
Cultural inheritance of a new chapter Shaolin series of online movies was released

On July 20th, Qishu Youyu and Henan Shaolin Intangible Asset Management Co., Ltd. jointly held a Shaolin series of online movie launches in the Shaolin Temple scenic spot, and officially launched three Shaolin series of online movies - "Shaolin Temple Eighteen Arhats", "Shaolin Descending Demons" and "Shaolin Kid". Abbot of Shaolin Temple, General Manager of Henan Shaolin Intangible Asset Management Co., Ltd. Yuan Mingzhu; Dong Guanjie, founder and CEO of Qishu Youyu, and Li Siwen, vice president of Qishu Youyu; Wang Jianzhang, Chairman of Jingying Media, Liu Yuangui, Chairman of Concentrating Pictures Media, Zhang Xianliang, Chairman of Haoyi Pictures, and Ma Zhiqiang, Partner of Guohong Jiaxin Capital; Xiang Qiuliang, founder director of Xiang Brothers Film, Luo Jingjing, founder and chief producer of Xiang Brothers Films, Zhang Zhulin, young director Li Xijie, famous screenwriter HuaLong, young director Xiong Chen, Chief Producer guo Xuan of Giant Shark Pictures and other guest creators appeared at the scene.

Cultural inheritance of a new chapter Shaolin series of online movies was released

Embracing young users The spirit of Shaolin is timeless

With a history of more than 1,500 years, Shaolin Temple is a world-famous Buddhist temple, the ancestral court of Zen Buddhism in Chinese Buddhism, and the famous Shaolin culture is an outstanding representative of Chinese culture, a cultural property of all mankind, and a symbol of traditional Chinese culture. As an important source of inspiration for literature and film creation, Shaolin culture has always been highly respected by the world, and the Shaolin Temple has become a "kung fu temple" for countless teenagers at home and abroad. Over the past few decades, Shaolin-themed film and television works have emerged in an endless stream, becoming an important export port of Chinese culture in the new era, and the wide dissemination and popularity of Shaolin film and television works have not only made it a world-renowned Chinese business card, but also an important basis for young people to establish cultural self-confidence and an iconic symbol of the enhancement of national cultural soft power.

Cultural inheritance of a new chapter Shaolin series of online movies was released

The birth of the Shaolin series of online movies once again brought the traditional culture of Shaolin and the spirit of Chinese martial arts to the screen, continuing the story legend of "Shaolin Kung Fu". Yuan Mingzhu, general manager of Henan Shaolin Intangible Asset Management Co., Ltd., said: "The core of the Shaolin spirit is to keep pace with the times, and the second is to be brave and enterprising. Spreading Shaolin culture in a film and television way can spread this unique Chinese business card to the world and show the charm of traditional Chinese culture. Maintain self-innovation internally, keep pace with the times, actively embrace young Internet audiences, inherit the Shaolin spirit, and build cultural self-confidence!"

Spreading the Thousand Year-old Shaolin Spirit to more young Internet audiences is not only the original intention of Shaolin culture to embrace the online film market, but also the ultimate goal of shaolin temple to upgrade its film and television strategy again. The Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Kung Fu have become the sentiments of generations, and Shaolin culture has an irreplaceable supremacy in the fields of literature, film and television. "It is our unshirkable responsibility and glorious mission to pass on the story of Shaolin from generation to generation, to establish the image of a new generation of kung fu heroes, to influence, educate and inspire the new generation of young film audiences with the fearless spirit of Shaolin love, and to enhance the collective identity of the new generation with our traditional national culture." The abbot of the Shaolin Temple, Shi Yongxin, said so.

It is reported that in the next five years, the Shaolin Temple will cooperate with Qishu Youyu to shoot 15 Shaolin series online movies and build a new Shaolin film world.

Cultural inheritance of a new chapter Shaolin series of online movies was released

Three new films debuted in a blockbuster Semyon again broke into the Shaolin Temple

At the press conference, the first three Shaolin series movies "Eighteen Arhats of Shaolin Temple", "Shaolin Demon" and "Shaolin Kid" were officially unveiled. The three films are carefully planned through data dimensions such as user favorite types and age group divisions, each with its own characteristics in content and theme, presented through different elements and styles, absorbing audiences from different circles, and comprehensively winning the attention and love of young Internet audiences.

The movie "Eighteen Arhats of Shaolin Temple" will be starred by Xie Miao, and Shaolin has an indissoluble relationship with him as a kung fu movie debut, and his classic "New Shaolin Five Ancestors" cooperated with Jet Li has left a deep impression on countless fans. This time to re-perform Shaolin, Xie Miao said, "I hope that while continuing the classic, I can make a breakthrough in the interpretation of the role, and strive to show the audience a three-dimensional, emotional and full of Shaolin hero image." ”

Cultural inheritance of a new chapter Shaolin series of online movies was released

It is worth mentioning that the supervising producer of "Eighteen Arhats of Shaolin Temple" will be the Xiang Brothers Film, and its reputation of "creating fine products" has been widely recognized in the film industry and the general audience. The director is Zhang Zhulin and Li Xijie, who are the new directors in China, and the works such as "Can Do" and "White Gate Five" directed by Zhang Zhulin have been well received by the industry; Li Xijie served as the assistant director of the blockbuster movie "The Great Wall". This time, many big celebrities escort the development and production of Shaolin films, and will do their best to create an excellent masterpiece for the audience.

In addition, "Shaolin Descending Demons", which is in preparation, is directed by the new director Zhang Bo, who has directed films such as "The Boy in Red" and "The Nine-Door Admiral" and is loved by the audience because of its unique personal style. At the same preparatory stage, "Shaolin Kid" is directed by Xiong Chen, a powerful director who has directed many excellent works such as "What Should I Do", "Mo Xiaobai's Diary of a Water Monster", "Weekend Couple", "Big Bear Xiaoxi" and so on.

The blessing of the strong behind-the-scenes team shows the full sincerity of the release of the Shaolin series of online movies, and all the creators will work together to inherit the Shaolin classics and win the love of young Internet audiences with excellent works. The first Shaolin series of works, "Eighteen Arhats of the Shaolin Temple", will also be officially launched at the end of July.

Shaolin's first entry into the network is a big Qishu IP strategy to promote industrial upgrading

In the current environment of tightening policies and tightening supervision in the online film industry, the entry of Shaolin's top IP has undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm for the high-quality trend of the entire industry. Dong Guanjie, CEO of Qishu Youyu, said, "Shaolin is a unique sentiment of almost every Chinese and is a symbol of Chinese culture. This time I was fortunate to reach a strategic cooperation with the Shaolin Temple, and the introduction of Shaolin IP into the net market is a major event in the industry, which shows that the net can have a good story and shoot good works. ”

Cultural inheritance of a new chapter Shaolin series of online movies was released

The top IP content jointly built by Shaolin Temple and Qishu Youyu not only promotes the process of high-quality online movie content, but also promotes the qualitative upgrading of the industry, enhances the vitality, influence and investment value of the online movie market, and has a profound impact on the internet industry. As the upgrade of the Strategic Plan of Qishu Youyu IP, the development and creation of the Shaolin series of online movies has greatly stretched the brand potential of the "Shaolin Temple" IP content, which not only helps the monetization of IP content, but also gives a longer life cycle to IP content.

As a film and television content company that is keen to promote traditional Chinese culture, Qishu Youyu adheres to the original intention and social responsibility of industry promoters, hoping that in the content market in the new era, it can pass on excellent traditional culture to young people and stimulate the love and admiration of Chinese young people for China's excellent traditional culture. In the future, Qishu Youyu will also adhere to the strategy of high-quality content, take the dissemination of traditional Chinese culture as its own responsibility, focus on good content, produce good movies, conquer young Internet audiences with good works, provide higher value space for online movies, and make new explorations for the benign development of the entire film industry.