
Anhui cross-country race star Liang Jing was killed and tracked: no compensation agreement has been reached Enshi Wei Pulong retraced liang Jing's last section of the road before his death

author:Anhui net
Anhui cross-country race star Liang Jing was killed and tracked: no compensation agreement has been reached Enshi Wei Pulong retraced liang Jing's last section of the road before his death

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News "He (Liang Jing) has won three 100-kilometer cross-country races here, and he will send a circle of friends before each departure." On the morning of May 25, when reporters from Xin'an Evening News, Anhui Net, and Dawan News interviewed Liang Hong, Liang Jing's father, he told reporters sadly. On May 22, the Yellow River Stone Forest Mountain Marathon 100-kilometer cross-country race held in the Yellow River Stone Forest Scenic Area in Chengtai County, Baiyin City, Gansu Province, encountered extreme weather, and 21 participants had lost their vital signs when they were found, including Liang Jing, one of the top domestic cross-country runners.

After learning the news of Liang Jing's unfortunate death, his wife, his master Wei Pulong, his father and other relatives went to Baiyin City, Gansu Province. Liang Jing's father, Liang Hong, sadly introduced to reporters that after seeing his son's body, he saw that his knees and forehead were scarred, and it was difficult to imagine what happened to him. On May 24, Liang Jing's master, Wei Pulong, president of the Hefei Marathon Sports Association, and others retraced the last part of Liang Jing's life under the guidance of their guides.

Anhui cross-country race star Liang Jing was killed and tracked: no compensation agreement has been reached Enshi Wei Pulong retraced liang Jing's last section of the road before his death

Liang Jing (left) and mentor Wei Pulong for a group photo

Winning the championship for three consecutive years This year is the fourth time to participate

On Liang Jing's personal Douyin account, a number of short videos related to the Yellow River Stone Forest Mountain Marathon 100 km cross-country race were posted, including a short video sent out on September 29, 2020, recording the moment when he won the third Yellow River Stone Forest Mountain Marathon 100 km cross country race. Xin'an Evening News, Anhui Net, Dawan reporter inquiry learned that since the inception of the 2018 event, the Yellow River Stone Forest 100 km off-road race has been held for four consecutive years, in 2018 the first Yellow River Stone Forest International 100 km cross-country race and the first Yellow River Stone Forest International Marathon, the 100 km off-road race champion was won by Liang Jing, by 2020, the name of the event has been expanded to "2020 Third Yellow River Stone Forest Mountain Marathon 100 km Cross Country Race and The Fourth Yellow River Customs Cultural Tourism Festival in Baiyin City", September 2020 In the 3rd Yellow River Stone Forest Mountain Marathon 100 km cross-country race, after 8 hours and 39 minutes of hard fighting, the men's championship of the 100 km cross country race was won by Liang Jing, who has won the championship of the event for three consecutive years.

"This year is Liang Jing's fourth competition, and he is in good shape before he leaves." Liang Jing's father, Liang Hong, told reporters that this track is not unfamiliar to Liang Jing, and after understanding, the place where Liang Jing had an accident may be about 30 kilometers from the starting point, and Liang Jing is at the forefront of the team. The reporter learned through the inquiry WeChat public account "Stone Forest International Marathon" (the account subject is Gansu Shengjing Sports Culture Development Co., Ltd.) that the 2021 (the fourth) Yellow River Stone Forest Mountain 100 km off-road race opened registration on April 15, the registration fee for the 100 km off-road race is 1000 yuan, in the "race equipment" column, for the 100 km off-road race, the organizing committee forced participants to carry the following items to participate, including number cloth, timing chip, electronic trajectory, gps tracker, lighting equipment (headlamp), water fixtures, Life blankets, whistles, cell phones. Xin'an Evening News, Anhui Net, Dawan News reporters noticed that the life-saving blankets that resist extreme weather are not like the chronograph chips, GPS trackers and other remarks provided by the organizing committee, while the trench coat, storm jacket, and thermal underwear are placed in the "recommended equipment".

Anhui cross-country race star Liang Jing was killed and tracked: no compensation agreement has been reached Enshi Wei Pulong retraced liang Jing's last section of the road before his death

Part of the mandatory equipment for the 100km off-road race

The reporter learned that in this mountain marathon 100-kilometer cross-country race, the entire line has a total of 9 punching clock timing points, and the race time limit is 20 hours. Wei Pulong, president of the Hefei Marathon Sports Association, who has many years of experience in the race, said that events such as the 100-kilometer cross-country race should have higher requirements in terms of protection and support.

Anhui cross-country race star Liang Jing was killed and tracked: no compensation agreement has been reached Enshi Wei Pulong retraced liang Jing's last section of the road before his death

Trench coats, storm jackets and thermal underwear are among the recommended equipment

The teacher retraces the route of the incident Unforgettable scene of the apprentice

"Liang Jing is the top player in this field, willing to endure hardships, very tenacious, and I am so sad that he left." At 6 p.m. on May 25, reporters from Xin'an Evening News, Anhui Net, and Dawan News interviewed Wei Pulong, president of the Hefei Marathon Sports Association, and Wei Pulong, who was already in his 60s, couldn't help but cry out on the phone. Wei Pulong said that he was watching Liang Jing train, win the championship, get married, have children, from the earliest to accept Liang Jing as an apprentice, he felt that Liang Jing was different, his personality was very simple, and he was very willing to suffer, and he was also very serious in his usual training, "Liang Jing has a very good talent, and he has refreshed his record again and again, and I am especially proud of him." ”

Recalling liang jing's three years of living in his home, Wei Pulong couldn't stop sighing, he said that Liang Jing's favorite dishes were braised pork and braised fish, "Here, sometimes I suddenly wake up, thinking that Liang Jing should go home after the competition, I am still waiting to cook for him..." Wei Pulong told reporters that a few years ago, when Liang Jing got married, he was a witness, and Liang Jing's wife also ran a marathon to meet, and he was also his apprentice. "This road before Liang Jing's death, I have to go, I want to know where he was killed, go back to have a thought." At this point, Wei Pulong cried out again.

Anhui cross-country race star Liang Jing was killed and tracked: no compensation agreement has been reached Enshi Wei Pulong retraced liang Jing's last section of the road before his death

Liang Jing and Cao Pengfei took a group photo on the plane to Gansu

Wei Pulong told reporters that on May 24, with the help of a kind guide, their group went from cp4 in the 100-kilometer cross-country stage of the Yellow River Stone Forest Mountain Marathon to CP3, and when they reached the point of CP3, the wind on the mountain was very strong, and people were blown up, where the road conditions were mixed with stone and sand, many places were very steep, and there was no one living nearby. Wei Pulong said that there must be an emergency plan for running events, especially mountain cross-country races, which must be operated by professional and experienced companies, and safety issues cannot be ignored.

No agreement has yet been reached on issues such as compensation for rehabilitation

"One-on-one talks, but no compensation agreement has been reached yet." On the morning of May 25, The Xin'an Evening News, Anhui Net, and Dawan News reporters interviewed Liang Jing's father, Liang Hong, who told reporters that including him and Liang Jing's wife, as well as other relatives, also rushed to Gansu Baiyin, and under the organization of relevant departments, consultations were held on the aftermath, but no agreement was reached on compensation and other issues.

"In addition to relatives, there are also personnel of the Hefei Marathon Association, and some runners in China have come to mourn Liang Jing." On the evening of May 25, the reporter contacted Wei Pulong, president of the Hefei Marathon Association, by phone, and he confirmed to reporters that there was still no agreement on Liang Jing's compensation for the aftermath, and the relevant coordination work was still in progress.

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News reporter Wei Xinxin

Editor: Peng Ling

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