
The chef teaches you the correct way to cook shredded fish and meat, appetize and relieve the hunger, and there is no soup left on the table

author:Liu's first-hand food

Hello everyone, here is [Liu Yi hand food], pay attention to lao Liu, share a delicious and practical home cooking every day

1, fish fragrant meat shredded is a famous Sichuan dish, its salty fresh sour and sweet at the same time, green onion, ginger and garlic rich flavor

The chef teaches you the correct way to cook shredded fish and meat, appetize and relieve the hunger, and there is no soup left on the table

2, today Lao Liu will come to share the "fish fragrant meat shredded" method, like friends can first collect, have time to try it themselves.

The chef teaches you the correct way to cook shredded fish and meat, appetize and relieve the hunger, and there is no soup left on the table

3. The following begins to introduce the required ingredients:

Pork, green pepper, carrot, shiitake mushroom, soy sauce, cooking wine, egg, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, corn starch, minced garlic, ginger, minced green onion, balsamic vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, Pixian bean paste

The chef teaches you the correct way to cook shredded fish and meat, appetize and relieve the hunger, and there is no soup left on the table

4, first cut the pork into shredded meat, put it in a bowl to marinate, first put in an egg white, and then pour in soy sauce, a little cooking wine to fishy, dark soy sauce coloring, oyster sauce, kneading evenly, salt does not have to be put, because the seasonings are salty, grab well and put in half a spoon of corn starch, grab well, and then seal a layer of cooking oil, marinate for half an hour to spare

The chef teaches you the correct way to cook shredded fish and meat, appetize and relieve the hunger, and there is no soup left on the table

5: Cut the pepper shreds after removing the seeds, slice the shiitake mushrooms and then cut the shiitake mushrooms, slice the carrots with the skin off and then cut the shredded carrots, put them on the plate and set aside. Then adjust the sauce, first add light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, two spoonfuls of sugar, a little sesame sesame oil, a little water, a spoonful of corn starch, stir well and set aside

The chef teaches you the correct way to cook shredded fish and meat, appetize and relieve the hunger, and there is no soup left on the table

6, oil temperature 40% hot pour into the sauce of good shredded meat, low oil temperature to the meat shredded, slippery after the storage, and then put the green pepper, shiitake mushrooms, carrots together into the pot over the oil, time is not too long, thirty seconds can be, side dishes after the oil to eat the taste is softer, better than water, and then put out the drainage oil for backup

The chef teaches you the correct way to cook shredded fish and meat, appetize and relieve the hunger, and there is no soup left on the table

7, heat the pot to pour oil, first put in a spoonful of Pixian bean paste to fry the red oil, then add minced garlic, ginger minced stir-fry, and then put in the shredded meat side dishes together to stir-fry, and then put in the prepared sauce, stir-fry evenly after pouring in a little bright oil, stir-fry again can be out of the pot, and then sprinkle a little green onion garnish to eat

The chef teaches you the correct way to cook shredded fish and meat, appetize and relieve the hunger, and there is no soup left on the table

8. Pork is rich in protein and a variety of fatty acids, and provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine that promotes iron absorption, which can improve iron deficiency anemia; it has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the blood, nourishing the yin and moisturizing

Lao Liu has released a total of 1700+ videos, I recently screened out the best [stir-fry] [sauce] [pasta] production method I have done, if you want to get it, you can backstage private message [Liu Yi hand welfare] to find me to collect, can bring convenience to you, is my old Liu great honor!

The chef teaches you the correct way to cook shredded fish and meat, appetize and relieve the hunger, and there is no soup left on the table

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