
The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

author:Peng Kitchen
Hello everyone, I am chef Xiupeng chef, today we make a home-cooked grilled fish, because many families do not have barbecue tools, today we use the method of frying to make, the taste can also achieve the effect of external scorching and tenderness, not professional grilled fish shops are mostly using this method of frying.

Video of the making of grilled fish, click on the link to watch

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

raw material

1 carp, green onion, ginger, garlic, parsley, line pepper, red pepper, soybean sprouts, dried chili pepper, hot pot base, peppercorns

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

Preparation Method:

1, the following first change the raw materials to the knife, green onion cut into horseshoe onion, ginger into slices, garlic to break, parsley cut into segments, green and red pepper cut into cubes, green and red pepper is the last oil to use, play a role in increasing the spicy taste and embellishment, after the above raw materials are cut, the fish is changed to a knife.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

2, first of all, the carp along the fish backbone to cut open, the other side of the fish also use the same method, the carp spine is exposed, and then the fish backbone is chopped into a knife block, so that the knife fish meat is easier to mature, and then on both sides of the fish body to introduce the knife, the knife is not too deep.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

3, the following began to give the fish to the taste, add salt and pepper, cooking wine yard bottom taste, because the fish is not good into the taste, in advance the yard taste is convenient for fish into the taste, marinate for 10 minutes after starting to fry the fish.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

4, the pot on the fire to add vegetable oil, heating on high heat, using the time of heating oil we began to shoot the fish powder, patting the powder can achieve the fish meat is complete and not fragile, the outside is scorched and tender.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

5, the oil temperature of 180 degrees (that is, 6 into the oil temperature) into the fish frying, the fish just under the pan do not use the spoon to touch the fish body, the spoon will stick to the fish skin, after the fish meat is set, stir with the fence, so that the fish is heated evenly.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

6, fry the fish color golden brown after the fish out, this operation time is nearly 2 minutes, the following start stir-frying.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

7: Add oil to the pot, add peppercorns, then add green onion, garlic, star anise, cinnamon, white root, fragrant leaves, then add the bean paste and stir-fry a few times, and then add the hot pot base.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

8, the above small ingredients stir-fry after adding an appropriate amount of water, and then add soybean sprouts, add salt, chicken powder, monosodium glutamate and pepper to taste, bean sprouts cooked tender and then down into the parsley, down into the parsley to cook for about 10 seconds, with a fence fished out and placed in the container bottom.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

9, then put the fish into the soup, add cooking wine to remove the odor, cook for about 1 minute to pour the soup and fish into the container, and start to stir the oil below.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

10, add chili oil in the pot, then add the appropriate amount of vegetable oil, after heating, add peppercorns, then add dried peppers, green and red peppers, stir-fry the raw materials and then stir-fry them on the fish body, and finally sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

The head chef teaches you the homely way of making grilled fish, and making a pot for the family in winter is sure to be popular!

Making Tips:

1, the production of this dish is mainly to control the heat of the fried fish, the fish to fry a little dry, fry the fish when the oil temperature should be high, can not be lower than 60% of the oil temperature, the time is nearly 2 minutes.

2, seasoning can also add a little cumin powder in the soup, the amount of hot pot base should not be too large, the dish should not reveal the taste of the hot pot base, and it should be heated with alcohol after serving.

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