
Ancient and modern locusts, but we do not know enough about wildfires burning inexhaustibly, spring wind blows and gives birth to spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and there are countermeasures under the policy and the habits of the ancient locusts


I'll put a picture of a locust first, and it's frightening to unite thousands of brothers and brothers in this giddy green oily appearance. Don't underestimate it, its sense of existence in Chinese history is not low!

Ancient and modern locusts, but we do not know enough about wildfires burning inexhaustibly, spring wind blows and gives birth to spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and there are countermeasures under the policy and the habits of the ancient locusts

<h1>Wildfires burn endlessly, and spring winds blow again</h1>

Locusts appeared in our sights as early as thousands of years ago, extremely fertile and not easy to be destroyed, locusts as early as the pre-Qin period, locusts called 螽 (zhōng) Si, according to the "Book of Poetry • Nanfeng • Ant" recorded "螽思羽, 诜诜 (shēn) 兮." Yi'er descendants, Zhen Zhenxi. Among them, the meaning of "诜诜" is very loud and smooth, while the meaning of vibration is to describe more, more than countless, and it is endless. Locusts are extremely capable of reproduction, so people at that time used locusts to bless their children and grandchildren with pros and consortia.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Lü Shi Chunqiu Mengxia Ji contains that "if the spring order is carried out, the locusts will be plagued." "The locusts in the Spring and Autumn period of the Warring States period have left a deep impression on people.

In the Qin Dynasty, it is also recorded in the "History of Qin Shi Huang Benji" that "in October Gengyin, locusts came from the east and covered the sky." "The locusts that swept in the air covered the sky, and the grain was taken away by the locusts overnight, when Qin Shi Huang encouraged the people to use grain to buy knighthoods during such a special period, there was a shortage of grain, and Qin Shi Huang's edict to treat the symptoms but not the root causes pushed the people's lives into the depths of the water.

Ancient and modern locusts, but we do not know enough about wildfires burning inexhaustibly, spring wind blows and gives birth to spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and there are countermeasures under the policy and the habits of the ancient locusts

In the history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, locusts also have a place in the "History of Emperor Xiaowen Benji" also recorded that "the world is drought, locusts." "Yes, the west is great, and the locusts are rising." Although people are also persecuted by locusts, the ancients summed up their experience and also discovered the law of locust emergence.

In the Qing Dynasty, there are records that "in the seventh year of Xianfeng (1857), spring, Changping, Tangshan, Wangdu, Leting, Pingxiang locust, Pinggu grasshopper, spring without wheat." Qingxian grasshoppers, Funing, Quyang, Yuan, Qingyuan, no great drought, locusts... Wuchang flying locusts cover the sky. Fangxian, Zhijiang, and Songzi drought locusts should all be more than three inches long. In autumn, the locusts of Huang'an, Pushui, Huanggang, and Suizhou; the locusts of Yingshan, which fell to the ground with a thick ruler, and Zhong Xiang flew in the sky, covering the sky for tens of miles..." In this way, it seems that the locusts have accompanied the development of various dynasties in China and have been the hated enemies in China's history for thousands of years.

<h1>Chunlan Xi Qiu Ju, long hate ancient Xi</h1>

Ancient and modern locusts, but we do not know enough about wildfires burning inexhaustibly, spring wind blows and gives birth to spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and there are countermeasures under the policy and the habits of the ancient locusts

Although the ancients hated locusts, it can be said that they know each other and win every battle, and we must also understand the characteristics of locusts and why they have such a great power, which was rated as the earliest natural disaster by the ancients. What are locusts? Locusts, also commonly known as "grasshoppers" belong to the order Orthoptera, adult locusts are about 33mm-51mm, the whole body is yellowish brown or green, the color is sometimes affected by natural conditions, the antennae are pale yellow. The dorsal lines of the forebreast are distinctly colored, slightly curved or slightly concave from the side, and often have dark longitudinal stripes on the sides. The forewings are long, narrow, brown, darkly spotted, and vary in shades of color. The hindwings are colorless and transparent. Some have sometimes 2 inconspicuous dark stripes on the upper side of the leg segment of the hind foot, and some often disappear or are not obvious. The tibial segments of the hind foot are usually orange-red, varying shades of color, and usually have 10 to 11 spines along the outer margin. There are many types of locusts, and there are 3 subspecies that are more common in China: East Asian Flying Locust and Asian Flying Locust, and Tibetan Flying Locust. The East Asian flying locust, which is commonly mentioned in history, is also a major member of the locust plague.

<h1>Locust life habits</h1>

The locusts are very heterogeneous , feeding mainly on grasses and sedges. Most fond of weeds such as reeds, barnyard grass and red grass. Wheat, corn, sorghum, rice, millet, sugarcane, etc. in cultivated crops are also liked to be eaten. When food deficiencies occur, crops such as cotton, soybeans and vegetables can also be harmed. Flying locusts use adults and nymphs (locusts) to eat all the green parts of the plant's ground, such as leaves, young stems and young ears. In ancient times, productivity was insufficient, the means of production were backward, and a year's hard work may be gone.

Ancient and modern locusts, but we do not know enough about wildfires burning inexhaustibly, spring wind blows and gives birth to spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and there are countermeasures under the policy and the habits of the ancient locusts

In china's various dynasties, the Eastern Han Dynasty is the most frequent period of locusts, according to historical records in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 years) there were 38 times of locust plagues, accounting for about 19.3% of the total year, on average once every five years, compared to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the southern and northern dynasties occurred once every eleven years, the Tang Dynasty locust plague was 8.5 years, the frequency of locust plagues in the Eastern Han Dynasty was really very high, bringing great disasters to the lives of the people. However, the occurrence of locust plagues is actually closely related to the environment, the ancient Chinese environment was damaged, and the destruction of the environment led to the frequent occurrence of ecological problems, and the attacks of locusts were also fierce, although the ancients also had ways to deal with it.

Ancient and modern locusts, but we do not know enough about wildfires burning inexhaustibly, spring wind blows and gives birth to spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and there are countermeasures under the policy and the habits of the ancient locusts

<h1>There are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom</h1>

In ancient times, there were actually records of the control of locust plagues, and in the Eastern Han Dynasty there were two kinds of propositions for controlling locust plagues, one of which was "the theory of natural laws". "Disaster and Heavenly Punishment Theory" is influenced by the Confucian idea of "heaven and man induction", and when things are very negative, they do not solve them, and pin their hopes on the gods. They believe that locusts are insects with divine powers, and if there is a plague of locusts, it is to do something wrong, it is a punishment from heaven, not only can not be driven away, but also quickly sacrificed. The "law of nature" means that locust plagues are all natural phenomena, which are treated empirically and technologically. Wang Chong said in the "On Heng Shun Drum Chapter": "The officials lead the people to make obstacles, and the list drives within the barrier, and the locusts accumulate in thousands of axes, and they are attacking the body of the locusts. "Adopt the method of digging trenches to catch locusts through the ages

In the Tang Dynasty, when a locust plague occurred in Shandong, officials led the villagers to adopt the experience of controlling locusts spread by their ancestors that "Tian Zu has a god and upholds the fire of the fire", and successfully captured "locust forty stones", and the locust plague was also alleviated. There is an interesting saying that when Tang Xuanzong was ruling, the locust said, "You eat the grain of my subjects, and I eat you." "I don't know if Tang Xuanzong opened the Chinese began to eat locusts."

Ancient and modern locusts, but we do not know enough about wildfires burning inexhaustibly, spring wind blows and gives birth to spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and there are countermeasures under the policy and the habits of the ancient locusts

Locust skewers

In the Northern Song Dynasty, Luo Dajing recorded the growth process of locusts in the "Crane Forest Yulu", laying the foundation for the control of locusts in the Song Dynasty, and later Shenzong issued the "Edict of Supplementing Locusts" First: When the locust plague occurred, officials must be present to organize locust hunting. The second is to recruit and reward the people to catch locusts, so as to encourage people to catch locusts. Third, the government will compensate the government for the economic losses caused by the locust eradication work. Officials who fail to implement locust hunting measures are severely punished. Although locust plagues occurred frequently during the Song Dynasty, the policies promulgated by Emperor Shenzong also played a positive role.

In fact, there is a small story about locusts, it is rumored that the Northern Song Dynasty Zhenzong was very fascinated by the gods for a while, thinking that he was the true dragon Tianzi who was blessed by the gods, and then there was a locust plague in the fertile Jianghuai land, and the local officials were afraid of disturbing the beautiful dream of the emperor's gods to help each other, and they refused to report it for a long time. One day, zhu Chaowu, a disaster victim, came to ask for help, the disaster was serious, he led the villagers to the county court to seek help, and the county master not only ignored them, but also blasted them out of the stick.

Zhu Chao was angry, but went to the prefectural court to file a complaint, and the prefect detained him and asked the county grand master to deal with the matter. The county master was afraid that Zhu Chaowu would cause trouble, so he imprisoned him. After escaping, he also found someone to pursue and kill, and the emperor reported the matter to the emperor, who not only did not listen, but also listened to the trickery performance of the villain, so that the locust could commit suicide, and later the minister also used this method to make the emperor wake up and realize that he was no longer superstitious about ghosts and gods. The ancients had a way of dealing with locusts. And now we have a way to deal with locusts.

Ancient and modern locusts, but we do not know enough about wildfires burning inexhaustibly, spring wind blows and gives birth to spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and there are countermeasures under the policy and the habits of the ancient locusts

Fried locusts

For many years, Chinese ancestors have worked hard to control the locust plague, but if you look at the locusts in another direction, you will find something different. In recent years Chinese found that the nutritional value of locusts is very high, which can supplement protein, lose weight, provide the body with a variety of nutrients, enhance memory, strengthen spleen and digestion, cough and asthma. Therefore, catching locusts can not only supplement the nutrition of the body, but also eliminate locust plagues, which is really a double win, but it is necessary to eat clean locusts.

Ancient and modern locusts, but we do not know enough about wildfires burning inexhaustibly, spring wind blows and gives birth to spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and there are countermeasures under the policy and the habits of the ancient locusts

The locust has been regarded as a pest by us since thousands of years ago, and although it persecutes our crops, it is also the habit of the locust. "Grasshopper wings lightly coated with emerald, dragonfly waist fine drops of scarlet" The world only sees locusts harming the people, the poet only sees the locusts on the outside of the green, if we know it better, can explore its inner advantages and avoid its shortcomings, will the locust not end up with such an ancient infamy.