
Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

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Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people
Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

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Editor丨Kepler is out of power

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

In recent years, "wellness" has become all the rage, and more and more people have begun to pursue various health preservation methods.

However, some so-called "health experts" took the opportunity to grandstand and opened various "money trapping modes", but they did not expect to "do" themselves.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Lin Haifeng, who once called himself a health master, firmly believed in his "fasting and detoxification method", but he did not expect to suddenly die at the age of 51 and eat his own consequences.

What's going on here? What tricks does he have?

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people
Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away"

Lin Haifeng, a self-proclaimed "longevity expert," has repeatedly declared in public speeches that rice is a "modern poison" that can cause a variety of chronic diseases.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

He also said that he has cured many diseases such as high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and stomach ulcers through his self-created "fasting and detoxification method", and he also said that except for infectious diseases and emergencies, human beings do not need hospitals at all.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

This "expert" who lacks medical knowledge relies on clever tongues to self-market on the Internet, publishes a lot of false information, writes a number of best-selling books to create a sense of authority, obtains widespread attention, support and funding through domestic lecture tours, and even founded a number of for-profit organizations.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

But Lin Haifeng's pyramid scheme propaganda did not give him the longevity he imagined, and in 2019, the 51-year-old "longevity master" suddenly fell ill while traveling and was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

According to the recollections of Lin Haifeng's friends, a few days before the incident, Lin Haifeng posted photos of his general discomfort after eating a pack of expired red dates on social platforms, claiming to "treat" himself by fasting and detoxification.

He then went to a friend's party as usual, but suddenly collapsed after the meal, and eventually died of food poisoning.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Some netizens analyzed the cause of Lin Haifeng's death, red dates themselves have high sugar content, it is easy to cause various bacteria to multiply, and once it expires, it may produce a lot of toxins.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

The toxins accumulated in Lin Haifeng's body were not excreted in time through medical treatment, but chose a non-scientific self-vomiting method, and as a result, only a small part of the toxins may be excreted, and a large amount of residual toxins accumulated in the body, which eventually led to his death.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

This fully shows that the power of toxins cannot be underestimated, even healthy people, if they consume a large amount of toxic food, may be damaged by toxins in a short period of time to death.

Lin Haifeng's death from the wrong health concept he advocated surprised many people who once followed him.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Lin Haifeng died of food poisoning, which is also contradictory to his consistent concept of fasting and health preservation, he advocated the detoxification effect through fasting, but died of poisoning due to eating expired red dates.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

It is fully explained that fasting alone cannot eradicate the various toxins accumulated in the body, but may weaken the body's resistance due to malnutrition.

Lin Haifeng's death has dealt a heavy blow to many blindly admired him, and a woman who has long followed his health philosophy said that she fasted with Lin Haifeng for 5 years, thinking that her body was "rejuvenated", but now she found that it was empty.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

"I no longer believe in health regimens that have no scientific basis, and health needs scientific guidance, not empty air."

In fact, Lin Haifeng frequently published anti-scientific views on the Internet before his death, claiming that modern hospitals are "patients' graves", and doctors only prescribe drugs without understanding people, which may mislead the masses.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

After his death, these views were criticized and refuted by the scientific community, and health problems need to rely on modern medical guidance, and the consequence of ignoring scientific medical treatment is likely to be Lin Haifeng's desperate path.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Lin Haifeng's sudden death has sounded the alarm for everyone, in this era of rapid spread of rumors, we must keep a sober and rational mind, and not easily believe those statements that go against scientific common sense.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Any non-mainstream health regimen needs to be scientifically verified, and the practices promoted by Lin Haifeng are not only unscientifically based, but may also lead to serious health hazards.

At the same time, his denial of modern medicine may also mislead the masses, and refusing to seek medical treatment is an extremely dangerous move.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people
Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Lin Haifeng: Master of natural remedies

Lin Haifeng, one of the advocates of naturopathic therapy in China, proposed the concept of "holistic natural therapy", which advocates that the human body itself has a strong self-healing ability, as long as this potential is stimulated by dietary conditioning and other methods, it can treat various diseases without relying on hospital drugs or surgery.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Although this theory lacked scientific basis, it still had great appeal to many people who were not familiar with medicine, and Lin Haifeng became famous for a while and gathered a large number of followers.

Lin Haifeng was born in Fujian, and he was intelligent and studious since he was a child, not only brilliant in literature, but also eloquent, which made many people envious.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

After growing up, Lin Haifeng entered a sales company, and with his excellent eloquence, he was soon promoted to senior manager and began to live a glamorous life.

But Lin Haifeng is not satisfied with working for others, he is determined to start a business and become his own boss.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

With the advent of the Internet era, Lin Haifeng saw the blue ocean market of online health consultation, and he found that there are always various health care products sales on TV shopping channels, as long as you move your lips, you can easily make a profit.

Lin Haifeng had a clever move and decided to follow this model and create a health brand to make a fortune.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

So Lin Haifeng set up his own door and founded a wellness concept called "holistic natural therapy", and he frequently appeared in the media to promote that his theory could lead mankind into a new era of health.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Lin Haifeng, around 2000, began to appear frequently in various media, calling himself a "nutritionist" and boasting of owning a set of so-called "natural remedies".

He carried out a lot of propaganda and packaging, claiming that many diseases in the human body are caused by the chronic excessive consumption of "rice, a chronic poison" in modern people.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Lin Haifeng claimed that Chinese important reason for the high prevalence is the so-called "toxin" in rice, and he put forward a seemingly bizarre view, that by drinking a large amount of fruit and vegetable juice every day, it can help the human body "excrete toxins", and if you stick to it for 5-7 days, you can cure many stubborn chronic diseases.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Not only that, Lin Haifeng also comprehensively denies the scientific nature of modern medicine's cognition of diseases.

He denies the efficacy of Chinese and Western medicine, claims that all human diseases should be "returned to nature", and follows certain non-scientific therapies he advocates, such as "telepathy", and his theories are full of conspiracy theories about hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

In order to better promote his theory, Lin Haifeng has published several best-selling books, held lectures and held training courses all over the country.

He has also set up clubs to attract patients to learn his therapy, which Lin claims can treat not only common high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., but also serious diseases such as cancer.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

He gained a large number of believers who were confused by his theories, and also profited greatly from these believers, he packaged himself as a "health guru" and obtained great financial benefits and social influence.

He appealed to people not to trust doctors, because hospitals only want to let patients buy medicines for a long time.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

At first, Lin Haifeng did rely on his eloquence and packaging methods to make many people who were not familiar with medicine really believe his theories and paid high fees to learn his therapy.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Lin Haifeng won the titles of chairman of China Nutrition and Health Network and director of the Medical and Health Research Association of the Chinese Health Science and Technology Association, and became famous for a time and accumulated considerable wealth.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

But over time, Lin's theories and therapies have been questioned, with medical experts pointing out that his fasting methods may lead to malnutrition and claims that cancer can be cured without evidence.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Some family members of patients who had followed Lin Haifeng also began to expose Lin's secret forced purchase of food or medicine he specified. There were also cases of patients whose condition deteriorated, and Lin Haifeng's reputation plummeted, and his career declined.

After Lin Haifeng's unexpected death, his former followers realized that this "longevity master" himself did not have a long life, let alone his therapy.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Although Lin Haifeng was famous for a while, his practice of relying too much on eloquence packaging and lacking scientific arguments will not work after all, so everyone should keep their eyes open, not all what experts say is credible.

Take Lin Haifeng's so-called "rice is poisonous" view, isn't it proper nonsense?

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people
Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Lin Haifeng's "Rice Poison Theory": A Hoax in the Health Care World

However, this statement that "rice contains toxins" is completely contrary to scientific facts, as one of the main grain crops in the mainland, rice is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals and other essential nutrients.

It cannot be the so-called "chronic poison".

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Chinese has been eating rice for thousands of years, and if it is really toxic as Lin Haifeng said, the survival situation of mainlanders would have been "seriously poisoned" as Lin Haifeng described.

In fact, eating rice in moderation is not harmful to human health.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Lin Haifeng denies the scientific understanding of modern medicine on various diseases, which may cause the majority of patients to miss the best treatment opportunity and cause irreparable damage to their health.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

The seemingly "natural" treatments he created, not only Chinese or Western, were all commercial scams he had carefully packaged to market his health products and training courses.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

Although Lin Haifeng once claimed in the media that he had suffered from a variety of diseases and was successfully cured by relying solely on his "natural remedies", these so-called "cure cases" have never been rigorously scientifically verified.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

In fact, the real medical community has long criticized and denied the fallacies in Lin Haifeng's theory, but Lin Haifeng cleverly used people's attention to physical health and blind obedience to the celebrity effect to design an imperceptible amateur scam, and really deceived a group of people.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

It can be said that Lin Haifeng uses "rice contains poison" to deny mainstream medicine and promote his "natural remedies", which is an outright scam.

This scam not only harms the health of believers, but also makes some people mistakenly believe the absurd argument that "rice is poisonous".

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

We should be alert that in the face of health claims made by some self-proclaimed "experts" that seriously violate common sense, we must maintain a sufficiently rational and scientific attitude, and not believe in unverified subjective assumptions, which is an important way to maintain our own health.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people
Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

The way of health, the way is in it, health is in their hands after all, but the choice of the road still needs to be cautious, the answer may be around, or it may need to continue to explore.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people

The key is to maintain an open, rational attitude of curiosity, while not credulous, listen to the body, adjust in time, health should not adhere to the form, but should follow appropriate scientific principles, this road to knowledge is still very long, let us explore together, but also take better care of ourselves.

His legendary life has become a cautionary tale of distinguishing between the truth of health information and the rational view of alternative therapies.

Chinese longevity expert Lin Haifeng passed away at the age of 51! The reason behind it awakened countless middle-aged and elderly people


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