
Battle of Changping: Zhao Kuo was not the best of the Zhao generals, but he was the most appropriate

author:Zhu Gongzi's trembling headlines
Battle of Changping: Zhao Kuo was not the best of the Zhao generals, but he was the most appropriate

Once in a previous article "Long and Short Techniques: Short and Long Rely, Long and Short" said: Strengths and weaknesses are transformed with the transformation of time and space, and sometimes some strengths will force themselves to have to go up when they don't want to, and sometimes some shortcomings will make themselves want to hide when they want to hide.

Especially in melee hand-to-hand combat, where there is still technical content to speak of, as long as they still have a little bit of life, a little scruples, they must have not reacted to be put down by the opponent. The reason why there is no technical content is because what is talked about here is not a one-on-one iron cage fight, but a breakthrough battle of the Zhao Army in the Battle of Changping, that is, the brain behind the red eyes is blank, and nothing is ignored.

In 262 BC, the State of Qin attacked and occupied yewang of Korea, completely cutting off the connection between Shangdang County and the mainland. King Han ordered Shangdang Taishou Feng Ting to sacrifice the city to the State of Qin, but Feng Ting took the whole county to seek the protection of the State of Zhao, and the State of Zhao weighed it up and garrisoned the party.

Zhao Guo should have made this decision for three reasons:

1. Show the countries that they are not afraid of the Qin State, and the Zhao State is still very powerful;

2. This time rejected the South Korean surrender, and there will be no more Zhao descendants in the future, which is inconsistent with the strength of zhao guo's self-esteem, nor does it conform to the strategy formulated based on this self-proclaimed strength;

3, the origin of the three Jin, South Korea is the initiative to sacrifice the city, Zhao Guo does not save after the Zhao kingdom is probably facing danger when there will be no other country to save Zhao.

This move did infuriate the Qin state, and the two countries began a confrontation at Changping.

This war lasted three years before and after, it was a protracted war of attrition, and the final decisive battle strength of the two sides was not a one-time investment, but increased until the limit of the two countries, and whoever could not hold on first would commit the taboo of not being able to lose the tail.

At first, the defense of Lianpo's copper wall and iron wall could really make the Qin state helpless, and judging from the length of time he led the post, Zhao Guo recognized his strategy. However, this method of warfare is also extremely costly, and it is impossible to take it down head-on, and the focus of intelligence work on both sides must be how long the other side can last. After figuring out the situation in the State of Qin, Zhao Guo felt that he would not be able to hold back first. If you don't fight, the army will be in chaos when you are hungry, so you don't have to fight at all, only a desperate bet.

Battle of Changping: Zhao Kuo was not the best of the Zhao generals, but he was the most appropriate

There is a delicate problem here: the "Records of History" says that King Zhao replaced Lian Po because of the plan of winning the gap between the Qin state, and this plan is a sentence: "Qin is evil, and the only fear of Ma Fuzi Zhao Kuo will be eared, and Lian Po is easy to deal with, and it is surrendered."

Too playful, the Qin state is most afraid of a Zhao Kuo who has no actual combat experience, and the King of Zhao believes so much, can not send troops to the party and still find someone to consult, just this sentence will be changed? The fundamental reason should be that the decision-making level of zhao guo decided to break through, and the replacement general was just a donkey down the slope.

Lian Po's scope of consideration was limited, his duty was to support and block the Qin army, while the King of Zhao had to consider it holistically. The support can't keep up with the positive and negative is a loss, so it is necessary to urge Lianpo to attack, and Lianpo's refusal to attack is also reasonable, he knows in his heart that he can't win. "To win or not to win" is the limit he has to consider.

There is no problem with his honest character, but it is precisely this problem that has become a problem: if he is forced to break through, will he voluntarily surrender because he cherishes the lives of his soldiers and does not hesitate to pollute himself? Hundreds of thousands of people are in his hands, and anyone will have concerns.

Battle of Changping: Zhao Kuo was not the best of the Zhao generals, but he was the most appropriate

Looking at the characteristics of Zhao Kuo as a person, according to the "Chronicle of Lian Po Lin Xiang Ru Lie", his father Zhao Guoming's general Zhao Hao said of him: "Soldiers, the place of death, and Ku Yi said it." If Zhao does not include it, if it is necessary, those who break the Zhao army will also include it."

Zhao Kuo's characteristic is that it does not matter as the life of a soldier as a pawn, and losing a life is like eating a chess piece for him. And the desperate breakthrough requires exactly this trait, must not be killed, but where there is a little feeling in it, the scene of bloody rain and wind, piles of corpses will inevitably not be moved.

It turns out that Zhao Kuo died in battle and did not surrender.

This means:

1. Lian Po's judgment of the battle situation is accurate, and even if he takes the initiative to attack, he cannot win at all, otherwise he will not always advocate defense;

2, the King of Zhao is also correct in using Zhao Kuo, since it is necessary to break through, it is certain to choose a general who is willing to fight and spares no effort, which also preserves the reputation of incorruptibility;

3, this battle Qin state has invested about 600,000 people, and finally consumed about half of it, the yuan qi is not lightly injured, if the Zhao state does not take the initiative to attack but sits and waits for the grain to run out, then the 400,000 hungry army will collapse in its entirety, either cannibalize themselves, or be caught by the Qin army, so that the Qin army will not have any losses, and the subsequent defense of Handan will not necessarily be the result in history.

Battle of Changping: Zhao Kuo was not the best of the Zhao generals, but he was the most appropriate

The Battle of Changping gave me at least two important lessons:

1, it is best not to touch it if it is not your own, because you will not be able to control it, and the pie in the sky is big enough, but can you swallow it yourself? Since Zhao Guo was not sure to make the Qin state submit, why should it offend him, and the three reasons listed by the zhao state in the early part of the text were not the essence, but the self-exoneration in the face of the small interests of the Zhao state. Although at the beginning of the confrontation, there were not many troops on both sides, but this is like "more rice to add water, water to pour more rice", the pot is always not big enough, if at the beginning Zhao Guo can see clearly that the Party "this bowl of rice" is a bottomless pit, the subsequent tragedy will not happen;

2. The appointment and dismissal of honesty is not to enforce one law, so that all laws can be born. Strengths and weaknesses are one law, and the law has no right or evil, and it can also be extended to the law without length, the law without superiority... Only by clinging to the Fa is "the Fa makes people", and only by not clinging to the Fa can we "make the Fa" and can the Fa be used by others. The length and length are relative, the time and space change is no longer like that, and appropriate and reasonable is the first priority. However, appropriateness and reasonableness are different for everyone, and there is no standard. If you don't drink alcohol, no matter how good the wine is, it is sewage; if you don't smoke, if you don't smoke, even the best smoke is a floating cloud, how can this standard be set?

In the final analysis, these two points are still one point, and the premise of doing what is within one's ability is self-knowledge.

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