
The cat's head is stuck with spider webs, and there are a lot of leaves hanging, is this going to the coiled silk hole?

author:Cute pet healer

Nowadays, people have more and more pets, and many shovelers will have a problem, that is, to bathe their pets. You want to say that taking a bath can be managed for many days, but the key is that they do not know how to cherish, maybe one second to take a bath, the next second to get dirty, so that the owner is also very helpless!

The cat's head is stuck with spider webs, and there are a lot of leaves hanging, is this going to the coiled silk hole?

There is such a netizen who has a cat at home. It was the cat that he liked to play with that day, and always liked to drill all kinds of corners. On this day, netizens were at home, shouting for half a day that the cat did not come, and as a result, when it was time to eat, it came slowly. But as soon as he saw it, the owner laughed! I didn't know where it went, it touched a spider web on its head, and there were a lot of leaves hanging on the net, so it had leaves on its face!

The cat's head is stuck with spider webs, and there are a lot of leaves hanging, is this going to the coiled silk hole?

Don't cats use their hands to flick it? With so much stuff on your face, don't you feel anything? I seem to know where the cat went, did it go to the pan silk hole? Spider Essence: It's so miserable, the hard-knitted web was cursed by a "tiger spirit"! Cat: Shovel, I said I saw the Supreme Treasure, do you believe it?

The cat's head is stuck with spider webs, and there are a lot of leaves hanging, is this going to the coiled silk hole?

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