
Zhang Hanyun finally lost weight successfully, turned into a little fairy in seconds, and the dead fat man in Zhao Liying's mouth has become a thing of the past

author:Talk about entertainment
Zhang Hanyun finally lost weight successfully, turned into a little fairy in seconds, and the dead fat man in Zhao Liying's mouth has become a thing of the past

Zhang Hanyun participated in the "Super Girl" that year and was well known to the audience, and won the third place, and became a popular star for a time, she is most familiar with the song "Sweet and Sour is Me", which was also a single with a very high degree of singing, and won the top ten golden songs, but then it slowly fell silent, and the people who debuted in the Supergirl are still active in the public eye. It was not until 2015 that he participated in Hunan Satellite TV's "Idol Coming" that he returned to the public's vision.

Zhang Hanyun finally lost weight successfully, turned into a little fairy in seconds, and the dead fat man in Zhao Liying's mouth has become a thing of the past

Netizens found that the reappearance of Zhang Hanyun is no longer the impression of thin and small, more people say that she is fat, has become a fat flower, as a good friend Zhao Liying is sometimes directly said that she is fat, in fact, Zhang Hanyun's figure is still very good among us ordinary people, but as a star is still fat, after all, to be photogenic, the face is not good, the photogenic will be fat, Zhang Hanyun may also be hit more, so he said to lose weight in the show.

Zhang Hanyun finally lost weight successfully, turned into a little fairy in seconds, and the dead fat man in Zhao Liying's mouth has become a thing of the past

Everyone may be curious, Zhao Liying and Zhang Hanyun what is the relationship why zhang Hanyun, in fact, the two are very good girlfriends in private, up to 10 years of friendship is also often let them black each other, once in a variety show, Zhang Hanyun accidentally sprinkled water on Zhao Liying, Zhao Liying laughed and scolded Zhang Hanyun dead fat, zhang Hanyun at that time did weigh a little high.

However, Zhang Hanyun is now generously taking photos on Weibo, and finally lost weight successfully, and the seconds have become the little fairy who sang "Sweet and Sour is Me" in the past, and the dead fat man in Zhao Liying's mouth has become a thing of the past. Zhang Hanyun also posted a rapid weight loss eating method on his Weibo, which caused extensive discussion among netizens. In Weibo, Zhang Hanyun wrote: Many friends are asking, how should I eat fast fitness and weight loss? The answers given by my coach are all here!

Zhang Hanyun finally lost weight successfully, turned into a little fairy in seconds, and the dead fat man in Zhao Liying's mouth has become a thing of the past
Zhang Hanyun finally lost weight successfully, turned into a little fairy in seconds, and the dead fat man in Zhao Liying's mouth has become a thing of the past

ps: It is best to strictly implement, otherwise you will at most change from small fat to small strong. The accompanying picture is a chat record of her and her coach and a beautiful photo of herself. In the photo, we found that weight loss can not eat snacks, sweets, drinks, spicy and other things, resulting in messages at the bottom of Weibo are too harsh, netizens said that this fat willing not to reduce. However, some netizens said that at least they can eat meat.

Netizens said: Zhang Hanyun finally lost weight successfully, the second became a small fairy, and the dead fat man in Zhao Liying's mouth has become a thing of the past. Zhang Hanyun is also fighting in order to lose weight, and it is good to be able to eat meat, but is it too cruel for Zhang Hanyun of Sichuan Sister not to eat spicy? In fact, I like Zhang Hanyun's appearance, I feel that it has always been very sweet, and after so many years, it has not changed so much. What do you think?

There are many ways to lose weight, but it is important to find a way that suits you, some people rely on diet, some people like to exercise, and there is a method suitable for lazy people.

Lazy diet - winter melon lotus leaf slimming tea

Female friends want a good figure, but many people do not want to exercise, for this part of the people can try slimming tea, according to the "Thousand Golden Fang" record, in the water into some swelling and diuretic winter melon, lotus leaves and other ingredients, decoction after making tea to drink, often drink can play a weight loss effect, such as:

Winter melon: diuretic, reduce swelling ;

Gardenia: clear heat diuretic, cool blood detoxification, external swelling and pain relief;

Cassia seeds: contain vitamin A, emodin, cassia and other beneficial substances, can clear liver fever.

Beauty and beauty diet therapy small jingfang: prepare winter melon, lotus leaves, guiyuan, chrysanthemums and other golden ingredients, boiling water for 5 minutes, can be a good reduction of swelling and diuresis, healthy spleen and warm stomach, replenish qi and blood, help improve the problem of qi and color difference, women 40 years old do not look old.

Conclusion: The effect of winter melon lotus leaf tea is not only like this, but also includes the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, heat relief and other effects, so you can drink it appropriately when you are usually fine, especially for constipation, obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, overnutrition of the population, insist on drinking winter melon lotus leaf tea, can bring a variety of benefits to the body.

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