
The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid

author:Pest identification and control

The main pest of passion fruit

<h1>Citrus small fruit fly</h1>

The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid
The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid

Hazard characteristics:

The adults of the passion fruit citrus fruit fly lay eggs in the fruit, and the hatched larvae sneak into the flesh to eat the damage. As a result of fruit rotting and falling off, the damaged fruit can be seen to have an egg-laying hole the size of a needle tip, causing a serious reduction in yield.

Main prevention and control:

1, bagging; 2, remove the victim fruit; 3, winter ploughing to kill pupae; 4, sugar solution trap adult insects;

<h1>Coffee leopard-grain wood beetle moth</h1>

The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid
The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid

The insect is a pest of larvae drilling into the stems and branches of the moth, causing the branches and leaves to wither and even the whole plant to die.

After the insect branches are cut off, the chrysanthemums wither, and the upper part of the plant is cut off and burned. In late spring, when the larvae are infested, the affected branches are cut off and burned. Protect and exploit predators.

<h1>Red wax bugs</h1>

The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid
The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid

Adults and nymphs densely parasitize on plant branches and leaves, sucking sap hazards. Female insects are mostly harmful on plant branches and petioles, male insects are mostly harmful on petioles and leaves, and can induce coal pollution disease, resulting in plant growth decline, canopy shrinkage, the whole plant blackening, serious harm causes the whole plant to die

Reasonable pruning, you can thin the branches with more insect mouths, combined with incineration; when the number of insect mouths is small, peel off by hand. Improving ventilation and lighting conditions will reduce the hazard. Protect and utilize natural enemies of insects, there are many parasitic natural enemies of red wax beetles, common ones are red wax flying flat horn jumping bees, wax bug flat horn jumping bees, wax flying flat horn (short tail) jumping wasps, lai feeding soft aphid small bees and so on.


The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid
The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid

Adults and nymphs suck the sap of young branches, leaves and fruits, so that young branches die, leaves are wrinkled and deformed, and fruits are softened in advance, causing early fall.

Keep the passion fruit orchard clean. Cut off the remaining diseased and insect branches on the tree, scrape off the old and coarse bark of the trunk, and burn it in a concentrated manner in time. Protect predators. The use of black-edged red ladybirds, red-spotted lip ladybirds, grasshoppers, etc., to control the occurrence of persimmon sponges, and try not to use or use pesticides as much as possible during the occurrence of natural enemies.

<h1>Red Spider</h1>

The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid
The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid

If mites and adult mites gather on the back of the leaves to suck up the sap, so that the leaves are grayish white or withered yellow fine spots, in severe cases, the leaves are withered and shed, and the leaves are spit on the leaves, which seriously affects the growth and development of plants.

Agricultural control. Eradicate fieldside weeds and remove dead leaves. There are more than 30 kinds of natural enemies in this mite, and attention should be paid to protection and the natural control of natural enemies should be brought into play.


The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid
The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid

Adults and nymphs file to suck up the sap of the young tissues (branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc.) of the plant, and the young leaves and young shoots of the victims become hard and curl and wither, and the leaf surface forms dense small white dots or long stripes, and the plant grows slowly and the internodes are shortened; Young fruits (such as eggplant, cucumber, watermelon, etc.) will harden after being damaged, causing fruit drop in severe cases, which will seriously affect yield and quality.

In early spring, weeds and dead branches and leaves are removed from the field, and the overwintering adults and nymphs are eliminated. Strengthen fertilizer and water management, promote plant growth and reduce harm. Taking advantage of the blue-coloring habit of thrips, blue sticky plates are set up in the field to trap adult insects, and the height of the sticky plates is the same as that of crops.


The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid
The main insect pests of passion fruit: small fruit flies, beetle moths, red wax aphids, red spiders, aphids control citrus small fruit flies coffee leopard wood beetle moth red wax fly sheep spider thrips aphid

Aphids are pests of sucking mouth organs, often clustered in leaves, young stems, flower buds, top buds and other parts, sucking sap, making the leaves wrinkle, curl, deformity, and cause branches and leaves to wilt or even die in severe cases. The honeydew secreted by aphids can also induce coal pollution, viral diseases and attract ant hazards.

Soak the peach leaves with water for a day and night, add a small amount of quicklime to filter and spray; the third is to grind the tobacco into a fine powder, add a small amount of quicklime to spread, can receive good control effect. Use 50 grams of fresh or dried red pepper, add 30-50 grams of water, cook for about half an hour, and sprinkle the affected plants with its filtrate for special effects.

(This article is sorted out by the agricultural micro-course team, please indicate when reprinting, violators must be investigated)

【Statement】For reference only, the actual operation must be based on the local climate, soil and consult local experienced agricultural experts! This article comes from the Internet, is not responsible for its authenticity, if there is infringement please contact to delete. (nywk365)

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