
How dangerous is it to hit an animal with a car? How terrible is it to protect animals in our country but to be regularly cleaned up in the United States and hit animals by driving? Rare and protected animals in Our country are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they can cause serious traffic accidents

author:Scientific black holes

Driving cautiously to obey the traffic rules, the probability of a traffic accident is much smaller, which is something that every old driver knows. But when we are driving on the road, there are not other vehicles but animals in front of us, then the situation is much more dangerous, after all, we can not harshly accuse animals to obey the traffic rules until they avoid in advance.

Yu Yuexian, the core character of the "Country Love" series of TV series "Xie Dazu", died tragically because of a traffic accident a few days ago, which is heartbreaking. In everyone's impression, her character modeling in the TV series is very full, it seems to be a person with a big grin, but full of enthusiasm everywhere can not be less, unfortunately can not see her figure on the screen in the future!

How dangerous is it to hit an animal with a car? How terrible is it to protect animals in our country but to be regularly cleaned up in the United States and hit animals by driving? Rare and protected animals in Our country are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they can cause serious traffic accidents

In response to this traffic accident, what everyone knows at present is that on the provincial highway 228 of the Alxa Right Banner in Inner Mongolia, the actor of "Xie Dazu" Yu Yuexian and his party drove an SUV and hit two camels, which led to the unfortunate death of Yu Yuexian, and other people in the car were injured to varying degrees. The wreckage of the two camels involved in the accident and fragments of the vehicle were visible at the scene of the accident, and there were long brake marks on the road.

Inner Mongolia Alxa is the place with the most camels in China, according to statistics, at least two-thirds of the camels are distributed in Alxa, Inner Mongolia, the local herders are very good at riding camels, in addition to the camels raised by herders, there are also many wandering wild camels in the wild. Therefore, driving on roads with obviously more wild animals, in addition to being vigilant against hitting other vehicle personnel, it is more important to pay attention to the sudden appearance of wild animals on the road.

How dangerous is it to hit an animal with a car? How terrible is it to protect animals in our country but to be regularly cleaned up in the United States and hit animals by driving? Rare and protected animals in Our country are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they can cause serious traffic accidents

how terrible is it to < h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > to hit an animal with a car? </h1>

In fact, it is not uncommon to see cases of driving into animals, if it is a small animal, it may cause damage to the vehicle and the death of the small animal, if it is a large animal such as wild boar and deer, it may cause casualties to people.

How dangerous is it to hit an animal with a car? How terrible is it to protect animals in our country but to be regularly cleaned up in the United States and hit animals by driving? Rare and protected animals in Our country are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they can cause serious traffic accidents

Of course, if the speed of the vehicle is not so fast, no matter what animal appears, there will be plenty of time to react, whether it is an emergency lane change, or a change of speed, there is plenty of time. But I am afraid that the speed is too fast, the reaction time is small, and the emergency braking causes the vehicle to lose control. On Provincial Highway 228 in Inner Mongolia's Alxa Right Banner, presumably the personnel are relatively rare, especially at night, and other vehicles should rarely be seen on the road. Driving on such an open road, if I had driven it, it might have been very fast.

How dangerous is it to hit an animal with a car? How terrible is it to protect animals in our country but to be regularly cleaned up in the United States and hit animals by driving? Rare and protected animals in Our country are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they can cause serious traffic accidents

Especially when hitting those large animals, if the speed of the vehicle is fast, it is no different from hitting the wall, and the destructive force generated by the huge kinetic energy is extremely large. Especially in the face of such a huge animal as a camel, their weight can reach 600-750 kilograms, just like a hill, and the average SUV is no less than that.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > rare protected animals in China are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they cause serious traffic accidents</h1>

There are 38 species of Class II key protected mammals in China, and moose is one of them. They are small in China, from the biological classification point of view they are deer, but also the largest species under the deer family, there are a total of 2 species in the world: North American moose and Eurasian moose, and because of different living environments, these two species have 4 subspecies.

How dangerous is it to hit an animal with a car? How terrible is it to protect animals in our country but to be regularly cleaned up in the United States and hit animals by driving? Rare and protected animals in Our country are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they can cause serious traffic accidents

Moose nature like cold but not heat-resistant, in our country is mainly distributed in the northern area of the large and small Xing'an Mountains, in 2016 in Inner Mongolia Daxinganling Khanma National Nature Reserve, conservation personnel once photographed 6 moose, scientists believe that they belong to a family, this is also China's first time in the wild after half a century in the wild to find the figure of moose, very exciting, for such a large deer of course to be protected.

But moose may not be without this treatment in other countries, and the number of North American moose distributed in North America is large, especially in areas where humans intersect, causing many traffic accidents and casualties every year, so these large creatures are regularly cleaned up every year.

How dangerous is it to hit an animal with a car? How terrible is it to protect animals in our country but to be regularly cleaned up in the United States and hit animals by driving? Rare and protected animals in Our country are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they can cause serious traffic accidents

The North American moose weighs 400-600 kilograms and has a shoulder height of more than 2 meters, you can imagine such a species, 1.8 meters tall you stand in front of it like a little cute. Coupled with their slender limbs, if the vehicle hits their bodies at high speed, it will cause a serious consequence, and the entire body of the moose will directly hit and squeeze onto the front windshield, which looks very scary!

How dangerous is it to hit an animal with a car? How terrible is it to protect animals in our country but to be regularly cleaned up in the United States and hit animals by driving? Rare and protected animals in Our country are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they can cause serious traffic accidents

Coupled with the slow nature of these animals and the slow crossing of the road, a large number of traffic accidents that hit moose occur every year in North America, which will also cause casualties and property damage. Therefore, every year the moose are regularly cleaned up to control their population.

In the end, driving on unfamiliar roads, drivers who are not familiar with road conditions must be cautious and slow, and pay more attention to warning signs to see if there are animals to minimize traffic accidents.

How dangerous is it to hit an animal with a car? How terrible is it to protect animals in our country but to be regularly cleaned up in the United States and hit animals by driving? Rare and protected animals in Our country are regularly cleaned up in North America every year because they can cause serious traffic accidents

Text/science black hole, image source network intrusion deletion.