
Pest and Disease Popularization丨 Hazards and Control of Rice Mud Buds I. Type II. Hazard III. Control Technology

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<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, the type </h1>

Rice mud buds are: Setodes argentata Matsumura (also known as silver striped hime longhorn stone moth, silver star tube stone silkworm), Decetis nigropunctata Ulmer, also known as black spotted longhorn stone moth, flax spotted longhorn stone silkworm), rice yellowstone moth Limnophilus correptus McLachlan, also known as cut-winged stone silkworm, cut-wing swamp stone moth), Northeast stone moth ( Limnophilus amurensis Ulmer, also known as the Northeast Swamp Moth). The four species are all of the family Pteroptera, of which the first two species belong to the family Trochthorphyllaceae and the last 2 species belong to the family Marshmothidae.

Pest and Disease Popularization丨 Hazards and Control of Rice Mud Buds I. Type II. Hazard III. Control Technology

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, hazards </h1>

Rice mud buds, commonly known as smoke tube insects and interceptor insects at the larval stage, are one of the main pests in the rice seedling stage of cold rice cultivation areas in northeast China. It has occurred in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei and other provinces. In Hulan County, Heilongjiang Province, it occurs in newly reclaimed water direct rice fields and old rice fields with uneven heights. It mainly harms rice seedlings, but also endangers the young shoots of weeds such as barnyard grass, thatch, alkali grass and so on. The insect mainly harms rice shoots, young roots and seedlings with larvae. When rice seeds germinate, if they are bitten, they cannot emerge from the seedlings, and after the emergence of seedlings, they are bitten and eaten, resulting in floating seedlings, and the young roots of the rice seedlings are seriously eaten, and the leaves are yellow or even dead.

Pest and Disease Popularization丨 Hazards and Control of Rice Mud Buds I. Type II. Hazard III. Control Technology

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, prevention and control technology


1. Agricultural control

1&gt; improve the quality of land preparation, and effectively rake fine raking Rice mud buds mostly occur in low-lying plots with uneven height and poor drainage, so the land should be carefully prepared, and early sowing and early planting should be appropriate to promote the rapid emergence of direct rice seedlings and the growth of transplanted rice seedlings.

2&gt; implement shallow water irrigation, timely drainage of the field Drainage of the field during the peak of larvae can not only promote the growth and development of rice, enhance insect tolerance and also dry the larvae. Note that the fields must be sunn until the soil will crack.

3&gt; remove weeds from the field Should insist on removing weeds from the edges of drainage and irrigation ditches and in the field all year round, destroy the breeding site of pests, and eliminate some egg blocks.

Pest and Disease Popularization丨 Hazards and Control of Rice Mud Buds I. Type II. Hazard III. Control Technology

4&gt; Eliminate overwintering larvae In addition to insisting on the perennial removal of weeds in the field, it is also necessary to combine autumn tillage to eliminate stubble at the end of September, plough the topsoil, and remove weeds from ditches, depressions, mounds, wastelands and other places near the rice field to destroy the overwintering sites of mud buds and eliminate the overwintering larvae.

2. Chemical control

When controlling the drug, the rice field should first drain to a depth of 3 to 4 cm, then evenly sprinkle the agent or spray, and then irrigate after 1 to 2 days to ensure the efficacy of the drug.

1&gt; seedling field administration 2 to 3d before planting seedlings in the rice nursery stage, per 100 m2 with 70% imidacloprid water dispersion granules 4 g or 25% Aktai 6 ~ 8 g, diluted with water, spray treatment of rice seedlings. It also has a good therapeutic effect on leafminer flies and negative mud worms.

Pest and Disease Popularization丨 Hazards and Control of Rice Mud Buds I. Type II. Hazard III. Control Technology

2&gt; Honda can be applied with 40% Lego emulsion, or 90% dimethoate soluble powder, 50% borer thiophosphate emulsion, the dosage is 1125 ~ 1150mL / hm2, 1500 ~ 2250g / hm2, 1125 ~ 115mL / hm2, add water spray. It can also be sprinkled with 2.5% dichlorvos powder 40kg/hm2 to make poisonous soil.

Source: Crop Diseases and Pests in China

Pest and Disease Popularization丨 Hazards and Control of Rice Mud Buds I. Type II. Hazard III. Control Technology

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