
The tragic Qin II: has been manipulated by Zhao Gao, took the throne at the age of 20, and was killed at the age of 23

author:Qiao Martingale Literary History

In July of the 37th year of the reign of the Qin Dynasty (210 BC), Qin Shi Huang died of illness in the sand dunes during a parade, and Zhao Gao threw Li Si to tamper with the edict and support Hu Hai to take the throne, that is, Qin II.

The tragic Qin II: has been manipulated by Zhao Gao, took the throne at the age of 20, and was killed at the age of 23

Hu Hai

Qin Shi Huang had long been aware that the prosperity and strength of the Great Qin Empire were actually surging under the surface, and his response was not to adjust his governing strategy, but to seek the art of immortality, believing that as long as he was in himself, the Great Qin Empire would definitely be able to be under his control and be impenetrable.

The purpose of Qin Shi Huang's last parade was actually to seek the art of immortality, unfortunately, he found nothing, and he also died of a violent illness during the parade, and qin Shi Huang, who was shrewd, never expected that he would personally plant a time bomb for his empire.

Although Qin Shi Huang intended to make Su Su his heir, he was extremely fond of his younger son Hu Hai, and even took Hu Hai with him on his parade, and what was even more fatal was that the assistant that Qin Shi Huang designated for Hu Hai was the talented but corrupt Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao was a first-class calligrapher and philologist at that time, and also a professional who was proficient in law, he was tall and strong, with exquisite riding skills and extraordinary martial arts, and he was a rare talent in the court of the Qin Empire.

Qin Shi Huang then promoted him to the position of Emperor Cheyu of the Zhongche Prefecture and asked him to teach his youngest son Hu Hai to sentence him to prison. Zhao Gao was very good at observing words and colors, and soon won Hu Hai's appreciation and trust. By the time Qin Shi Huang made his last parade, 20-year-old Hu Hai had already obeyed Zhao Gao's words.

Qin Shi Huang toured to find nothing, and he returned to Beijing in fear, not expecting to be sick halfway through. Qin Shi Huang even had little time himself, so he left a will to help Su leave the military affairs to Meng Tian and rush back to Xianyang as soon as possible to host the funeral and take the throne. Qin Shi Huang's will was sealed with a jade seal and stored in Zhao Gao, and before he could send it out, Qin Shi Huang died violently.

The chancellor Li Si was worried that the news of Qin Shi Huang's violent death on the way back to Beijing would cause the prince of the capital to compete for the throne, constipation did not send mourning, in order to cover up the smell of corpses that smelled strong due to the heat, he ordered people to put a stone of abalone in each car, so he pretended that everything was as usual and hurried back to Xianyang. On the way, the ill-intentioned Zhao Gao persuaded Li Si to tamper with the will of Qin Shi Huang and establish Hu Hai to inherit the throne.

Zhao Gao instigated Li Si to commit suicide by forging The Edict of Qin Shi Huang to Fu Su and Meng Tian while changing Hu Fu Su committed suicide after receiving the false will. When Zhao Gao, Li Si, and Hu Hai returned to Xianyang, they announced the death of Qin Shi Huang and held a ceremony for Hu Hai to ascend the throne, that is, Qin II, and Zhao Gao's status soared, becoming Hu Hai's most trusted favorite.

The tragic Qin II: has been manipulated by Zhao Gao, took the throne at the age of 20, and was killed at the age of 23

Qin Shi Huang

Under zhao gao's control, in order to consolidate the throne he had stolen, Hu Hai adopted a bloody and cruel iron-blooded policy and wantonly cut off dissidents, thus beginning a bloody massacre.

The first to be poisoned by Zhao Gao and Hu Hai were the Meng brothers, who were forced by Zhao Gao to commit suicide; then, Zhao Gao fabricated charges to force the right chancellor Feng to go to the disease and the general Feng to commit suicide.

Zhao Gao took advantage of this opportunity to install his own cronies in key positions in the imperial court, for example, he made his brother Zhao Xian the commander of the Zhongche Prefecture and his son-in-law Yan Le the Xianyang Order. Hu Haiman thought that Zhao Gao was his intimate favorite and close confidant, and since he was a close confidant selected and placed by Zhao Gao, it was also his own cronies, but he did not know zhao Gao's hidden evil intentions.

At the instigation of Zhao Gao, Hu Hai, in order to make his seat completely rest assured, immediately swung the bloody butcher knife at his brothers and siblings. In Xianyang City (the commercial district of the ancient city), Hu Hai executed 12 brothers; on another occasion, at Duyou (present-day Xianyang East, Shaanxi), he crushed 6 brothers and 10 sisters to death, and the execution ground was unbearable and bloody.

The bloodline left by Qin Shi Huang was almost as good as that of the old courtiers in the court, and Hu Hai, at the instigation of Zhao Gao, began to kill local officials in large numbers. Zhao Gao told Hu Hai that he could take advantage of the tour to kill a group of county officials, so that he could achieve the goal of not only eliminating dissidents, but also threatening the world.

Under the toss of Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, everyone in the imperial court was in danger, and the common people lived in terror every day, and the entire Great Qin Empire was reduced to a bloody and rainy large-scale slaughterhouse.

When Zhao Gao's power became more and more powerful, The chancellor Li Si became a thorn in Zhao Gao's eye and a thorn in his flesh, and the eradication of Li Si was naturally put on the agenda by Zhao Gao. In the end, Li Si fell into Zhao Gao's trap and was woven by Zhao Gaoluo for three major crimes, and Hu Hai ordered Li Si to be arrested and handed over to Zhao Gao for trial and punishment.

Therefore, under the pressure of words and deeds, Li Si was beaten into a confession, and Hu Hai ordered Li Si to be sentenced to capital punishment: first stabbed in the face, then cut off the nose, cut off the feet, then cut off the waist, and finally chopped into meat sauce. This was the most cruel punishment at that time, called the "Five Punishments", that is, the use of five punishments to execute. At the same time, The Lisi family was killed.

The tragic Qin II: has been manipulated by Zhao Gao, took the throne at the age of 20, and was killed at the age of 23

Zhao Gao

If it is said that the Great Qin Empire established after Qin Shi Huang destroyed the Six Kingdoms was a magnificent edifice, then after Qin II took the throne, under the control of Zhao Gao, the bloodline left by Qin Shi Huang and the loyal generals were killed cleanly, and after killing the courtiers, the local officials were killed, and the foundation of this building was hollowed out, and at this step, the overthrow was only a matter of blinking an eye.

In order to completely control Hu Hai in order to achieve his goal of complete dictatorship, Zhao Gao made a bunch of very "reasonable" suggestions to Hu Hai, to the effect that Hu Hai was young and inexperienced, and the emperor should also meet with the ministers less often, so as not to expose his weaknesses and deficiencies in front of the ministers and make people laugh.

Therefore, Zhao Gao told Hu Hai that he should live in the deep palace to listen to Zhao Gao's report, and with their "talents" to assist, the country would be better governed. Hu Hai felt that it was very reasonable when he heard it, and he was only willing to stay in the palace for pleasure, and from then on, the political affairs of the DPRK and China were all decided and dictatorially conducted by Zhao Gao alone.

In order to test the attitude of the ministers of the DPRK to him, Zhao Gao deliberately staged a good play of "referring to deer as horses". At a court meeting, Zhao Gao first brought a deer as a gift to Hu Hai and told Hu Hai that it was a good horse.

Hu Hai couldn't help but feel funny when he heard it, saying how did Cheng Xiang make such a joke, it was obviously a deer, how do you say that it is a horse? However, Zhao Gao insisted that it was a horse, and Hu Hai asked the ministers present.

The ministers were all afraid of Zhao Gao's power, and they didn't know what medicine Zhao Gao was selling in the gourd, so many people echoed Zhao Gao and said that this was really a horse. Some people say it is a deer, and some people simply pretend to be deaf and dumb. After this meeting, all the ministers who said it was a deer were killed by Zhao Gao's excuses, and the ministers who said Ma were regarded by Zhao Gao as their own faction.

Zhao Gao and Hu Hai's perverse actions finally provoked a peasant uprising in the world, and even the famous general Zhang Handan could not resist it, and was defeated by Xiang Yu and had to surrender to Xiang Yu. Hu Hai reacted to this, and his world was already in jeopardy. Therefore, Hu Hai sent emissaries to rebuke Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gaosuo took the lead and sent his son-in-law Yan Le to lead troops into the palace and force Hu Hai to die. This puppet emperor, who had always been controlled by Zhao Gao, had only lived a happy life for 3 years, so he went underground to meet his father, Qin Shi Huang. Qin II Hu Hai probably set a precedent for the "loser" of the imperial family!

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