
Three historical novels with more than 9 points are still at their peak after a long time, and they are worth three brushes

author:Where to push the book

Hello everyone, where am I going.

Today to recommend to you three historical novels with more than 9 points, the end of a long time is still at the peak, worth three brushes!

1. Master of the Three Precepts of "One Pin Jiangshan", 9.1 points

Three historical novels with more than 9 points are still at their peak after a long time, and they are worth three brushes

Brief introduction:

In the spring of the fifth year of the Celebratory Calendar, Fan Wenzheng's new policy reform failed, Fu Bi was also sent down, Teng Zijing rebuilt the Yueyang Building, Ouyang Xiu was drunk as mud, Han Xianggong was still handsome and rich, Wen Yanbo became a completely refined; Di Qing became a hanging silk idol of the Great Song Dynasty, Xianggong and Sima Niu had just joined the work, Bao Qingtian was not qualified to meditate in Kaifeng Province, Su Dongpo was changing teeth, and Emperor Renzong was working hard to create people...

Just like the arrangement of heaven, the most outstanding guys of the Great Song Dynasty and even the Chinese nation are all crowded in this era. It was the most gorgeous, the most enlightened and free time, and the air was mesmerizing.

But there is also a nail, this fascinating era, which is about to be destroyed under the iron hooves of the alien race... What is the reason for this, and is there any possibility of being spared?

A butterfly, through a thousand years of time and space, came to this glittering era, taking you to read the prosperity of the city, taking you 'the willow tip on the moon, people about after dusk', taking you and the top guys to drink wine, taking you to find all the answers.

I just don't know how much change he can bring to the world by flapping his little wings...


"I can't imagine it, the officials of the Great Song Dynasty and the Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty can't think of it." The middle-aged man sneered: "Every drink and a peck are predestined by heaven, and today I finally ate my own fruit!" ”

"What do seniors mean?"

"Did you know that before the rebellion, Nong Zhigao actually wanted to be attached?" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "According to the habits of the officials and the xianggongs, as long as they see the letter, they will certainly raise their hands to welcome it." ”

"Hmm." Chen Ke had already heard of the Great Song Emperor's behavior of 'forbearance as high and being noble': "So, Bieliang did not receive his report?" ”

"Yes, because he made several reports, they were all detained by Chen Jue, the governor of Yongzhou." The middle-aged man said without a fight: "And Chen Jue's reason is that more is better than less." The chieftain was furious and led his army to the city of Yongzhou, originally only wanted to threaten Chen Jue and make him speed up the efficiency of work, who knew that the paper paste defense line would be broken as soon as it was poked, and even let him effortlessly beat Down Yongzhou. "Yongzhou is now the capital of Guangxi, Nanning.

"The news of the fall of Yongzhou, which was well developed in the Song Dynasty, soon shocked the officials and xianggongs of Bieliang City, and they ordered the military horses from all over the Guangnan East Road to return to The Guangdong Prison Li Shu and the Guangdong Terracotta Army, Chen Shu, to gather in the direction of Shaozhou, move toward Guangzhou, and intercept Nong Zhigao."

"The response was timely." Chen Ke woke up.

"Soon the order is issued, it is difficult to say the action of the army..." The middle-aged man sneered: "Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, in the eyes of the northern imperial court, the people of Lingnan are lambs who will never rebel." They proudly believe that the Lingnan people can endure even the brutality of the Southern Han Dynasty, and now under the enlightened and moderate Great Song Dynasty, how can anyone think of rebellion? ”

"Only fifty years have passed since the Battle of Liaoyuan, and the empire's most elite army and the strongest fortress have all turned into tofu slag. Since the Pingnan Han Dynasty, Lingnan, which has not revived the sword soldiers for a hundred years, can be imagined to what extent the army has decayed! The middle-aged man said bitterly: "In my opinion, the military and political system in Lingnan has been completely decayed and unusable, and the imperial court has pointed them to quell the rebellion, I am afraid that another Western Xia will be born." ”

"Lingnan Wenwu is not available." Chen Ke said, "The imperial court will change people!" ”

"Well said." The middle-aged man nodded coldly, "But the most suitable candidate left the world at this time..."

"You mean, Fan Gong?"

"Not bad," the middle-aged man said with a sad smile, "when the Great Song Dynasty was employing people, it was discovered that its loyal generals had been tossed to death by themselves... What do you say you're not eating yourself?! He said with a sneer: "Now, you know the government and the public, why do you remember Fan Wenzheng so much?" The reason is that without it, the country is difficult to think of a good minister! ”

After saying that, he picked up the wine jug, shook it, let the shop sift another pot, put a few hot dishes, and smiled at Chen Ke: "These complaints, like a carp in the throat, do not emit pain, send out, but uncomfortable." He said with a smile: "The only way to relieve your worries is Du Kang, today he accompanies a certain person to drink without getting drunk." ”

"It is better to be respectful than to obey."

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2. "Night Walk in Brocade" moon pass, 9.2 points

Three historical novels with more than 9 points are still at their peak after a long time, and they are worth three brushes

Jing is difficult to cut the domain, move the capital to repair the scriptures, conquer Mongolia, go to the South China Sea, I am everywhere, but no one knows that I am.

Dry into the sleeves, brocade night, low-key! Low key is king.

The tortuous inheritance of life and the continuation of the passive fate have achieved his rise and counterattack.

It seems that the impostors who have no initiative have reversed the passive situation of their own life trajectory, so that the entire relevant environment has launched a new situation!

The stormy struggle to seize the emperor, the step-by-step reform of cutting the domain, the glorious moment of the Yongle Grand Ceremony, the manipulation of the great reform and relocation of the capital, the peace inside and outside, the big and small events, all the lights, can not erase his shadow, can not cover his footprints!

In the history of the early Ming Dynasty, there were constant storms. It was a turbulent era, but there were a group of heroes who stirred up history and pushed the rule of the Ming Dynasty to the first climax!

In such a history, how can a small person from modern times turn the clouds and rain, intervene in such turmoil, and achieve his own low-key glory?!

Xia Xun said, "In this first matter, please find a few imperial envoys to come forward and impeach Li Yifeng of the Yu family's water division, accusing him of being a slack water master, not being able to perform well, and not being called a suppressor." ”

Huang Zhen listened slightly strangely.

Xia Xun continued, "The impeachment of General Chizhong of Fuzhou by a few more imperial envoys means roughly the same thing. Oh, you guys have a beautiful pen, but I don't have to talk too fine. ”

Huang Zhen was stunned: "Guo Gong, this... These two people and horses were not personally recommended to the emperor by the Duke of Guo, so why should they be impeached? ”

Xia Xun smiled and said, "Tell you to do it, just do it." It doesn't matter how ferocious the impeachment is, the country has its own plans. ”

Huang Zhenwei agreed, and Xia Xun said, "Your Highnesses are fighting over each other, and the suspected case of the Zhejiang Eastern Water Division has become a battlefield, and the battle is difficult to solve, and you adults should not mix it up anymore, and the rest of you will only do one thing, and the Shangyuan Shu will advise the imperial court, on the grounds that the Wokou attacked our sea frontier and harassed the people, cancel the tributary trade with Japan, or pay a tribute every ten years, or pay a tribute for ten years, two yuan and ten years, as a punishment for the inability to suppress the bandits in Japan, the louder the better!" ”

Xia Xun said this, and said with a smile: "Chen Ying's group of people, in the Case of the Zhejiang Eastern Water Division, the mixing is not light, you can stand up and pay attention to major state affairs at this time, such a general understanding, major situation, the emperor will certainly be very happy." ”

3. "Zhenguan Great Idle Man" Skull Eyebrow Mouse Eye, 9.2 points

Three historical novels with more than 9 points are still at their peak after a long time, and they are worth three brushes

Tang Dynasty Zhenguan, the world is jingping, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the li clan is favored.

Li Jing attacked the Turks in the north, Emperor Taizong invaded Goryeo in the east, and the army was so grand that he subdued the four seas. To start from scratch, reorganize the old mountains and rivers. In front of the portrait of the hero, Li Yuan played the pipa alone, and on the Pavilion of Ling Yan, Li Shimin was drunk and dancing in the spring breeze.

In the most magnificent, majestic, and spirited era in Chinese history, outside the ancient capital of Chang'an, a young man in a rough shirt looked at the imperial city in the sunset and smiled...

A temple with a strong incense suddenly lost its incense, and naturally there is a reason, and the reason is related to an incident.

The incident was called "Xuanwumen Change", in the ninth year of Wude, Li Shimin, who was still the King of Qin at the time, launched a mutiny outside the Xuanwu Gate and killed his brother and brother, and the Qin King's subordinates such as Changsun Wuji, Wei Chigong, Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, and other civilian generals rose up and attacked, and the crown prince and Li Yuanji, the king of Qi, were finally defeated and defeated.

Xuanwu Gate change, the battlefield of killing is not just Xuanwu Gate, this mutiny affected the entire Guanzhong, and outside the Tianfu Temple, dozens of miles away from Chang'an City, there was also a bloody battle on the day of the incident, when the leader was the famous general Qin Qiong, leading 30,000 horses and the prince Zuo Wei led more than 50,000 people to encounter here, the two sides immediately launched a desperate fight, the battle was directly killed by the sun and the moon, the blood flowed into a river, tens of thousands of people died outside the Tianfu Temple, died in the compassionate eyes of the Buddha's god statue.

Qin Qiong suffered more than twenty major and minor injuries in that battle, but the price was that the entire Prince's left guard rate disappeared, and this battle was a battle to eliminate the troubles, after this battle, the power of the prince was finally completely dissipated.

Since that year, no one dared to set foot on the incense-filled Tianfu Temple, and after more than ten years, it seems that the rusty blood smell of corrosion outside the temple can be faintly smelled.

On this day, accompanied by the sound of cicadas, on the empty and deserted path of Tianfu Temple, dozens of people walked slowly and leisurely, the first one wore an ordinary light silk shirt, tied an iron belt around the waist, the head was not crowned, only a bun was casually pulled with a jade hairpin, and the person who accompanied him next to him was also dressed very casually, but the two of them naturally showed a temperament of not being angry and arrogant when they walked.

Looking at the surrounding weedy wasteland, Li Shimin, who was slightly dressed in micro-clothing, sighed and his expression floated a little ashamed.

"Today we should invite Shu Bao to come with me, this place is the place where Shu Bao spilled his blood, if it were not for Si Gong, if it were not for Shu Bao's desperate efforts to intercept the Prince Zuo Wei here outside the city, who in the Xuanwu Gate is the master of the Jiangshan, I am afraid it is unknown."

Accompanying Li Shimin was also a heavy courtier, Fang Qiao Fang Xuanling, and Fang Qiao also sighed: "Shu Bao has been seriously injured since that battle, and he has lost blood and fought closely, and since then his body has not been as good as a day, and now he is lying on a sick bed, and even he needs the support of his sons and nephews when he walks." ”

Li Shimin's eyes flashed a trace of pain: "Great Tang Dynasty general, pity, pain!" ”

The above is today's recommendation, where do I go, like this recommendation may wish to click a concern.

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