
He is a national mountaineer who first impacted Mount Everest, and is also a legendary figure who first climbed Mount Xishabangma, and the elder-level mountaineer successfully changed joints in Han

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Chen Lingyan

Video clip Chen Lingyan

Correspondent Ding Yanfei

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Chen Shan, 86 years old, is one of the elder legends in China's mountaineering industry.

He was one of the first Chinese climbers of Mount Everest in 1960, but had to retire early at 7,700 meters due to injury.

Four years later, he became one of the first team members in the world to successfully summit Theaxia Bangma, the only mountain in the world to be first climbed by Chinese in the 8,000-meter category.

Long-term extreme mountaineering has also left him at the root of the disease, and in 2021 he encountered a new challenge: the need to replace artificial joints due to osteoarthritis of the hip joint. And this time, his "teammates" are medical staff.

The mountaineering elders, who are nearly ninety years old, encounter new challenges

"Thank you to the medical team of Zhongnan Hospital! Thank you for curing me! On November 4, in the joint and sports medicine ward of Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital, 86-year-old Chen Shan gave a thumbs up to the medical staff and praised them. Then he took out a photo and gave it as a gift to the medical staff, sending everyone to continue to climb the peak of medicine.

This is not an ordinary photo. The photo was taken in 1964 at an altitude of 8,027 meters above sea level on the 8,027-meter-high Peak of Hisa Bonma. Hishebauma peak is also the only peak in the world with a sea dial of more than 8,000 meters above sea level, and the first to be climbed by the Chinese. And Chen Shan was one of the 10 team members who completed this feat that year.

He is a national mountaineer who first impacted Mount Everest, and is also a legendary figure who first climbed Mount Xishabangma, and the elder-level mountaineer successfully changed joints in Han

"In 1958 I was selected for the Chinese mountaineering team." Mentioning the past of mountaineering, the eyes of old man Chen Shan also lit up. According to his recollection, the first important mission of the Chinese mountaineering team was to climb Mount Everest, and he and his team members underwent more than three months of arduous training for this purpose. In 1960, he went with the team to the north slope of Mount Everest, but due to injury, he had to retreat at 7700 meters of the sea dial as ordered, and failed to become the first team member to reach the summit.

Just four years later, he and nine of his team managed to summit Thehexabangma in the Himalayas, a mountain that had not been recorded before human conquest.

In his career, Chen Shan has climbed one peak after another and has also crossed many dangerous passes. He suffered an avalanche at an altitude of 6,800 meters above sea level, and the entire team was instantly swept away by snow waves. All 5 of his teammates died, and his only survivor was also seriously injured, with severe frostbite toes and fingers.

He is a national mountaineer who first impacted Mount Everest, and is also a legendary figure who first climbed Mount Xishabangma, and the elder-level mountaineer successfully changed joints in Han

After leaving the mountaineering field, he returned to Wuhan and worked in the TiesiYuan. As he grew older, the roots of illness that fell when he was young also began to cause him trouble. Since the beginning of this year, he has always had pain in his hips and can only limp. At the end of October, he was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the hip joint.

After "conquering" the disease he gave away precious photographs

At the Knee Degenerative Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Center of the Department of Joint and Sports Medicine of Central South Hospital of Wuhan University, Director Tan Yang made a full assessment of Chen Shan's condition. He introduced that due to the long-term extreme mountaineering exercise of Chen Shan in his youth, the cartilage of the hip joint was seriously worn, and the thickness of the cartilage became thin after the cartilage was damaged, and now it has completely disappeared and developed into severe hip osteoarthritis.

"You have to surgically replace the artificial joint, otherwise it will be more and more difficult to move." Tan Yang told Chen Shan.

Chen Shan is nearly ninety years old, and there are basic diseases such as hypertension and emphysema, which increase the risk of surgery. Chen Shan, who has faced extreme challenges all his life, agrees to accept the new challenge. And this time, his "teammates" are medical staff.

After meticulous preparation and full communication, on October 27, Tan Yang's team joined hands with the anesthesiology department and other departments of the hospital to successfully complete hip replacement surgery for Chen Shan for 40 minutes. In the past, the elderly underwent such a major operation, it took nearly two weeks to recover, but the medical staff made a full plan in nutritional support, analgesia and other measures, and the next day after the operation, Chen Shan was surprised to find that he could get out of bed. After more than a week of nursing, he recovered well, and by November 4, he was able to walk normally and met the discharge criteria.

He is a national mountaineer who first impacted Mount Everest, and is also a legendary figure who first climbed Mount Xishabangma, and the elder-level mountaineer successfully changed joints in Han

"Thank you for letting me live a normal life again!" Chen Shan specially selected a photo of himself when climbing Xixiabang Ma Peak, gave it to Tan Yang and the medical team, and wrote down the message one by one: "The Chinese mountaineering team has a slogan - no height is unattainable, no indestructible!" Everest is 'a place where birds can't fly', but we Chinese conquered. Medical science is also a mountain, I hope you become 'seekers' and continue to climb the peak! ”

He is a national mountaineer who first impacted Mount Everest, and is also a legendary figure who first climbed Mount Xishabangma, and the elder-level mountaineer successfully changed joints in Han

"Elder Chen's recovery has been so smooth, but also inseparable from his own bravery and strength, since admission, his optimism and positivity have also given us a lot of inspiration." Tan Yang said, "This precious photo, our team will cherish forever, encourage us to continue to explore the unknown field of medicine, overcome difficulties." ”

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