
Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Zhou Keqin's death | Nostalgia is the thought he can't write all his life

author:Jianyang release

Zhou Keqin

Jianyang is a contemporary Chinese writer who can be called the cultural business card of Jianyang, and his novel "Xu Mao and His Daughters" won the first Mao Dun Literature Award, and was also put on the screen by Beijing Film Studio and Bayi Film Studio, and released all over the country, writing the spectacle of Chinese film history.

Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Zhou Keqin's death | Nostalgia is the thought he can't write all his life

"There's always some tangle in autumn. Whether to add clothes for spring and autumn, warm and cold for the autumn rain, and get more or less for the autumn harvest season... Such confusion is not my own. Twenty-four years ago, Mr. Zhou Keqin wrote "The Confusion of Autumn", which is considered by critics to be another milestone after "Xu Mao and His Daughters". However, it is sad that Mr. Keqin passed away in the autumn of that year... I vaguely felt that Qiu, who was deeply intertwined with The fate of Mr. Keqin, had a fatalistic entanglement in the darkness—he was born in mid-autumn and died in early autumn, and the last work of his life was also limited to the confusion about autumn. Yang Xiaoyan, chairman of the Municipal Writers Association, wrote this in "Autumn Wind and Autumn Scenery Remembrance of Keqin".

This year marks the 30th anniversary of Zhou Keqin's death, let us walk into the three fellow villagers of Zhou Keqin, approach this literary giant from their perspective, and explore the deeds of Keqin's lifelong writing of beautiful nostalgia.

Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Zhou Keqin's death | Nostalgia is the thought he can't write all his life

Hu Qiyun and Zhou Keqin took a group photo in Shiqiao Ancient Town

Therefore, Hu Qiyun:

The success of Keqin is eaten by hardship

Hu Qiyun

He is a member of the China Writers Association, and his representative works are "Flower Town" and "Tuojiang Jingliu". He and Zhou Keqin began to associate with Zhou Keqin from Chengming Middle School (now Shiqiao Middle School) and became close friends.

Speaking of Zhou Keqin, Hu Qiyun, as his former friend, said bluntly that he had suffered too much, and the heavens paid for his diligence. As the youngest student in the class and from a poor family, Zhou Keqin studied extra hard and was confident that she could surpass the rich children in her class.

Learning the sea is endless. The pain of reading this is really nothing for the bitterness that Zhou Keqin suffered after that.

Hu Qiyun introduced that Zhou Keqin was "handled" by the school in 1957 and returned home as a farmer, living in poverty for a long time. When he struggled with hunger and cold, he did not sink, he was not willing to waste time, reading and writing became a part of his life. During the day it is a heavy manual labor, and at night you have to read and write. In the cold and harsh winter, roasting the "baking cage" and hugging the quilt to write; in the scorching summer of the scorching sun, a fan, a pile of sawn wood or wormwood repellent mosquitoes, the heart writes by hand, never slackens. Due to the limitations of economic conditions, he smoked "economy brand" cigarettes. His name Zhou Keqin was changed to Zhou Keqin, and the feminine name was also hidden.

Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Zhou Keqin's death | Nostalgia is the thought he can't write all his life

Zhou Keqin's hometown

The plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold. Zhou Keqin suffered too much, so that he "should be indifferent to people, willing to be lonely, and immerse themselves in work and career... Always maintain the enthusiasm for life, maintain a sincere heart of the child. Only by suppressing the individual's desire for material and false name to the lowest standard can the spiritual flower be opened to the most perfect; only by seeking inner peace and purity can the talent shine brightly", and let him "due to the accumulation of long-term life and deep thinking, my creative subjects are getting more and more numerous, and my creative desire is getting stronger and stronger."

Following 1959's Xiuyun and Zhishu, in 1963 his "Jingtaitai" attracted wide attention, and he became the key author of "Sichuan Literature and Art"; in 1973, he became famous for "Li Xiuman", which was translated into English and published in "Chinese Literature" and introduced abroad; in 1980 and 1981, he won the "National Outstanding Short Story Award" for "Don't Forget the Grass" and "Shanyue Don't Know The Heart"; in 1982, the novel "Xu Mao and His Daughters" won China's highest literary award——" Mao Dun Literature Award", and won the first session and won the first place.

Researcher Wu Jie: Zhou Keqin's works are the works that can best reflect the spirit of the times.

Wu Jie

He is a member of the Chinese Writing Society and the Sichuan Writers Association, and specializes in literary criticism as an amateur, and has published dozens of literary and artistic works in journals such as "Writing", "Literary Freedom Talk", "Hundred Forums", and "Selected Miniature Novels". As a Jianyang person, he began to study Zhou Keqin's creative ideas in depth in 2010.

Why Write? It is a question that Chinese and foreign writers in ancient and modern times have been exploring. For Zhou Keqin, why write? Wu Jie research believes that Zhou Keqin does not write for utilitarianism, does not write for writing, and writes naturally, which can be described as "emotional in the middle and shaped in words".

Stemming from the influence of life itself and the catharsis of emotions, insisting on "facing life and opening up the future", Zhou Keqin embarked on the road of creation, from the publication of his first short story "Xiuyun and Zhishu" in 1959 to the long novel "Xu Mao and His Daughters" and "Autumn Puzzle", the increasingly mature creative style stems from his correct grasp of literary creation ideas and strict requirements for his own creation. Zhou Keqin insisted on writing for the people, portraits of the times, and chose to "write what she is most familiar with" in the subject matter of creation. He is most familiar with the experience of decades of rural life, and nothing more than the stories of farmers and farmers.

Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Zhou Keqin's death | Nostalgia is the thought he can't write all his life

Stills from the movie "Xu Mao and His Daughters"

The same rural life has different living situations. For writers, their views on people, things, and things living in rural areas are also different. For Zhou Keqin, in the face of the continuous changes in rural life, he has always adhered to a positioning, that is, "I often look at life from the perspective of a farmer and an advanced farmer and see the changes in life."

Zhou Keqin's works are the works that can best reflect the spirit of the times, and they all reflect the changes in the countryside with the times. "In Difficult Days" writes that Xia Mingyuan, secretary of the county party committee, is a rice expert Zhaoxue, protecting scientific and technological talents for the party, presenting a great image of a party member cadre who cares about the people and works for the party.

Wu Jie believes that Zhou Keqin's works have three major characteristics.

❖ The first is to reflect reality, "to tell the truth to the people, to speak from the heart, and to report to the party the real living conditions of the people." "Xu Mao and His Daughters" profoundly reflects the disasters brought to the peasants by the ten years of turmoil and the struggle and pursuit of the peasants, while "The Confusion of Autumn" truly depicts the reform process of the countryside in the past ten years.

❖ The second is to carry out moral evaluation, "literature should make a certain moral evaluation of family and social life", in "Autumn Confusion", in the face of the current situation of rural reform, Zhou Keqin profoundly criticized the peasants represented by Jiang Lusheng and Hua Liangyu by shaping the two characters of Jiang Lusheng and Hua Liangyu, and pinned the hopes and future of the countryside on intellectual youth such as Hua Liangyu.

❖ The third is the warning sign, "the writer should be the most sensitive 'organ' on the skin of human beings, can first feel some subtle signs of the social environment, and use his own voice to predict it to the people", "Qiujiaqiao First Household" tells the story of the children of Huang Jishan, a well-known impostor in the county, who broke up their families, and finally joined the big forest farm through Huang Jishan, which is in line with the party's rural economic policy of "let some peasants get rich first", but also indicates that the narrow life creed of "everyone shows their strength and everyone is hot" will be abandoned.

Fan Liang Xiao:

Zhou Keqin is a kind and respectable uncle

In the mind of Liang Xiao, a photographer in our city, the elder Zhou Keqin is the object of his admiration and inspiration, and he is a kind and respectable uncle. Liang Xiao's father, Liang Shangshu, had a lot of intersections because he liked to climb the lattice as much as Zhou Keqin. Liang Xiao followed his father to Zhou Keqin's house many times, and left a group photo and became a fan of him. He remembered that once Zhou Keqin asked his father about the relationship between the supply and marketing agency and the agency, and later saw that Xu Mao's seventh daughter, Xu Zhen, was working in the supply and marketing cooperative.

Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Zhou Keqin's death | Nostalgia is the thought he can't write all his life

Gourd dam

Zhou Keqin told Liang Xiao and his father many times that the materials for writing were dug out of the hoe, and after resting from work, they sat on the hoe and listened to the villagers put things in the countryside, thus accumulating a wealth of materials. He also saw Zhou Keqin many times for the creation of "the belt gradually widened and there was no regret, and the people were haggard for Yi Wei". From the beginning of 1975, when Zhou Keqin had the idea of writing a long novel, to the spring festival in 1978, when he began to write "Xu Mao and His Daughters", the novel took more than 3 years to conceive.

During this period, he planned the layout, designed the characters, wrote the biography of the characters, overturned the first chapter written in a spring, analyzed the structure of the famous book, and then successfully wrote the first chapter "Foggy". The taste is very imaginable. Until 11:00 p.m. on August 26, 1979, when he finished writing the "Xu Draft", he "felt as if he was seriously ill, his limbs were weak, and every time he squatted, his eyes were full of gold, and his ears were buzzing." He slept for two days", "He went to measure his weight and lost twelve pounds".

Zhou Keqin's experience of going from a farmer to a famous Chinese writer who has been sharpening a sword for decades is inspiring. The film "Xu Mao and His Daughters" was shot, which made Zhou Keqin's reputation even more famous. Zhou Keqin's success has greatly encouraged literary lovers in the Jianyang area to ride on the spring breeze of reform and opening up, one by one, and devote themselves to more diligent creative activities. For a time, Jianyang City and Countryside set off a wave of learning from Zhou Keqin and creating more good works, and many people asked Zhou Keqin for advice, and he tirelessly guided. Such a big figure, close to the people, still makes Liang Xiao sigh endlessly.

Recently, Liang Xiao read "Xu Mao and His Daughters" again, and his familiar hometown sounds, rushing nostalgia, and lovely villagers always felt so kind; the strong local atmosphere, the atmosphere of the times, and the clear love and hatred were always so intense; the vivid scenes always lingered, haunted his mind, and always constantly stirred up his memories and thoughts about the past years. Seeing the book and thinking about people, I thought of a couplet in front of Zhou Keqin's tomb: "Major themes have to be brought back to heaven; the ideal of innocence still remains in the human world." ”

【Source Jian Yang Release Editor Xu Qian Wang Wenli Review Zheng Yuelan】

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