
Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

author:No.1 Food Mansion
"Introduction to the previous article: This red date rice cake restores the working people's exploration of the original taste of the ingredients in a homely way, soft and strong, sweet and delicious - although the rice cake is good, don't be greedy."

Hello everyone, today I would like to share with you a delicious red date rice cake. For this delicacy, it is different from ordinary pastries, the production process of rice cake is simpler, even if you are a novice, you can look at it at a time, and a few more contacts can make a delicious taste, whether it is used in a meal or a complementary food, it is a good choice. If you're also a little interested in this delicious pastry, you might as well read the author's next detailed cooking method, and hope to enjoy it.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Prepare ingredients: 200 g of rice, 50 g of medium gluten flour, 3 g of yeast, 15 g of sugar, 12-15 dates. For the preparation of the work, the red dates, we can choose the kind of pitted dates, if you feel that the general red dates to the core of the trouble, other materials are common in daily life, the author in this will not say more.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Step 1: First we prepare a large bowl, put the rice in the bowl, add water that has not yet passed the rice, and let it sit for 8 hours. In this author's suggestion, soak it before going to bed at night, and you can make rice cakes the next morning. Then we put the soaked rice into the wall breaker, add an equal amount of water, and beat it into rice milk.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Step 2: Then prepare a large bowl, pour in the rice milk, yeast, sugar separately, and stir evenly for 1 minute.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Step 3: Pour the prepared medium gluten flour into the bowl, you can also use a mesh sieve to properly sift the medium gluten flour into the bowl, and then use chopsticks or an egg beater to stir continuously until the flour and rice milk are evenly integrated, the basic requirement is that there is no obvious granular powder. We then covered ourselves with plastic wrap and left the prepared rice paste to ferment in a warm place to twice as large.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

The finished form of rice milk can be done in the following picture.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Step 4: After that, let's deal with the jujube kernel problem. Because today I bought a kerneled red date, I must use the knife to remove the core date and leave the red date piece for later.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Step 5: The following figure is the fermented honeycomb rice paste, you must use chopsticks to stir until the honeycomb account completely disappears, do a good job of exhaust work is of great help to the finished rice cake after that.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Step 6: Prepare two large clean bowls (because one bowl cannot fit) and pour the stirred rice paste into the bowls separately. At this step, it should be remembered that the amount of rice paste poured into the bowl can generally only account for about 70% or 80% of the bowl capacity, because the rice paste will expand during the steaming process, if it is poured, it is estimated that the steamed rice cake will overflow outside the bowl.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Step 7: Then cover with plastic wrap and wake up for ten minutes.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Step 8: After that, we will lay a layer of pitted red date pieces on the awakened rice paste, and then we can steam it on the steamer for 40 minutes on high heat and eat it.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

Finished product renderings: For this red date rice cake introduced by the author today, the taste is soft and sticky and sweet, and the cake body is soft and strong, which is very suitable for the elderly and children. And for this rice cake, even if it is cold, there is no need to worry about it collapsing or hardening. If you're also interested in this rice cake, try it yourself at home.

Share the simple recipe of red date rice cake, soft and strong, sweet and delicious, more delicious than cake

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