
Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei. Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are more home-cooked foods for everyone's reference.

What Ah Fei shared with you today is a "home-cooked grilled fish" approach. There is no oven, no need to fry, and you can eat grilled fish at home. More importantly, the approach is very clear and straightforward, and it is really a look. Without further ado, let's get started.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

Ingredients: 1 carp

Ingredients: white sesame seeds, green onions, Sichuan flour, tofu skin, mushrooms, chinese cabbage, garlic, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, bell peppers, ginger

Seasoning: cumin powder, chili noodles, bean paste, hot pot base, salt, cooking wine, chicken essence, sugar, pepper, chili red oil

Prepare a fresh carp, slap the fish with the back of a knife, cut off the fins, and then scrape off the scales. Because the meat on the back of the ridge is thicker, it is sliced along the back of the fish, so that it is easier to fry. After removing the internal organs and teeth, wash the blood on the fish and put a few knives on it to facilitate the frying.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

The green onion is broken and cut into green onions, and the ginger is cut into diamond-shaped slices and placed together with the fish. Add an appropriate amount of table salt, spread the fish inside and out, then pour some cooking wine to remove the fish, wipe well and marinate for 20 minutes.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

Place the softened Sichuan powder in the basin first. Cut the tofu skin into wide strips, wash the mushrooms with a handful of roots, a small cabbage, break the cabbage leaves and wash them with water, and cut into small pieces for later.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

Cut the ginger into thin strips, cut the green onion into slices with a slash knife, and pat the garlic flat and place in the same pot. Then grab a handful of dried chili peppers and a small handful of peppercorns to set aside. If you like to eat some fragrant friends, you can also cut some bell peppers here.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

After the fish is marinated, we remove the onion and ginger from the top, squeeze the sauce clean, and prepare to fry. Heat the oil in the pot, drain the pot well, pour out the hot oil and add some more cool oil. Sprinkle a spoonful of salt, put the side of the fish skin down into the pan and fry slowly over low heat.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

Keep shaking the pot during the period to make the fish heat evenly, but do not turn it before the fish is fixed, so as not to damage the appearance. When the skin is golden brown, turn it over and fry the other side. If there is less oil in the pan, you can pour in some more, so as not to fry the paste, until the fish is fried until it is cooked thoroughly, the fish is snow white, and you can gently penetrate it with chopsticks. Then sprinkle cumin powder and chili noodles evenly on top, then pour out and set aside.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

Heat the oil and reduce the heat, then add shallots, ginger, dried chili peppers and stir-fry together to create a spicy flavor. After that, add a spoonful of watercress sauce, a spoonful of hot pot base, stir-fry the sauce loosely, fry out the oil, and then add the appropriate amount of water along the edge of the pot.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

Add one spoonful of salt, one spoonful of pepper, one spoonful of chicken essence and a pinch of sugar to freshen up. After the soup is boiling, first put the cabbage and tofu skin in the pot and cook for a while, then pour in the mushrooms and sichuan noodles and continue to cook for 1 minute. When the ingredients are eight ripe, heat the alcohol, pour the side dishes on the bottom of the baking dish, add the fried fish and wait for the oil.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

Heat the pan, pour in the appropriate amount of chili red oil, heat the oil to 70% heat, add the bell pepper slightly stirred, and then pour it on the fish. Sprinkle with white sesame seeds and you're good to go.

Without the need for an oven, the chef teaches you to make grilled fish at home, the ingredients are detailed, easy to learn and taste good

Well, this spicy home-cooked grilled fish is ready. Ah Fei thanks you for watching, but also thank you for your support of the first food, we have several home-cooked dishes for your reference every day, friends who like to cook don't forget to pay attention! Ah Fei thanks for watching, we will see you next issue!

Article Editor: Rhetoric

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