
Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

author:The starling who picked it up said film and television

The reason why Keigo Higashino's works are so popular and enduring is that his works expose human nature and expose many social phenomena.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

As Keigo Higashino's masterpiece, "White Night" is deeply loved by readers.

The success of this novel lies in the fact that it does not only reason about the case, but also the source of evil in the human heart.

If you think that White Night's Walk is just a celebration of the love between Yukiho and Ryoji, then you did read this book in vain.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

I think to answer this question, you must first look at the definition of "love" in your mind.

If you think that love is exile, it is freedom, it is the happiness of two people, and it is not one person who indulges, then there is no love between the two of them.

If you think that love is possession, exploitation, and two people suffering together, then the two of them can be regarded as love.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

Ryoji and Yukiho are two little guesses, and by the time of adolescence, there may indeed be "hazy love", but such love can never overcome their special "revolutionary feelings" - interdependence and symbiosis.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

The shock and shame of meeting his father's violation of his friend Yukiho, and the cruelty of killing his father when he was a child, is the deepest pain in Ryoji's heart, which cannot be cured, but can only be allowed to rot.

From that moment on, Ryoji gave all his guilt and conscience to Yukiho, and masochistic protection and atonement dominated Ryoji's emotions.

Ryoji is a weak person who has not been loved and does not know how to love.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

All the "evil" of The Snow Spike also stems from the shadow of childhood, the physical injury can be healed, but the spiritual healing is very difficult.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

Like a demon, Xuesui retaliates against the same sex, revenge on society, and even sells her flesh for profit, she is a person who does not even love herself, how can she talk about loving others?

Therefore, simply using "love" to explain their relationship is one-sided, and I can only call it a "symbiotic relationship".

Ryoji has paid too much for Yukiho, which will make people mistakenly think that this is love, in fact, Ryoji's feelings for Yukiho are too heavy, and can only be called "love", and it is a "love" that self-destructs and sacrifices life.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

Under Yukiho's beautiful appearance is an ugly heart, and the hurt she suffered in her childhood does not become a reason for her to hurt others.

If she loved Ryoji, she wouldn't have been using him, and with her perfect revenge, she turned Ryoji into a person without a bottom line, a demon.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

But Yukiho and Ryoji are poor people, and they can't hate them when they do all the bad things.

This also returns to the theme of Keigo Higashino's work: Isn't the source of evil in the human heart conceived by society?

We cannot avoid the darkness of society, we can only face our own hearts, and the goodness of our hearts cannot be extinguished.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

Ryoji's death brought this deformed relationship to a perfect end, and it was the best outcome.

Ryoji used his life to complete the atonement for Yukiho and also the redemption of himself.

"My wish is to walk during the day", this is Ryoji's wish, he is relieved.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

Yukiho's indifference to Ryoji's death is also reasonable, a sentence of "I don't know this person", and the "not once looked back" described in the book, all indications show that there is no "love" in Yukiho's eyes, only the "pain" of the disintegration of the "symbiotic relationship".

"There is no sun in my sky, it is always night, but it is not dark, because something has replaced the sun. It wasn't as bright as the sun, but it was enough for me. With this light, I can turn night into day. I've never had the sun, so I'm not afraid of losing. ”

The above passage, as well as the back of the two children holding hands on the cover of the book, is the most talked about by everyone, and it is also the "ironclad evidence" that everyone thinks that there is love between Yukiho and Ryoji.

Everyone thinks that Ryoji is the light in the bottom of Yukiho's heart, that love.

Keigo Higashino's "White Night": "Karasawa Yukiho" ever loved "Ryoji Kirihara"? 1. Is there any love between Yukiho and Ryoji? 2. The true meaning of love

The sun can refer to "love" or "human nature", but I think the author's statement in this sentence should not be "love", but "human nature".

There is no sun in Yukiho's world, she has destroyed humanity, the so-called "light" may refer to Ryoji, or it may be the hatred in Yukiho's heart, no matter which one, it is just to illuminate her sinful way forward, and this road has no end...

There are two things in the world that cannot be looked at directly, one is the sun, and the other is the human heart. - "White Night Walk"

There is only one kind of heroism in this world, that is, after recognizing the truth of life, still love life!

What exactly is love?

Love should be: a concerned look, a sweet smile, a soft call, a vigorous hug, the hand that pulls you up when you fall, a reminder to distinguish between right and wrong when you make a mistake...

May everyone live in the sun and shine.

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