
In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

author:Squirrel kitchen

Fish has been a symbol of good fortune since ancient times, and we Chinese often used to express good wishes. For example: Consecutive years of Yu (fish), Jiqing Youyu (fish), carp jumping dragon gate... Wait a minute.

Fish is a high-protein, low-fat delicacy. The protein content in fish meat is usually about 15%-25%, which can be said to be very rich, and it is very conducive to digestion and absorption.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

Tilapia is a type of crucian carp, native to Africa, so it is also called "African crucian carp". The flesh of tilapia is tender, less thorny, nutritious, delicious, steamed or braised, very delicious.

Tilapia is high in protein and rich in a variety of amino acids necessary for the human body. Fish protein is easier for the body to digest and absorb than meat protein. Rich in protein, it can promote the growth and development of children's brain and body.

Tilapia is high in taurine, up to 210-220 mg per 100 grams of fish, compared to only 32 mg in beef and nothing in chicken.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant.

In the spring, giving children more to eat this fish can promote the growth and development of children, strengthen bones, and improve body immunity. It is also extremely beneficial for the brain development and physical development of infants and young children.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

Tilapia has so many benefits, so how to make it more delicious? Today the squirrel chef teaches you to make this "douban tilapia" is very fragrant! Super down meal. Fish is tender and has a mellow taste, and is a favorite dish for both adults and children. No matter what kind of fish is stewed, as long as it is braised, you can use this method to make it, the fish is delicious, the entrance is melted, even the bones are fragrant, I made a 3 pounds of big fish, three people are not enough to eat it!

——【Douban Tilapia】——

▋【Ingredients】: 1 piece of tilapia, 2 tablespoons of red oil watercress paste, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of ordinary flour.

▋[Seasoning] } Salt to taste, half a green onion, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 spoons of cooking wine, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, salt to taste, 1 spoon of sugar

◆◆◆【Production Steps】:◆◆◆◆

1, prepare a tilapia, my fish is nearly 3 pounds, oversized. Scratch, disemboweled, remove cheeks, wash clean, and scratch the surface with a cross flower knife, which is easier to taste.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

2: Apply a layer of table salt to the inside and outside of the tilapia, add 3 spoons of cooking wine and spread evenly. Wash and cut the green onion into sections, cut the ginger into slices, divide into different parts, stuff into the fish body and belly, and marinate for 20 minutes.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

3: The tilapia is marinated and thinly coated with a layer of ordinary flour. Yes, it's flour, not starch.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

4: Heat the pot and pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil. If it is a non-stick pan, do not put too much oil, after all, more oil is not healthy.

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In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

5: After the oil is hot, put the floured tilapia in the pan and fry over low heat until golden brown on both sides. The fish that have just entered the pot must not move, do not be too diligent ha. Wait until the tilapia is firm and firm, and then turn it up after setting.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

6: After frying the tilapia, put it aside and do not need to be served. Add 2 tablespoons of red oil bean paste to the place where there is oil in the pan and sauté until fragrant.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

bs Sichuan Pixian Juancheng brand red oil watercress sauce Sichuan cuisine stir-fry with seasoning ¥12.8 to buy

7, add the right amount of water, the amount of water is less than half of the fish, not a lot. Add the shallots and sliced ginger and put the sauce of the marinated tilapia together in the pot. If you don't put enough salt when you marinate, you can add some more, and if you have enough, you don't have to put it.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

8: Add a spoonful of sugar at the end. Sugar is added to boost freshness, not to highlight sweetness. Cover, bring to a boil over high heat and turn to low heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes. The longer it is simmered, the more flavorful the fish becomes. There is an old saying called: a thousand rolls of tofu and a thousand rolls of fish. It can be seen that it takes a while to stew the fish for a while to be flavorful.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

During the stewing process, you will smell the fragrant aroma. This stewed fish is soft and tender, the fish melts in the mouth, and the taste goes deep into the bone marrow. Not only the fish meat, but even the fish bones are fragrant, especially delicious. No matter what kind of fish is stewed, as long as you use this method, it is very delicious, super rice, to ensure that you 3 pounds of big fish are not enough to eat.

In the spring, give children more to eat this fish, better than beef, delicious taste, this method even the bones are fragrant

——【Production Skills】:——

1, fried fish is not fried fish, do not need too much oil, fried fish to hot pan, cold oil. If you feel that you can't fry them all in place, you can use the method of turning the pan to ensure that the fish on each side can be fried.

2, after the fish into the pot, do not "too diligent", that is, do not always turn it. If you are afraid of not being familiar and keep turning it over, it will be self-defeating. A few flips will inevitably "open the skin" and "look beyond recognition".

3, fried fish, if braised, the surface of a layer of flour, is ordinary flour. If it is fried fish, it needs to be crispy and delicious, and the surface is made of starch to be crispy.

4, "a thousand rolls of tofu ten thousand rolling fish", roasted fish, only into the taste is delicious, so do not skimp on time. Simmer for a while to taste better.

Every foodie is happy, and I am one of them. Thanks for reading and getting more homemade recipes stay tuned: Squirrel Chef! It is my original intention to create nutritious and healthy home-cooked delicacies with simple ingredients, so that the kitchen is full of love and fireworks, and the taste of home! Sharing is a virtue, like the squirrel chef article please like, share to more friends! Thank you for your support and encouragement!

(This article is created by the high-quality original author Squirrel Chef, and it is strictly forbidden for bad media to illegally copy and move!) )

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