
Magical Ornamental Fish Science Article: How Strange Are Fish Hunting Methods? Let you open your eyes to the tuna round mouthed paracycle spiny perch with Javan bare-breasted eel lionfish

author:Fish farming said

Human beings are a very intelligent creature, and social life is the most extensive way of life of human beings. There is sociality in human life, and in the same way, among fish, there is a certain social organization. Fish are not stupid creatures, and it seems extraordinary that they know how to cooperate in order for both sides to gain greater benefits. In fact, the phenomenon of cooperation between fish is actually very extensive.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > tuna</h1>

It is very common in cartoons that big fish eat small fish, and tuna belongs to the category of "big fish" in nature. A single tuna, although swimming very fast, is still not as responsive as a dexterous small fish. As a result, tuna will use the "group travel" method to prey.

Magical Ornamental Fish Science Article: How Strange Are Fish Hunting Methods? Let you open your eyes to the tuna round mouthed paracycle spiny perch with Javan bare-breasted eel lionfish

They will swim in a very tight spiral formation and chase after their prey. In the water, they would rely on various ways to transmit information, perhaps to make noise, or to release pheromones, or to organize the actions of every member of the team with physical movements, and they would negotiate together to drive all their prey to shallow water areas that were not more likely to attack.

Similarly, it's not just the tuna that line up in spiral formations are foraging cooperatively, the tuna arranged in a parabolic formation are also cooperating in foraging. There are many strategies they can adopt that we did not expect. Fish must communicate in the process of cooperation, so that their "partners" can understand how they should cooperate next, and this information is not directly intentional. They will express it in many ways.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > round-mouthed parasynut</h1>

The fish feeds very closely to the "lions" on land. Why? They gather some members when they are foraging, and then they assign different roles to different members. When the predation begins, each fish is at its own post, and they use discoloration to confuse their prey and hide in the coral reef undetected. If one side blocks, the pursuer will drive the prey out of the crevice of the stone or other hiding place, and the interceptor is responsible for blocking the prey and avoiding escape.

Magical Ornamental Fish Science Article: How Strange Are Fish Hunting Methods? Let you open your eyes to the tuna round mouthed paracycle spiny perch with Javan bare-breasted eel lionfish

The partnership between round-mouthed paratyphras is very complex. Basically, each individual function is different, but these fish with different functions can make up for each other and cooperate with each other, and the hunting method can be described as quite exquisite and emotional.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > the perch and the Javan bare-breasted eel</h1>

The perch, which swims around on the reef, invites the Javanese naked-breasted eel to hunt with it by shaking its whole body rapidly. It is worth noting that at the time of their cooperation, the prey did not appear. That is, they are engaged in a strategy of planning for the future, and they have reached a consensus when no prey has appeared, rather than the current one.

Magical Ornamental Fish Science Article: How Strange Are Fish Hunting Methods? Let you open your eyes to the tuna round mouthed paracycle spiny perch with Javan bare-breasted eel lionfish

The body of the worm-like gill perch is suitable for punching and kicking in larger waters, while the Javan naked-breasted eel can burrow into various narrow places and eventually force the prey to a desperate situation, and the poor prey is eventually cornered and has no way to escape.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > lionfish</h1>

Lionfish have a lion-like "mane" on their bodies. When lionfish invite other companions to hunt together, they will use special ways to unfold their fins to suggest, or shake their bodies, press their heads, or even stand upside down, fan the fins, and express their intention to hunt together. The other receives the message and gently fans the fins in response. Two matching fish trap a smaller fish with their long fins and take turns attacking to complete the cooperative hunt.

The cooperation of fish is very delicate and ingenious, and with the right cooperation, both sides can profit.

Magical Ornamental Fish Science Article: How Strange Are Fish Hunting Methods? Let you open your eyes to the tuna round mouthed paracycle spiny perch with Javan bare-breasted eel lionfish

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