
a2 Milk Company: Sustained Growth Comes from Innovation, Adhere to deepening the "Whole Milk Strategy"

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily News

"CIIE is a global stage for innovation and development, bringing together excellent innovative products from all over the world. This year, we hope to further expand and deepen our 'whole milk strategy' through the excellent display platform of the Expo to meet the demand for high-quality dairy products from Chinese families." During the fourth Expo, Li Xiao, CEO of A2 Milk Company in Greater China, said in an interview with the People's Network.

Li Xiao introduced that the booth layout of this year's A2 Milk Company takes the pure nature of New Zealand's South Island as the main design concept, and the purple tone of the logo not only shows the products of A2 Milk, but also brings New Zealand's representative cultural symbols to the entire exhibition area, allowing visitors to feel the high-quality environment of New Zealand and the natural scenery of natural pastures.

a2 Milk Company: Sustained Growth Comes from Innovation, Adhere to deepening the "Whole Milk Strategy"

This year's CIIE a2 milk company booth. Courtesy of respondents

For the strategic layout of a2 milk company in the Chinese market, Li Xiao mentioned that a2 milk company will further expand its investment and scale in China, from the perspective of products, channels, teams, marketing, etc., to explore new opportunities in the Chinese market and make new attempts to help the dairy industry develop together.

Li Xiao introduced that since a2 Milk Company reached a strategic partnership with China Agricultural Reclamation Holding Shanghai Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Agricultural Reclamation (Group) Corporation, in 2013, this year, a2 Milk Company and Zhongmu Group will jointly carry out strategic cooperation with Mataura Dairy in The South Island of New Zealand with the help of the favorable conditions of the upgrading of the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement. "Through the cooperation, we hope to build it into a world-class production and operation platform for the production of high-quality A2 protein dairy products, so as to become a large-scale consumer retail packaging nutrition manufacturer that can provide products to China and other countries and regions, and create more opportunities for A2 milk to reach consumers through innovative products." Li smiled.

In the face of the era of great health, the application of new technologies and new nutritional elements is diversified, Li Xiao said that only by applying the results of scientific research to products can enterprises ultimately benefit consumers. a2 Milk Company will continue to develop a variety of product portfolios through the "Whole Milk Strategy" to meet the needs of consumers in different groups, different ages and different consumption scenarios.

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