
Pediatrician: How harmful is ribavirin used in children and pregnant women?

author:Pediatrician raindrops

A mother asked me that every time my child got sick, the doctor often prescribed aminophenol xanamin granules and ribavirin granules. Since seeing the Internet say that these two drugs are not suitable for small babies, she is about to collapse, afraid of side effects on the child, ask why can not be used?

Aminophenol xanamin granules article has been written, (cold can not eat aminophenol xanamine?) But many places are still using this drug, what to do? You can see by opening the link. Today we will talk about the right and wrong of ribavirin.

Pediatrician: How harmful is ribavirin used in children and pregnant women?

Ribavirin, also known as viral azole, has given many people the illusion that ribavirin can be used as long as it is a viral infection.

This drug was born abroad in the 70s, and was developed in China in the 80s, which is actually a synthetic nucleoside antiviral, which belongs to a broad-spectrum antiviral drug that can inhibit respiratory syncytial virus and so on.

In recent years, ribavirin has received a lot of attention due to its side effects and abuse, with some calling ribavirin the "devil".

Wouldn't that be demonized, too exaggerated?

Pediatrician: How harmful is ribavirin used in children and pregnant women?

Let's take a look, as of 2006 in China's adverse drug reaction monitoring data, there are 1315 cases of ribavirin adverse reactions, mainly rash, nausea, vomiting, allergies, hemolytic anemia and so on.

Also as of 2006, in the adverse drug reaction data, more than 26,000 cases of adverse reactions of ribavirin were found, mainly tumors, fetal malformations and developmental abnormalities, hemolytic anemia, etc.

The U.S. FDA's Pregnancy Drug Classification, which lists ribavirin as the most dangerous X-class, clearly states that pregnancy is intended and contraindicated in pregnant women. Not recommended for maternity and lactation. If you want to use this medicine during lactation, you need to pause breastfeeding, otherwise it will cause potentially unknown harm to your child.

I once read a report in Sanxiang Metropolis Daily: "At the end of September, Ms. He went to the clinic for dizziness and vomiting, and was diagnosed with a cold, and the doctor injected her with antiviral drugs, but her condition never improved." After going to the big hospital, I found out that I was pregnant. But the doctor told her that the drug injected earlier could easily lead to fetal malformations. ”

It is said that Ms. He was preparing for pregnancy for the second child at the time, "I told him at the time that I was preparing for pregnancy." However, after a few brief questions, the doctor prescribed some intravenous drugs, including two doses of ribavirin injection. In the end, Ms. He chose to have a miscarriage.

Pediatrician: How harmful is ribavirin used in children and pregnant women?

It is heart-wrenching to watch this news, it is a living life. This has happened more than once, and often women who use the drug only to find out they are pregnant and have to beat up their children.

Whether it is an acute upper respiratory tract infection or diarrhea in a child or a pregnant woman, it is generally caused by a virus, which is a self-limiting disease, and the general course of the disease is cured in 7-10 days.

We only need symptomatic treatment, such as high fever, to use ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce fever, and any antiviral treatment will not shorten the course of the disease.

Ribavirin is only effective against respiratory syncytial viruses, not against viruses that cause the common cold.

The Chinese Pharmacopoeia Clinical Medication Instructions (2010 Edition) states that ribavirin should not be used in patients who have not been laboratory-diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus infection.

Pediatrician: How harmful is ribavirin used in children and pregnant women?

Do I need ribavirin for hand-foot-and-mouth disease?

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is an infectious disease caused by enteroviruses, most commonly with coxsackievirus A16 and enterovirus 71.

Ribavirin has no definite efficacy in the literature for hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and the most important thing to prevent hand-foot-and-mouth disease is to inject the hand-foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, which can reduce the probability of severe hand-foot-and-mouth disease.

At present, there is no special treatment plan for hand-foot-and-mouth disease and colds, and it is also symptomatic.

Can ribavirin be used for flu and autumn diarrhea?

Autumn diarrhea is generally caused by rotavirus infection. Influenza and autumn diarrhea are also viral infections, there is no special treatment, both diseases have a preventive shot, want to prevent or inject vaccines as the best plan.

There is currently no evidence that ribavirin is effective for influenza and rotavirus diarrhea.

Children with a cold can be atomized with ribavirin injection?

It is not recommended that the drug of this non-nebulization preparation cannot meet the requirements of nebulized particles, cannot be cleared through the respiratory tract, but is easy to deposit in the lungs, increasing the incidence of lung infections.

Since the drug has so many side effects, it should be avoided unless there are exact data indicating that it is needed.

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