of CP fans of "Ink Rain and Clouds", if this drama is not starred by Wu Jinyan, no one will watch it at all, in other words: the male protagonist can be someone else, but the female protagonist can only be Wu Jinyan. And Wang Xingyue and the studio's careful thinking is too much, they always think that the success of this drama is his credit, and try to use some small tricks to purify, but they don't know that netizens are not stupid, he is a pendant male protagonist in a big heroine's work to backstab the audience, can CP fans and drama fans who have paid for it not tear him? Moreover, Wang Xingyue is too proud and confident, his mind is too obvious, and he can't wait to purify, and he is attacked in minutes.

Zhou Xunshui Award?

Di Lieba, Huang Jingyu, Wang Yuxin's melon? Zhou Xunshui Award? Wu Jinyan replaces baby?

Zhou Xun's Magnolia this time was a little watery, and many people thought that this award was better for Tang Yan than for her. In fact, Magnolia is not as fair and just as everyone thinks, in addition to the artist's acting skills, there are too many things to consider for awards. For example, before the announcement of this award, some people said that this award was a "local award in Shanghai", so that Magnolia was also a little shy about this statement, if Tang Yan was not from Shanghai, the probability of winning the award might be greater. As for Zhou Xun, don't look at her lack of awards, she is now also the queen of the second Magnolia, but her reputation has recently collapsed because of "The Legend of Ruyi", and this award is exactly what she needs most at this moment.

Di Lieba, Huang Jingyu, Wang Yuxin's melon? Zhou Xunshui Award? Wu Jinyan replaces baby?

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