
Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

author:Will fire

A foreign organization once did a survey on the most perfect man in the eyes of women in various countries, Chen Daoming is the only Chinese man on the list, so why is Chen Daoming called a perfect man?

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

Recently, Chen Daoming appeared at the construction site of the Xiamen Golden Rooster Award venue to inspect the docking related work.

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

Chen Daoming, 64, even in a sportswear, gives people a sense of elegance, carefully inspecting the construction site and explaining the work with body language from time to time.

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

After the release of this set of pictures, netizens praised Chen Daoming's meticulous work, and some people said that "there is no aesthetic generation gap in the matter of liking Chen Daoming, not only conquered by his acting skills, but also fascinated by his attitude towards life."

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

Chen Daoming was originally escorted by a friend to the Tianjin People's Art Theater admissions location, he did not want to interview at that time, but was looked at by the judges, and in this way, he began his acting career.

In 1988, Chen Daoming starred in the first film and television drama work "The Last Emperor", in which he played Puyi in his youth, with which he won the Feitian Award and the Golden Eagle Award, and has won numerous awards since then.

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

Even if his career is successful and his acting skills are highly affirmed, Chen Daoming's attitude towards acting has never changed.

Some directors said that Chen Daoming never sat in a work chair on the set, because only by standing can he remain excited and act well. And in order to better integrate into the role, he never even took off his costume. When filming "Homecoming", Chen Daoming has been wearing that torn jacket and is not afraid of the strange eyes of others. Chen Daoming's level of dedication can be seen.

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

Because of his professionalism, on December 29, 2018, Chen Daoming was elected as the chairman of the China Filmmakers Association. Netizens have commented that this is well deserved.

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

In addition to his superb acting skills, Chen Daoming is also proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and his calligraphy and painting skills have also been rated as "the best in the entertainment industry".

Once Chen Daoming was filming next to a school, the school's art students took the sketchbook to him to sign, what they did not expect was that Chen Daoming took the sketchbook on the spot to paint a picture, and the art students were ashamed of themselves.

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

And Chen Daoming's character is also highly praised.

In February 2018, Feng Xiaogang, Ge You and others had dinner together, and after three rounds of drinking, Chen Daoming accompanied the singer Zhang Yan's piano accompaniment "Velvet Flower", when Feng Xiaogang proposed to let Miao Miao dance a dance, everyone else clapped their hands in agreement, but Chen Daoming stood up and said that Miao Miao was inconvenient to wear high heels, not only to relieve Miao Miao, but also not to refute the face of old friends.

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

Such Chen Daoming is disgusted with socializing, and more often stays at home with his wife Du Xianqinser and Ming.

Du Xian was Chen Daoming's first love, when he was still a nobody, but Du Xian was already a well-known announcer in Beijing, and after the birth of his daughter, Du Xian concentrated on being a good wife and mother. Today, Chen Daoming has a successful career, but he credits all this honor to his wife, saying that meeting Du Xian is the greatest luck in his life.

Chen Daoming has become a grandfather? Married to his wife for nearly 40 years without scandal, once said that meeting her is the lucky poke of this life to pay attention to us, every day there is the latest entertainment gossip waiting for your approval! More entertainment gossip, all on fire

In December 2018, a well-known blogger revealed that Chen Daoming had become a grandfather. It is understood that Chen Daoming's daughter Chen Ke has a very high appearance, and went to the Uk alone to study at the age of 13, but did not enter the show business circle after returning to China, but life is also very good.

Throughout Chen Daoming's years, his acting skills and character have been highly affirmed, and he has no scandals about his wife, and he can indeed be regarded as a perfect man.

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