
From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

author:Citrus Entertainment said
From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods? Many years ago, there was such an advertisement all over the streets, sweet and sour is me, and along with this fire all over the country, there is a very sweet Zhang Hanyun, who looks like a clear song, when she successfully conquered many countless audiences with her own looks and singing, and became a star familiar to the public, but the debut is the peak of her, the bag of buses and other unsightly words frequently appear on her, making her career suffer thunder blows in an instant, and then she disappeared overnight. Until many years later, Zhang Hanyun stood on the stage again to enshrine the gods, and those dusty memories began to gradually appear in the minds of the public, as Gu Cheng said, the night gave me black eyes, but I used it to find the light.

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

In April 1989, Zhang Hanyun was born in a middle-class family in Deyang, Sichuan, and as the only daughter in the family, but also the only child, Zhang Hanyun's parents gave her all the pampering, from childhood she looked very cute, very pleasing to the neighbors, and even often praised her in front of her parents, which made her parents very useful, but also proud of it, in order to better cultivate Zhang Hanyun, her parents spent a lot of effort to let her learn to sing and dance, so zhang Hanyun was deeply influenced by art from a young age. This laid the foundation for her fame, as a parent's palm pearl, as a well-behaved girl Zhang Hanyun has never disappointed her parents, from childhood to a variety of competition awards can be said to get soft, but because too much attention to art, so Zhang Hanyun's academic performance is only average, but this is probably the choice made by heaven for balance, after all, no one is perfect, in addition to the beauty and singing she has, she may also lose some things, but her parents are not too demanding of her results, Basically, it's pretty much enough.

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

And when the time came to 2004, although the foreign and Hong Kong and other regions of the draft has been a big hit, but the domestic talent show is in the ascendant, Hunan Satellite TV's "Super Girl" is probably considered to be the early domestic talent show, at this time is the fifteen-year-old Zhang Hanyun in the encouragement of his parents, participated in the first Hunan Satellite TV talent show "Super Girl", in this program Zhang Hanyun with sweet looks and excellent singing skills, all the way through the five levels and six generals, and finally successfully won the third place in the national finals, Although it is said that he did not win the championship, but in the subsequent development, Zhang Hanyun's resources are far more than the champions and runners-up, and even in the later stage, the limelight completely overshadowed An Youqi and Wang Yuan, after the end of the "Super Girl" competition, Zhang Hanyun officially signed a contract with Beijing Tian Chinese, becoming one of the female singers of this entertainment company, and this company has produced many stars, such as Andy Lau Zero Point Band and Su Youpeng and other stars, so Zhang Hanyun's resources are absolutely not worried, in the following year after signing, She released her debut album, titled "I Am Very Sweet and Sour", "Sweet and Sour is Me", which can be described as her early peak masterpiece, and it is also her business card for entering every household.

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

With this album, Zhang Hanyun successfully caught fire, not only won one of the top ten golden melody awards of the year, the album sold more than 800,000 copies, becoming the ranking champion of the singer of the year, it can be said that Zhang Hanyun at this time is the peak of her debut, the following year she released the second album "Youth Invincible", in one fell swoop became the most popular nascent idol singer in the song world, in the eyes of many professional people, Zhang Hanyun will definitely become one of the singers in the future, but she has just become an adult, but at this time she has suffered a lot of malice from the outside world. At that time, she thought that everything in the outside world was good, but she did not know that there was a saying that people knew the face and did not know the heart, and when people were red, there would be more right and wrong, after Zhang Hanyun became popular, the gossip from the outside world began to emerge everywhere, some people said that she was on the throne by dry father, some people said that she was raised, and even some people said that she was a bus, in short, all kinds of negative news came and went, although there was no evidence for saying these words, but the reason why the rumors were called rumors was because the rumors stopped at the wise. The point is how many people are willing to be this wise man?

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

So Zhang Hanyun was scolded miserably, her reputation in the entertainment industry began to decline, the company was forced to terminate her contract, and even the school had to fire her, because she attracted countless media and fans when she went to school, which would surround the school, and more importantly, the parents of other students would complain that she affected their children's learning, so even if she was all over the music scene, Zhang Hanyun was still dismissed, all of which was a bit inexplicable for her, obviously she did nothing, but the result was rumors flying everywhere. For a while Zhang Hanyun was forced to the cusp of the storm, countless media reports under the regular customers, in order not to let the negative news continue to ferment, Zhang Hanyun had to start to become low-key, slowly the entertainment industry began to hear her voice, so after three years, many unknown people thought that she was hidden by the company snow, but in fact it is not so, just because her fame and popularity is not as hot as before, plus she did not have any works to come up with her hands later, so many people will think that she is hidden by the snow.

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

And in the past three years, Zhang Hanyun has also crossed over as a host, but because there is no experience in hosting and related strength skills, the results have been one after another, and Ke Lan, who is partnered with her, can't see it, plus he is a straight-forward character, seeing Zhang Hanyun frequently making mistakes, can't help but open his mouth, where did this person come from, how clumsy, immediately change people, or not record, which makes the young Zhang Hanyun instantly shed tears of grievance, after all, the first attempt will always have mistakes, But being drunk by the seniors like this, no matter how to say it in her heart, it was a little uncomfortable, but she was not discouraged, after all, if she was knocked down like this, there would be no Zhang Hanyun who would later be a god.

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

In order to become a better self, Zhang Hanyun began to work hard to learn from others, no hosting experience to learn from others, no foundation on their own private lessons, it turns out that the effort is always a success on the road will not be wrong direction, in the 2010 variety show "Extraordinary", Zhang Hanyun successfully won the championship of the national finals, and this is also the second time she began to enter the audience's field of vision, some people began to find that the female singer who once sang sweet and sour is me is back, But this program is far less popular than Hunan Satellite TV's program, so even if it is the champion of the national finals, for Zhang Hanyun, who wants to return to the peak, it is still a lot worse, after all, her national popularity was really a bit high, but fortunately, this time, she did not plan to return like this, she was determined to give everyone a surprise.

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

In 2011, Zhang Hanyun was admitted to the drama class of the Central Academy of Drama for further study, officially began to learn professional acting knowledge, to prepare for becoming a real actor, and then she began to bring one surprise after another to the audience, just like a treasure girl, first of all, in terms of film and television dramas, Zhang Hanyun successively starred in "First Love Is Not Enough", "New Xiao Eleven" and other film and television dramas, so that many viewers found that the original singer would not only sing the original but also act, but these TV series broadcast did not make her a fire, Until she starred in the TV series "Do you know if it should be green fat red skinny", she successfully surprised everyone by playing the role of Sheng Shulan, although the role is not very much, but the scene of the separation from the poor acid show, in the face of her husband's endless humiliation, she only used a word, she will be the inner anger and humiliation and sadness to tell the story, there is restraint in the release, under the soft appearance there is firmness, the woman's patience and outbreak under the oppression of feudal society, she interpreted it vividly, That play stunned countless audiences, but even so, there are still many people who do not recognize her as Zhang Hanyun, because in people's impressions, Zhang Hanyun is simply a representative of silly white sweetness, that cute face has already explained everything, but at this time she has already been reborn, through acting, Zhang Hanyun proved what is called Heavenly Reward, but on the road of singing, it is not too much to describe Zhang Hanyun with a broken cocoon into a butterfly.

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

However, what really made her impressed, or the third season of the variety show "Immersive", the dubbing clip of Zhang Hanyun dubbed by Anna in the movie "Frozen", whether it is from emotion or tone or action, it is performed very well, so that countless netizens applauded it, at this time the audience suddenly found that the girl who was once sour and sweet has already become an intellectually elegant goddess, but what really makes many people see her gorgeous transformation is still one of the variety shows of Hunan Satellite TV, "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", In this variety show, Zhang Hanyun has become incredibly confident, it can be said that it is another a and sass, a song "wonderful u" can be described as making people's scalps tingle, but behind these god-sealing shots, who knows what Zhang Hanyun has experienced."

From a night of explosion to being scolded for stopping school, what has Zhang Hanyun experienced, and now what is the comeback to seal the gods?

Once got the Mary Sue life script, she literally became the scene of the inspirational heroine, the supreme treasure was willing to put on the confinement for Zixia, and Zhang Hanyun in order to grow, took the initiative to cut through thorns, walked out of a unique road, carved acting skills to learn English, practice dubbing, etc., she never gave up on herself, just like she sang on the stage fifteen years ago, even if no one applauded for me, I must bravely appreciate myself, this girl who was cared for by God, once fell deeply from the cliff of the mighty cliff, Life even into a darkness, but she still broke out of a road on her own, once Zhang Hanyun was sour and sweet, but later she was reborn in nirvana, but this nirvana she used for fifteen years, from a small tree that does not understand the world, grew into a towering tree, Zhang Hanyun can be said to be successful, after all, as said before, the night gave me black eyes, I used it to find the light, and now Zhang Hanyun can be said to have found her own light, and on this road, Everyone firmly believes that she will always go on, when "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" was broadcast, Zhang Hanyun posted a dynamic on the social platform, she said that her favorite lyrics are, I have wandered in all directions in my life to look down on this dynasty, the moon is high and immaculate, this is probably her own inner monologue, and for us, when talking about Zhang Hanyun, what are we thinking in our hearts? Is it the youth that is gone forever, or the self that was once there? What do you think of this in front of the screen? Do you like this Nirvana reborn Zhang Hanyun? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below.

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