
Health master Lin Haifeng died of illness at the age of 51 and once preached fasting and detoxification

author:There is no evil in the world
Health master Lin Haifeng died of illness at the age of 51 and once preached fasting and detoxification

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Interface News learned from multiple sources that Lin Haifeng, a "master of natural remedies" and an "Amway celebrity" advocating "fasting and detoxification", died unexpectedly in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, at the age of 51, on November 11, 2019.

Lin Haifeng is certified as the chairman of China Nutrition and Health Network, the chairman of Sunshine Forest Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and the author of headline articles on Sina Weibo. In public information, his many false and real titles also include the director of the Medical and Health Research Association of the Chinese Health Science and Technology Association, the health professional member of the China Health Food Association, and the nutrition expert of the China Longevity Expert Group.

Lin Haifeng started in the Amway direct selling industry in his early years, was the first batch of Amway practitioners to enter China, and has always been a senior marketing director. At present, the video of Lin Haifeng's speech is still circulating on the Internet and is quite influential among Amway practitioners. Around 2000, Lin Haifeng, while running Amway, used television and other media to declare the "holistic natural therapy" he founded, advocating "fasting and detoxification", which had many followers, but also caused a lot of controversy.

He called rice "the poison in the diet of modern Chinese" and "the key to the production of all kinds of modern diseases." To eliminate toxins, the core is not to eat any solid food, drink only 8 cups of celery, carrots, cucumbers and other squeezed fruit and vegetable juices a day. Lin Haifeng said that after drinking for 5-7 days, some chronic diseases can be cured, and "it is not easy to get sick again in this life."

Lin Haifeng's Sina Weibo is mostly photos of him traveling around the world or attending banquets, and the latest update stops at the day of his death, and he posted 9 photos of Lijiang's scenery in this last Weibo, with the words "With flowers as the theme, construct the day." The landmark of Weibo is displayed in Lijiang, Yunnan.

A friend of Lin Haifeng told Interface News that a few days before the accident, Lin Haifeng sent a message in the WeChat circle of friends, saying that he ate a pack of expired dates and was "stiff all over", but he did not go to the hospital, and after spitting out the food through vomiting, his body returned to normal. Subsequently, he deleted this circle of friends dynamic.

A few days later, Lin Haifeng and some friends went to Lijiang to play, and after dinner that day, friends just finished buying a bill, Lin Haifeng suddenly fell to the ground unexpectedly. After being taken to the hospital, there was no sign of life, and everyone suspected that "food poisoning" caused the tragedy. "He himself did natural medical treatment, and probably thought he could get out, so he didn't go to the hospital." The man lamented.

Lin Haifeng was born in 1968 in Yong'an, Fujian Province, China. According to his own account, in the early years he had done a variety of businesses, but none of them went well. Soon after Amway entered China in 1995, Lin Haifeng became an Amway user and was exposed to Success Learning, and subsequently became one of the first Amway direct sales personnel. After several ups and downs, Lin Haifeng became a high-level member of Amway around 2000 and started his own "holistic natural therapy" career.

People's Daily once summarized the three major arguments of "holistic natural therapy" advocated by Lin Haifeng and pointed out that it was inconsistent with modern medicine and common sense.

Lin Haifeng once said, don't trust doctors and hospitals. "Except for infectious diseases and acute diseases, it makes no sense to go to the hospital for other diseases"; "Most patients can rarely come back as long as they go to the hospital."

In an interview with People's Daily News, Wang Yongjun, vice president of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, felt that this statement was too harmful: "Now the so-called health experts have a common point: through anti-hospital and anti-Western medicine to publicize their health views, 'close' the distance with the people." ”

Lin Haifeng also famously said that the human body "where there are holes are the exit of detoxification." "Toxins discharged from the liver go to the anus; toxins from the kidneys go to the bladder, and if they do not go out, they go to the lungs and become snot and phlegm. Regardless of high blood pressure or nasopharyngeal cancer, there is no need to go to the hospital for treatment, as long as the idea is to excrete toxins.

In this regard, Professor Jiang Liangduo of the Department of Internal Medicine of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine said that the production of excreta by the human body is a natural metabolic process, and the excrement itself is not "toxic", and only when the excreted substance cannot be discharged, it will produce "poison". Lin Haifeng's theory completely confuses the physiological and pathological states, and also steals the concept of Chinese medicine, which is simply untenable.

Its most famous point of view is "fasting and detoxification". Lin Haifeng said that the white surface of rice is the key to the production of disease. "There is almost only sugar in the rice", "Eating two bowls of rice is equivalent to eating two bowls of sugar". In the fasting detoxification therapy he advocates, only vegetables and fruits are allowed to eat, and these vegetables and fruits are juiced for 8 cups a day, and no other foods are allowed.

Professor Zhang Guoxi of the Institute of Geriatrics of Xiyuan Hospital of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the fasting therapy advocated by Lin Haifeng is also called "breaking the valley", that is, not eating five grains to achieve health care purposes, the health benefits of this method have not been confirmed at all, and blind fasting is harmful to the body. In the 1990s, when Alan Greif, the most prominent advocate of valley breaking, participated in live television, he claimed that he could stick to the valley for a week. But after 48 hours, he developed elevated blood pressure and dehydration, and on the fourth day he developed pupil dilatation, and finally had to terminate the test.

The person told Interface News that Lin Haifeng, who has become famous, has settled in Shanghai in recent years and is still working at Amway, but often travels around the world.

In 2010, Lin Haifeng recalled his 15-year experience of joining Amway in an article, "In the past 15 years, he has experienced many storms, from a penniless boy to a man across the world, and laid the foundation for his entire career." Moreover, through Amway, the door of nutrition has been opened, and the exploration of clinical nutrition, natural therapy, environmental medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine has gradually entered the field of clinical nutrition, which is inseparable from the exercise on the stage of Amway! ”

He wrote an essay after attending an Anniversary Celebration of Amway, "I will do Amway for another thirty years." Well, the people we are going to recommend, there are still a group that have not been born. It's a lot of pride. ”

Today, it seems that this wish is doomed to be unattainable.

Li Jie, an anti-cult expert, reminded: If you are sick and go to the hospital, you must not believe the charlatans, divine doctors, and masters who do not have the qualifications of practicing physicians.

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