
Mr. Lu Xun is most grateful, thinking that it is great, he is a Japanese person who gave the "cold" Mr. Fujino to give the "warm" conclusion

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In Lu Xun's life, there are many people who give him help to make him unforgettable, and he is always missed in the depths of memory, such as his nanny, Ah Chang. There is one person who is indeed the most grateful person to Mr. Lu Xun in a Japanese person, and this person was written by Mr. Lu Xun in the memoir essay "Mr. Fujino" by Mr. Fujino.

Mr. Lu Xun is most grateful, thinking that it is great, he is a Japanese person who gave the "cold" Mr. Fujino to give the "warm" conclusion

Statue of Dr. Fujino

Yankuro Fujino is a professor of anatomy at The Sendai Medical College in Japan, where Lu Xun gave him encouragement and help when he was studying medicine in Sendai. Mr. Lu Xun considered Mr. Fujino to be the greatest person in his eyes and heart, although his name was not known to many people.

So why does Mr. Lu Xun feel this way? To be clear that Mr. Lu Xun has such a feeling, it is necessary to compare Mr. Fujino's behavior with others to see how great Mr. Fujino's help to Lu Xun is.

Mr. Lu Xun set out from Nanjing to study in Tokyo, Japan, but because he was disgusted by the Qing dynasty students' style, he went to the sendai Medical College to study. In Sendai he was subjected to many injustices, and these injustices made him feel the coldness of being in a foreign country.

When he was in Sendai, Mr. Lu Xun actually lived in a guest house next to a prison, the environment of this guest house was not good, it was very cold in winter, there was a lot of writing, and the food was not bad. For such a bad situation, Mr. Lu Xun himself felt that he could still get by. However, there was a gentleman who thought that this guest house also took care of prisoners' meals, and thought that Mr. Lu Xun should not live anywhere, so he asked him to accompany him several times, and finally he could only move to a taro soup that was far away from the prison, and every day he had to drink the taro soup that was difficult to swallow. From the perspective of others, this gentleman's behavior - completely disregarding Lu Xun's situation at that time, gave Lu Xun special "care", in fact, disregarded Lu Xun's actual situation. Mr. Lu Xun said this in witty terms, probably because "things are scarce and expensive", because in Sendai, he was the only Chinese student.

Mr. Lu Xun is most grateful, thinking that it is great, he is a Japanese person who gave the "cold" Mr. Fujino to give the "warm" conclusion

Statue of Lu Xun on the site of sendai Medical College on northeastern university campus

It is precisely under the background of this kind of life embarrassment and inner depression that Lu Xun will suffer a greater psychological blow. In the subjects taught by Mr. Fujino, Lu Xun was slandered and ridiculed by others because his test results were in the middle. In the text, he said sadly, "China is a weak country, so of course Chinese is low energy, and those with a score of more than 60 points are not their own ability: no wonder they are confused." Because of his father's illness, he was committed to studying medicine to save the country, hoping that he could return to China after graduation to treat patients who were mistaken like his father, and hoping that he could promote the faith of the Chinese people in the restoration through medicine. In the matter of studying medicine, he was naturally extra attentive, but in the end he was treated so unfairly, and the sadness in his heart was evident.

Compared with being slandered and ridiculed, the biggest influence on Lu Xun was the movie watched in mycology, in the movie I saw a group of Chinese watching Chinese beheaded, and these slain heads were physically strong, and the onlookers were physically strong, but their faces were indeed numb. Amid the cheers of the Japanese students, Mr. Lu Xun felt sad that what he was committed to healing the body of the Chinese people was not beneficial to the Chinese people, and even if he could save people's bodies, he could not heal the spirit of the Chinese people. It is meaningless to be unable to heal the spirit of our countrymen. For Japanese students, the Japan in the movie is strong, and they cheer for the strength of their country, but in the cheering they forget that there is an international student from a weak country. This cry was harsh to Lu Xun, and it was even more cold that pierced into his heart. This incident prompted Lu Xun to give up studying medicine and switch to literature and art, which was a major turning point in Lu Xun's life.

Wrapped in this coldness, Lu Xun was particularly grateful for the care given by Mr. Fujino. Mr. Fujino inquired about Lu Xun's lecture notes and revised his handouts. When Lu Xunfei ridiculed and slandered, he helped to calm the storm. These behaviors correspond to the actions that others have done to Lu Xun. When he heard the news that Lu Xun was preparing to change his student's characters, his face was a little sad, and he sighed that Lu Xun's study of anatomy was not helpful to change his biology, and there was a kind of regret in his sigh. When he was parting, he gave Lu Xun a kind of photo souvenir, which was Mr. Fujino's attitude towards an international student from a weak country.

Mr. Lu Xun is most grateful, thinking that it is great, he is a Japanese person who gave the "cold" Mr. Fujino to give the "warm" conclusion

Mr. Fujino's souvenir photo of Lu Xun

Perhaps we will think that what Mr. Fujino does is very ordinary and ordinary, compared to other Japanese, what Mr. Fujino did to Lu Xun is no different from adding a touch of warmth to the cold indifference. In that kind of environment, it is already rare that Mr. Fujino can treat students from another country fairly and enthusiastically without excluding and mocking Lu Xun because of the nationality issue.

Mr. Lu Xun believes that Mr. Fujino did this in the small sense of hoping that there will be a new medicine in China, and in the big way, so that new scholarship can be transmitted to China through Lu Xun. This is a teacher's expectation and hope for an international student from a weak country, and this expectation is carried with temperature.

It is also in such a hot contrast that It is shown that Mr. Fujino's concern for Lu Xun is so important. More importantly, this kind of hope with temperature encourages Mr. Lu Xun to continue to move forward on the road of saving the country and saving the people.

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