
Chinese mainland the density of bird populations in water bodies and swamps showed a clear downward trend

author:Sanjiangyuan National Park

The Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China released the "2017 National Biodiversity Observation Report" in Beijing on the 21st, showing that among the 556 breeding birds, 50% of the bird population density showed a downward trend, especially the bird population density in inland water bodies and swamps decreased significantly.

Chinese mainland the density of bird populations in water bodies and swamps showed a clear downward trend

Infographic: A flock of spotted geese flying by a lake. Photo by Zhao Rinsong, China News Service

Xu Haigen, deputy director of the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, told reporters in Beijing on the 21st that biodiversity is the condition for human survival, a strategic resource for sustainable social and economic development, and an important guarantee for ecological security and food security. Due to habitat destruction, environmental pollution, commercial capture, excessive application of fertilizers and pesticides and other human activities, the survival of some animals is threatened, and diversity declines.

According to reports, the analysis of 78 bird sample areas in the breeding period continuously observed from 2011 to 2017 showed that 50% of the bird population density of 556 species of birds showed a downward trend, of which the population density of birds in inland water bodies and swamps showed a significant downward trend.

Observations show that some coastal wetlands have been destroyed due to human activities such as land reclamation, tourism development, and road construction, and the diversity of wintering waterbirds has decreased significantly. The distribution areas of the breeding period and wintering period of some national key protected birds and the concentrated distribution areas of waterbirds have not been included in the scope of protection, and there are large protection gaps.

The report shows that nearly one-third of the butterfly diversity in the observation sample area is threatened by tourism development. Some mammals at the top of the food chain have not improved their survival. The golden leopard has been widely distributed in eastern, central and southern China, and this observation has only found this species in Gongga Mountain, Gexigou in Sichuan, Meridian Ridge in Shaanxi and Nan rolling river in Yunnan, and no trace of golden leopard has been found in the eastern region. Poaching occurs from time to time in some protected areas, and in many sample areas in Yunnan, illegal activities such as gun poaching, iron clips and slate traps have been filmed.

The report believes that with the acceleration of urbanization and industrialization, the contradiction between biodiversity conservation and development and utilization is prominent. Some local governments pursue economic development one-sidedly, and once economic development conflicts with biodiversity conservation, they often promote economic development at the expense of biodiversity. It is recommended that biodiversity conservation be included in the important agenda of governments at all levels, improve the awareness of biodiversity conservation among the whole people, and further improve the regulatory system and mechanism system for biodiversity conservation. Improve the national biodiversity observation network and strengthen the protection of wetlands.

Since 2011, the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences has organized relevant scientific research institutes and nature reserve management agencies to carry out pilot observations of biodiversity. By the end of 2017, a total of 648 observation sample areas had been established in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, with more than 10,000 sample lines and sample points, and a national biodiversity observation network covering various biogeographic regions had been initially formed.

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