
Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

author:Smoke and rain

There is a passage that says that the Liberation War was when The Huangpu students beat their classmates, and a group of classmates beat the principal and successfully drove the principal away. Although this statement is exaggerated, it also has some truth. Throughout China's modern and contemporary history, "Huangpu Military Academy" can be said to be a word that cannot be ignored. Whampoa Military Academy, full name is republic of China Army Officer School. It is one of the most famous military schools in modern China, and has trained many commanders who are famous in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War. In people's perception, Huangpu Military Academy can even be compared with the United States Military Academy at West Point and the Berlin Military Academy in Germany. It is a shining pearl in modern military history, a status symbol for officers, and a sacred place in the dreams of Chinese soldiers at that time. Throughout China's military history, there is not a single military school that has had a profound impact on Chinese history like Huangpu.

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

It is exaggerated to say that China's post-modern military history is the stage in the game between the Huangpu generals. Whether it was the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression or the war between the Kuomintang and the Communists, the generals from Huangpu showed their outstanding military ability. Generals from Huangpu accounted for a large proportion of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and the Nationalist camps such as Hu Zongnan, Du Yuming, Wang Yaowu, Qiu Qingquan, Liao Yaoxiang, Song Xilian, Tang Enbo, Hu Lian, Chen Mingren, Huang Wei, Chen Kefei, Li Mi, and Yu Chengwan. The Communist camp included: Lin Biao, Chen Yi, Xu Xiangqian, Nie Rongzhen, Ye Jianying, Chen Geng, Luo Ruiqing, Xu Guangda, Zhou Shidi, Chen Mingren, Chen Qihan, Zhang Zongxun, Yang Zhicheng, Song Shilun, Chen Bojun, and Guo Tianmin, all of whom were generals from Huangpu.

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

Huangpu Army Officer School

The Whampoa Military Academy has trained a large number of famous generals who have written one wonderful legend after another in the civil war and the anti-Japanese battlefield. Among the ten marshals of the CPC, two marshals, Lin and Xu, graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy, and among the ten generals, Chen Geng, Luo Ruiqing, Xu Guangda, and three others graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy. In addition, there are a number of famous generals: Zhou Shidi, Xiao Ke, Zhang Zongxun, Song Shilun... As for the Huangpu generals in the nationalist army, they are also the military concubines of the Chiang Dynasty, and the famous generals are like clouds: such as Song Xilian, Chen Mingren, Du Yuming, and Zheng Dongguo in the first period; Qiu Qingquan and Zheng Jiemin in the second period; Dai Anlan and Wang Yaowu in the third period; Zhang Lingfu and Hu Lian in the fourth period...

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

Huangpu students

So which of these generals has the strongest military strength? Some people think that it is "Eagle Dog General" Song Xilian. During the "1.28" War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, fierce battles contained algae and heavy damage to the enemy; the Songhu War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was full of prestige; and the border battlefields of Yunnan and Burma conquered the strongholds of Pingjia, Longling, and Mangshi, and he was recognized as a famous general of the War of Resistance. Some people think it is Du Yuming. Because Du Yuming was the only mechanized army of the Nationalist army, the first commander of the 5th Army, he led his troops to fight in Kunlun Pass, expeditions to Burma, and in the northeast battlefield and Huaihai battlefield in the civil war, he was ordered to play the role of "fire captain" several times in the face of danger. Some people think that it is Qiu Qingquan, a "madman" who is both literate and martial. His new 22nd Division, as the main force of the 5th Army, played a prestigious role in the Battle of Guinan, and then took over as the commander of the 5th Army, and its achievements in the Yunnan Burma battlefield were no less than Du Yuming.'s. Some people think that it is Wang Yaowu, because his 74th Army won the title of "Anti-Japanese Iron Army" and was awarded the highest award in the army, the Flying Tiger Award, and Wang Yaowu himself was also awarded the highest medal. He once praised Wang Yaowu as "good at leading troops and having the ability to command." When people say, "I'd rather touch the King of Yama than touch the old king".

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

a great general of the NationalIst Party

However, since the above people have lost to the People's Liberation Army, the strongest general in Huangpu will not be them. So we are looking at our army camp, and there are not a few generals from Huangpu in our army camp? There were 10 marshals, 10 generals, 57 generals, 177 lieutenant generals and 1360 major generals who were awarded or promoted to rank between 1955 and 1965 in our army. Among them, 53 people from the Whampoa Military Academy include: 5 marshals (half of the total), 3 generals (30%), 10 generals (17%), 12 lieutenant generals (6.78%), 23 major generals (1.69%), of which 18 are generals and above, accounting for 23.38%, and the proportion is also quite high. There have been words praised: Whampoa Ying outstanding star, famous marshal founding wanshi song, Biao Bing thousand autumns in the annals of history, unswervingly illuminating Khan Qing.

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

So, which of these founding generals of the Whampoa clan had the strongest military ability? Who can come first? It's worth arguing. Due to the limitations of seniority and position, as well as the difference in the field in which they excelled, military strength could only be ranked among the founding marshals and generals. Among the five marshals, Marshal Ye Jianying's area of expertise was in politics; Marshal Nie Rongzhen commanded relatively few battles alone, while among the generals Yang Zhicheng mainly managed the logistical and military strength was not obvious, and Guo Tianming held more posts as deputy and chief of staff, and his military strength was more general Zhang Zongxun was Chairman Mao's guard during the Red Army period, and during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he was mostly in Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia, and his achievements were not remarkable; during the Liberation War, he was General Peng's deputy and independently commanded the campaigns. Luo Ruiqing, on the other hand, is mostly responsible for defense and political work, and his military strength is not obvious. Xu Guangda, who served as commander of the armored corps in the northwest and the southern expedition, showed excellent military strength but low position.

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

Xu Guangda

Xiao Ke, Zhou Shidi, and Song Shilun, who are known for their military strength, have a similar military strength. Xiao Ke's achievements were mainly in the Red Army period, when he was the commander of the Red 6Th Army and the deputy commander of the Red 2 Front, he fought many victorious battles in Xiang'echuanqian and was known as a "Confucian general". Zhou Shidi's battle record was mainly during the Great Revolution and the Nanchang Uprising, and he was Ye Ting's most powerful warrior who would be the main division commander of the Nanchang Uprising. Song Shilun is a master of fighting obstruction warfare In the Liberation War, he had the title of "if the cannons do not move, they must be ten columns."

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

Among the above three generals from Huangpu, their military strength ranks in the third echelon, and their military strength is still very different from That of Chen Geng and Chen Mingren. Chen Geng and Chen Mingren are both Hunan natives, both graduated from Huangpu Phase I, and both are "Principal Jiang", whose love will perform well in the Battle of the Eastern Crusade. The Second Eastern Expedition attacked Huizhou, and Chen Mingren and Chen Geng were the first to ascend to the head of the city. Chen Geng was even more Chiang Kai-shek's savior, and he once carried Chiang Kai-shek out of danger in the Battle of Huayang and was Chiang Kai-shek's benefactor. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chen Geng's 386 Brigade was even more a nightmare for the Japanese army, and the Japanese army was miserable, and the Japanese troops who fought all threatened: "Fight the 386 Brigade exclusively." Chen Mingren did not let him lead the Pre-Second Division to participate in the Jiujiang Defense War, the Battle of Guinan, and the 71st Army to participate in the Battle of Yunnan and Burma in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and made brilliant achievements, which were admired by the US army.

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

Chen Mingren

In the War of Liberation, Chen Geng's Chen Xie Corps advanced into western Henan and defeated his fellow li tie army; then he commanded the Erye 4 Corps, which participated in the Battle of Crossing the River, marched into Southern China, and liberated Yunnan, and made outstanding achievements in battle; he also participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam and commanded countless large and small wars throughout his life. Among the ten generals, Chen Geng's military strength was second only to Su Yu. Chen Mingren led the Nationalist 71st Army to hold Siping in the northeast battlefield, and the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army suffered heavy losses and had to retreat. If Chen Mingren were to stand in the camp of our party at an early date, his military achievements would have been even more remarkable.

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

Chen Geng

The marshal from Huangpu is naturally the strongest in military strength, of which Lin Biao and Xu Xiangqian are the leaders among them, so who is the strongest military strength? Lin Biao, we know him the most, he is not only one of the ten marshals, but also one of the top ten famous generals in Huangpu, once known as "one of the three tiger generals of Huangpu". He participated in the Nanchang Uprising and became the commander of the Red 4th Army at the age of 24. In the Battle of Caotaigang, more than 7,000 people from the 11th Division of the Jiang clan were eliminated, laying the foundation for his position as a famous general. He then led the Red 1 Army and became the main force in the main force. He led his troops to successfully break through the four blockade lines of the National Name Party, and also participated in and commanded the Battle of Qiangdu Wujiang. In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he led the 115th Division to defeat the invincible Japanese army at Pingxingguan, thus breaking the myth of the invincibility of the Japanese army and enhancing the enthusiasm of the whole nation for resistance against Japan. In the Liberation War, he commanded the "Liaoshen Campaign" from the northeast to south China, and together with Luo Rongheng commanded the "Pingjin Campaign". Although he later made a mistake and fled mongolia and crashed, his military command ability was obvious to all.

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

Lin Biao

However, Xu Xiangqian's military ability is above Lin Biao on the whole, and it can be said that Xu Xiangqian is the strongest military ability among the founding generals from Huangpu. Like Chen Geng, Xu Xiangqian was a student at the first phase of the Whampoa Military Academy and one of the leaders of the Guangzhou Uprising. He participated in the Battle of Phoenix Mountain, the Ambush Battle of Changshengkou, commanded the Battle of Shentouling, and the Anti-Nine Road Siege Campaign in Southeast Jin, and achieved great military achievements in his life, and his military command ability was also very powerful. In November 1931, at the age of 30, Xu Xiangqian became the commander-in-chief of the Red Fourth Front army with 30,000 horses, and Lin Biao was still a military commander. The most remarkable thing is that Xu Xiangqian commanded the Red Fourth Front Army to fight many classic battles; the Battle of Shuangqiao Town, which annihilated a whole division of the Nationalist army; the great victory in Sujiabu, which is a classic example of the textbook siege of the encirclement point; and the anti-six-way siege, Xu Shuai fought 200,000 enemies with 80,000 people, which was the largest number of battles in the history of the Red Army. It can be said that during the period of the Red Army, Xu Xiangqian's military strength was verified, and it can be said that no one can beat him. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Xiangqian created the base area in southern Hebei with a population of 8 million, and then in 1939, he served as the commander of the 1st Column, commanding the anti-Japanese armed forces of our party in Shandong, Jilubian, northern Jiangsu and other regions, with brilliant achievements.

Who are the founding generals from Huangpu who have the strongest military ability? Who can come first?

Xu Xiangqian

During the Liberation War, Xu Xiangqian annihilated nearly 300,000 Yan Xishan troops with 60,000 local troops, and commanded the Battle of Linfen, the Battle of Jinzhong, and the Battle of Taiyuan. Attack Linfen, Jinzhong, and Ketaiyuan, and win more with less, and win strong with the weak. In such a war, looking at China's post-modern military history, there can be several generals who have such records. Although Lin Biao's outstanding military achievements in the northeast battlefield were inseparable from his outstanding military strength, it was more dependent on the elite troops drawn from various theaters and the large amount of weapons and equipment left by the Soviet army. In summary, among the generals from Huangpu, the strongest military strength is Lin Biao and Xu Xiangqian, while the school's strong military strength can be ranked first.