
The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

Jujube is warm, rich in vitamin C, tonifying qi, sweet potatoes are rich in protein, starch, pectin, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins and a variety of minerals, has the reputation of "longevity food". This recipe is soft and sweet for all ages. Baby food supplements are shared daily, plus v: 17608179187.

by Kuroko's mother

A small bowl of rice

Five red dates

Sweet potatoes to taste

Oyster black sesame powder to taste

The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

1. Prepare the ingredients.

The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

2: Cook the rice in advance with 2-3 times the water into a slightly softer rice, cook well and set aside.

The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

3: Put the prepared sweet potato pieces and the pitted dates into the steamer and steam.

The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

4: Remove the sweet potatoes and dates, press them into a puree with a spoon or grinding bowl and set aside.

The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

5. Put the mold on the plate, lay a layer of sweet potato puree, press flat compaction, continue to spread the red date mud and press flat compaction.

The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

6. Finally, we press a layer of rice on top, fill the mold, and then slowly exit the mold with the finished rice cake.

The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

7: Sprinkle black sesame oyster powder on the surface and plate, finish

The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

8. Finished product drawing.

The preparation of the red dates and sweet potato rice cakes

9. Finished product drawing.


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