
This is the supremacy of life | Shandong! Adhere to the normalization of epidemic prevention and control to ensure that the defense line is not relaxed

author:China Shandong Net

As the weather gradually cooled, it entered the autumn and winter when the disease was prone to occur. At present, there is a rebound of the epidemic in many parts of the country, and the pressure of "external prevention of import and internal prevention of rebound" is still at a high level, and the situation is very grim. In this regard, we must raise our vigilance a hundredfold and never slacken our vigilance and take it lightly.

Safety is the bottom line, and epidemic prevention is the red line. It is necessary to fully understand the difficulty, complexity and long-term nature of epidemic prevention and control, and adjust the focus of work and response measures according to the situation. Although the epidemic prevention and control has achieved stage victories before, the large-scale rebound in many provinces and cities this time is another arduous challenge, and it is not sloppy at all.

We must profoundly understand the great significance of the "normalization" of epidemic prevention and control, abandon the idea of "doing everything in one battle", overcome paralyzing thoughts, war-weary emotions, fluke psychology, and slack mentality, make preparations for "protracted war", and continue to grasp and grasp the key work of epidemic prevention and control.

Normalization of prevention and control is the key to maintaining a good epidemic situation. Do not think that the epidemic prevention situation has been "very good", you can properly rest your feet, relax and relax. Only by being cautious and unremitting in doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control can we maintain and consolidate the current positive and good epidemic control situation. Public places should pay attention to epidemic prevention work, disinfect the venue in time, carefully measure body temperature, and refuse to enter and observe people with body temperature problems, especially when everyone enters shopping malls or scenic spots, and the queue should be spaced one meter. Because with the gradual improvement of the epidemic situation, everyone's awareness of protection has gradually weakened, and strengthening protective measures is to safely protect you and me, that is, to reduce the pressure on workers fighting in the frontline and contribute to the motherland.

Normalized epidemic prevention and control needs to enhance the level of civilization of the whole society, and use thousands of civilized and healthy small environments to build a solid foundation. The epidemic warns us that we must not underestimate the possibility of a rebound in the epidemic, and sustained efforts are needed to win a comprehensive victory in the fight against the epidemic. We must unswervingly grasp the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, be cautious and redouble our efforts, adhere to the organic combination of normalized precision prevention and control and local emergency response, and resolutely maintain and consolidate the hard-won achievements in epidemic prevention and control.

This is a war without smoke. Only when all levels and departments are in the same boat and work together can they gather strength and overcome difficulties together; Only when everyone has the responsibility to defend the land, shoulder the responsibility of defending the soil, and fulfill the responsibility of defending the land, can we win the people's war, the overall war and the obstruction war of epidemic prevention and control. (Text/Sun Xiaoru)