
Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

author:Chinese military network

Source: China Military Network Author: Xu Ping Responsible Editor: Ji Caihong

#精神抖擞看两会 #

During the two sessions, on the occasion of the "March 8th" Festival, do you know the history of the People's Liberation Army's participation in the National People's Congress (hereinafter referred to as the National People's Congress)? Today, the China Military Network invites Xu Ping, a well-known military expert, to give you a detailed count of these military leaders.

The PLA delegation to the First National People's Congress had only one female delegate

At the First National People's Congress held in 1954, there were 60 members of the PEOPLE's Liberation Army delegation, of which only 1 was a female deputy, and she was Ding Zhihui, a well-known medical model in the country. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Ding Zhihui was responsible for field rescue and treatment, and treated a large number of wounded and sick in the battles of Huangqiao, Liaoshen, and Pingjin. In September 1949, Ding Zhihui participated in the first plenary session of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference as a representative of the Fourth Field Army. He participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and served as the leader of a medical team of the Volunteer Army. Later, he served as the vice president of the Platon General Hospital and was elected as a deputy to the First, Second, Third and Fifth National People's Congresses.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Mao Zedong and other party and state leaders and deputies to the First National People's Congress took a group photo. Behind Liu Shaoqi was Ding Zhihui, the only female representative of the PLA delegation.

In addition to Ding Zhihui, there were two female soldiers attending the First National People's Congress, but neither of them was in the PLA delegation: one was Li Zhen, who attended as a representative of Hunan Province. Li Zhen was an old Red Army soldier who was awarded the rank of major general in 1955 and was the first female general in New China.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Chairman Mao personally awarded Major General Li Zhen the Liberation Medal of the First Class

The other is Tian Hua, an actress in the North China Military Region's Cultural and Labor Troupe, who participated as a representative of Hebei Province. Tian Hua once recalled his election as a deputy to the First National People's Congress: "In 1954, when I was 26 years old, I was going to the army to perform with several performance teams organized by the North China Military Region's Cultural and Labor Troupe. During the tour, the character of "Women's Representatives" starring me was very successful, and the troops and the masses responded particularly well, for which I was awarded military merit, and I received a certificate of meritorious service to the Chinese People's Liberation Army issued by the Beijing Military Region. Probably for this reason, I was recommended as a candidate for the NPC deputies. In fact, Tian Hua became a household name for his successful role as Xi'er in the 1950 film "The White-Haired Girl" and received a gold medal from the Ministry of Culture. This is also a major reason why she was elected as a deputy to the First National People's Congress.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

During the first session of the First National People's Congress, Mei Lanfang, Zhou Xinfang, Chang Xiangyu, Cheng Yanqiu, Tian Hua, Yuan Xuefen, Bai Yang, Wang Kun and Xu Xiaobing took a group photo in the back garden of Zhongnanhai. With the masters of art, Tian Hua is still a little girl.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Cover of the certificate of election of deputies to the First National People's Congress

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The Delegation of the People's Liberation Army of the Second National People's Congress of the Second National People's Congress was held by two founding female colonels in 1959, and the delegation of the People's Liberation Army was still 60 people and 2 female deputies, one was Ding Zhihui and the other was Tang Qiu, vice president of the General Hospital of the Nanjing Military Region. Tang Qiu was also a model of the medical front, and during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, he participated in the battlefield rescue work many times in the New Fourth Army and the East China Field Army.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Don asked colonel

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

The female soldiers of the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui took a group photo, and the right one in the back row was Tang Qiu.

In addition to Ding Zhihui and Tang Qiu, General Li Zhen also participated in the Second National People's Congress, which was a delegation in Hunan Province.

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Female pilots appeared for the first time among the deputies to the Third National People's Congress

The Third National People's Congress held in 1964 was held in the Great Hall of the People (the first two sessions were held in Huairen Hall in Zhongnanhai), the total number of deputies increased significantly, and the number of PLA delegations also doubled to 120, but the female deputies were still 2: one was Ding Zhihui, who was re-elected as a deputy to the Third People's Congress, and the other was Lin Yueqin. Lin Yueqin is the wife of Marshal Luo Ronghuan, also a female Red Army, and a founding female colonel.

Several other female servicemen also attended the Third National People's Congress, in provincial delegations. The Shandong Provincial delegation had a female colonel Hu Peng, who was then the artistic director of the Beijing Military Region Comrades-in-Arms Literary troupe drama troupe, she was a famous actress, and she created the image of a revolutionary mother in many films, such as Guo Da Niang in "Huai Shu Zhuang", Ma Mu in "Ma Benzai", and the two-gun old woman in "Eternal Life in the Fire", each full of positive energy... Because she went to Yan'an in 1938 to join the Eighth Route Army, she was known as the "Eighth Route Grandmother" in the film industry.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Actresses of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region Anti-Enemy Drama Society, from right, Tian Hua, Hu Peng, and Chen Qun.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Colonel Hu Peng

There was a female soldier in the Gansu provincial delegation named Li Landing, who was also a well-known medical model. Li Landing studied at the private Tongde Senior Midwifery School in Shanghai, and after graduating in 1941, he joined the New Fourth Army and risked his life many times to participate in battlefield rescue. In 1950, he was awarded the First Class Heroic Model Medal of the East China Military Region and participated in the First National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference as a representative of the Third Field Army. In the same year, he attended the National Conference of Representatives of Combat Heroes. Chairman Mao cordially received Li Landing on many occasions and praised her as "China's Nightingale." In the winter of 1950, he joined the Chinese Volunteer Army and led the volunteer surgical team of Shanghai Military Medical University to the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. After returning to China, Li Landing was awarded the rank of major military doctor, and served as the medical director of the General Hospital of the Nanjing Military Region and the medical director of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army.

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Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

In 1947, Li Landing rescued the wounded in the East China Battlefield

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Li Landing was on the cover of the April 1951 issue of The People's Pictorial

Zhu Huifen of the Jiangsu provincial delegation was the second batch of female pilots in New China. From June 1956 to January 1959, he was a cadet of the Second Aviation School of the People's Liberation Army Air Force of the Chinese, and after graduation, he served as a pilot of the Aviation Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force. In 1964, she was awarded the title of "Outstanding Female Pilot". Since then, there have been many female pilots among the deputies to the People's Congress and the People's Liberation Army.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Certificate of election of deputies to the Third National People's Congress

In addition, among the deputies to the first three NATIONAL People's Congresses were famous female Red Army deputies Zhang Qinqiu, Kang Keqing, and Li Bozhao, but they no longer worked in the military system after liberation.

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The number of female deputies to the People's Liberation Army of the Fourth and Fifth National People's Congresses has increased significantly

According to the practice of the five-year session of the People's Congress, the Fourth National People's Congress was supposed to be convened in 1969, but due to the influence of the "Cultural Revolution," it was postponed until 1975, the number of deputies quadrupled, the number of deputies to the People's Liberation Army also increased by a large margin, reaching 486, and the number of female deputies reached an unprecedented 51. Since this session, the types of female representatives of the PLA delegation have become more diverse, and representatives of the literary and sports circles have begun, such as Ma Yutao of the Beijing Military Region Comrades-in-Arms Cultural and Labor Troupe, Zhang Yuenan of the General Political Affairs Opera Troupe, Zhang Yingzhe of the Air Politics Cultural and Labor Troupe (singer of the film "Heroes and Children" interlude "Heroic Hymn"), Zou Yongcui of the Wuhan Military Region's Victorious Peking Opera Troupe, and zhong Shaozhen, a naval athlete of the National Diving Team, who won two gold medals at the Seventh Asian Games in 1974, which china participated in for the first time, and played the national anthem of the People's Republic of China twice on the podium! As a result, she became the first athlete representative in the DELEGATION OF THE NATIONAL PEOPLE's Congress.

Some representatives are both women and ethnic minorities, and there is no shortage of representatives of this dual identity in each session of the PLA deputies, such as Long Mei, a representative of the People's Liberation Army of the Fourth National People's Congress and the sister of the "Little Sister of the Steppe Heroes", who is both a women's representative and a representative of the ethnic minority (Mongolian).

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

At the Fourth Npc session, Long Mei, Yu Rong, and female deputies talked

After the smashing of the "Gang of Four", due to changes in the situation, the Fifth National People's Congress did not wait another five years, but was held in advance in 1978. The npc deputies have the largest number of deputies, with 503 members of the PLA delegation and 55 female deputies. Among them, there are not only female deputies from previous sessions such as Li Zhen, Ding Zhihui, and Zhu Huifen, but also more newcomers, reflecting the characteristics of this session of carrying forward the past and opening up the future. Among the newly elected female representatives of the People's Liberation Army, Han Zhiping, a soloist of the People's Liberation Army Military Band, sang "Singing And Beloved Premier Zhou" with tears at the 1977 commemorative concert on the first anniversary of Premier Zhou's death and the fourth all-army literary and art conference for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the army, touching hundreds of millions of viewers; Zhao Donglan, a young actor of the Air Politics Opera Troupe, played by the second generation of "Sister Jiang", successfully shaped the image of Sister Jiang in the rearrangement of the red classic opera "Sister Jiang"; shooting athlete Li Yamin, who broke the world record many times since 1975. He was the first world champion representative of the PLA delegation. Cao Huiying, the leader of the Chinese women's volleyball team, is the pioneer of the "women's volleyball spirit", although the women's volleyball team was not yet a world champion at that time, but the fighting spirit shown by the women's volleyball team has played an inspiring role for the Chinese people...

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Athletes of the PLA shooting team who have broken world records many times (from left): Dong Xiangyi, Li Yamin and Du Ningsheng.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Deputy to the Fifth National People's Congress

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From the Sixth to the Eleventh National People's Congress, the female deputies of the People's Liberation Army were all up to 20 people

From the Sixth National People's Congress in 1983 to the Eleventh National People's Congress in 2008, the PLA delegation was 267 or 268 people, and the female deputies were all around 20 people.

Nie Li, a deputy to the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth National People's Congresses, is the daughter of Marshal Nie Rongzhen, who was awarded the rank of major general in 1988 and promoted to the rank of lieutenant general in 1993, and was the first female lieutenant general in the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

After the sixth session, almost every NATIONAL PEOPLE's Congress PEOPLE's Liberation Army delegation has a female world champion, such as the sixth Chen Zhaodi (women's volleyball team), the seventh Yang Xilan (women's volleyball team), the eighth Li Xianghong (shooting), the tenth Wang Lianying (military five), the eleventh Xu Lei (military five).

Cheng Xiaojian, the fifth batch of female flight cadets of the Chinese Air Force, became a deputy to the Eighth National People's Congress at the age of 29 and was re-elected for four consecutive terms. In 2009, she was promoted to the commander of a division of the Air Force Aviation Corps of the Chengdu Military Region, and she was the first female division commander of the Chinese Air Force and the second female division commander in the history of the People's Liberation Army (before that, only Zhang Qinqiu, the female division commander of the Red Fourth Front Army in military history).

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Cheng Xiaojian, the first female division commander of the Chinese Air Force

Li Xianyu, a rocket expert who was elected to the Ninth National People's Congress at the age of 33 and a deputy to the 12th National People's Congress at the age of 48, joined the army after graduating from Peking University with a graduate degree in radio physics in 1990 and stayed in the army for nearly 30 years; in 2015, he was promoted to major general, becoming the first female general in the history of the Rocket Force.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Lee Hyun-yu at work

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

At the first session of the Eleventh National People's Congress in 2008, three "female iron men" -- He Xinying (first from left), instructor of the female corps of the Marine Corps Amphibious Reconnaissance Team known as the "Overlord Flower"; Xu Lei (center), a military pentathlete of the military sports brigade who has won the world championship seven times; and Cheng Xiaojian, a special pilot of the Air Force who has been re-elected as a deputy to the Fourth National People's Congress, talked.

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In the Twelfth and Thirteenth National People's Congresses, the number of female deputies to the People's Liberation Army has increased significantly

From 2013 to 2017, the 12th National People's Congress had 268 PLA delegations and 29 female representatives; in 2018, the 13th National People's Congress Pla.D. delegation had 269 people and 34 female delegates. The number of female deputies of the People's Liberation Army in these two sessions has markedly increased compared with previous sessions, and there have also been some changes in the types of deputies, reflecting the characteristics of the army and national defense construction in the new period.

Liu Yang, China's first female astronaut to enter space, is a deputy to the 12th National People's Congress. He is currently an astronaut of the PLA Astronaut Brigade and vice chairman of the All-China Women's Federation. He was elected as the 2012 Chinese Sons and Daughters of the Year. In 2018, he was awarded the honorary title of "Model of the Times" by the Central Propaganda Department.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Liu Yang, deputy to the 12th National People's Congress and female astronaut

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

On March 7, 2017, Liu Yang (second from left), a deputy to the National People's Congress, and others exchanged views on the sidelines of the PLA delegation group meeting.

Wen Min, a deputy to the 12th National People's Congress, is also an awe-inspiring "amphibious overlord flower". She joined the army in 2003, and after experiencing various "devilish" tests of the Marine Corps, she "broke through the cocoon into a butterfly" and was awarded the second class merit once and the third class merit twice.

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Wen Min was elected as a member of the Presidium of the 12th National People's Congress

Zhang Mingzhu, deputy to the 13th National People's Congress, a post-90s female soldier from the "Liaoning" aircraft carrier, has excellent character and learning during the university period, outstanding professional expertise, excellent comprehensive quality, and is now the first female crew of China's first aircraft carrier "Liaoning".

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Zhang Mingzhu, a deputy to the National People's Congress, was interviewed by this reporter

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In the process of national defense and army modernization, female servicemen are increasingly playing an important role. Whether it is in the fields of medical and health care, communications and communication services, teaching and scientific research, or in the front-line positions of fighting such as driving ships to sea, driving aircraft to take off, and space exploration, there are their meritorious achievements everywhere. The stage for female soldiers is getting bigger and bigger!

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Wen Min, Liu Yang, Liu Wenli, Li Xianyu, Zhu Xiaoyun, and other female military deputies walked into the "two sessions" of the Ministry of National Defense and the China Military Network to accept collective interviews by the media.

No matter what capacity they hold in the NPC, the military deputies are well aware of the heavy responsibility. As Tian Hua, a deputy to the First National People's Congress, said: "People's congress deputies are not a symbol or a reward, but a responsibility, and a very heavy responsibility." ”

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Some female delegates of the delegation of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force of the 13th National People's Congress

Female deputies of the People's Liberation Army to previous sessions of the National People's Congress

Xu Ping, an expert in military history, is a former researcher of the Academic Research Department of the Plaster Logistics College and a senior colonel. He has been engaged in the study of military theory and military history for 30 years, undertaken a number of key scientific research topics of the whole army and the headquarters, published more than 30 monographs: "Records of the First Military Rank System in New China", "China's Centennial Military Uniforms", "Unforgettable Red Collar Badge", "Overview of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army", etc., published more than 400 papers, and repeatedly taught military knowledge as a special guest in CCTV, Beijing Television, China Net, China Military Network and other media. In 2017, it won the Best Popularity Award of China Military Network WeChat, and in 2018, it won the Most Popular Award of China Military Network WeChat.