
Xingning Hakka mountain song

author:Mr. Cold

Xingning Hakka Mountain Song has a long history, is a kind of original Hakka culture, valuable cultural heritage.

Xingning Hakka mountain song was first oral literature composed and sung orally among the people. The Xingning Hakka Mountain Song, which is now recorded in writing, was written by He Nanfeng (1588-1651) of Shima Town in the Ming Dynasty. It was followed by 120 mountain songs composed by Liu Jiankai of Yanqian Village, Luofu Town, in the twenty-fifth year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1760). After the Xinhai Revolution, revolutionaries created unique red ballads. In the seventeenth year of the Republic of China (1928), the "Hakka Song Research Society" was established. From 1930 to 1935, Zhu Man, an old folk artist, set up the "Zhongyi Hall" under the Shenguang Mountain, and trained 24 mountain singers who could export songs and answer like a stream. In socialist construction, the people regard the mountain song as the trumpet of labor. After the reform and opening up, Xingning Hakka Shange has entered a new period of development. After the Meizhou Mountain Song Festival in 1990, 4 people in Xingning were rated as mountain song masters and 6 people were rated as mountain song masters.

Xingning Hakka Mountain Singing Voice is rich in voice and characteristics. According to the survey, there are 14 kinds of Xingning Hakka mountain singing voices. Among them, Shuikou Mountain Song, Luogang Mountain Song, Shima Mountain Song and Luofu Mountain Song are more famous and spread throughout the Hakka area. Xingning Hakka mountain song art expression techniques are rich, with a strong literary artistry. It not only inherits the techniques of giving, comparing and rejuvenating in the Book of Poetry, but also creates 8 major types of techniques such as metaphor, metaphor, pun, contrast, imagination, exaggeration, anthropomorphism, and scenery. Its expression methods mainly include: Dao love songs, tail tail tail mountain songs, stacked character songs, Trick songs, guessing songs, virtual Xuan songs, satirical songs, scolding songs, strange songs, playing songs, crying songs, digital songs, Chinese medicine songs, ancient and modern legendary songs, etc. Xingning Hakka mountain songs are rich in content, with a strong atmosphere of life and a strong extensiveness. According to the content of mountain songs, it can be divided into 8 categories: labor songs, current political songs, ritual songs, love songs, life songs, historical legend songs, children's songs and miscellaneous songs.

Xingning is a county with a population of one million and a prestigious mountain song town. The number of Xingning mountain songs, the number of mountain song stories and the number of mountain singers have become typical. According to the survey, in addition to the more than 7,000 mountain songs recorded in Xingning, there are still many mountain songs rooted in oral singing among the masses, which cannot be calculated. There are more than 210 mountain song stories, and there are more than 500 mountain singers who can export into songs and answer like flowing. These are valuable local cultural and artistic assets.