
After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week

author:Foodie Fengzi

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week. Hello everyone, I am Xiaofeng, speaking of dumplings, just in response to the old saying "delicious is not as good as dumplings", find a Shandong girl as a wife, absolutely let you enjoy this welfare, love to eat dumplings, almost every week to eat 4 to 5 times, July, August all kinds of vegetables are fresh, so the frequency of eating dumplings is also greater, leek filling, fennel trap, pepper filling, kidney bean filling, eggplant filling, tomato filling, cucumber shrimp filling, etc., only you can not think, there is no delicious dumplings that we Shandong people can not eat. After the autumn, this kind of dumpling has the highest appearance rate, that is, mackerel dumplings.

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week

Speaking of mackerel, everyone is not unfamiliar, also called blue-spotted mackerel, it is divided into "mackerel" and "swallow mackerel" two kinds, mackerel has more thorns, less phyllonorycter thorns, mackerel is suitable for braised, boiled and other ways to cook, swallow mackerel is suitable for dumplings, make balls, of course, braised, braised is also quite delicious. Folk are known as "mountain partridge, marine mackerel pomfret" praise, which fully shows that the mackerel meat is delicate, delicious, rich in nutrients, rich in protein, vitamin A, minerals and other nutrients.

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week

Speaking of mackerel dumplings, it is definitely the best meat stuffed dumplings, which are incomparable to pork and beef stuffed dumplings, and mackerel is suitable for wrapping dumplings, mainly because the flesh of mackerel is tight, only in the center of the fish bone there are some main spines, no fish scales, no fine spines in the meat, it is easier to make filling, eat dumplings do not have to worry about being stuck by fish spines.

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week

As the saying goes, "one side of the water and soil to raise one side of the people", just like the northeast people stew is particularly good at cooking, the southern people are particularly authentic in cooking soup, and we Yantai people wrap mackerel dumplings that are leveraged, definitely not covered. After the autumn, with mackerel wrapped dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive to eat, my family eats three times a week, let's take a look at it with me.

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week

Main ingredients: fresh mackerel, pork belly, leeks

1, take the mackerel meat: after washing the mackerel to remove the internal organs, use a knife along the large vertebrae of the mackerel. Next peeling, some people will say, how my bag of mackerel dumplings will be very fishy, mainly because you have not peeled, and the skin taste is not good. The skin of the mackerel under the slice is facing the cutting board, and the knife is used to chop the fish on the flesh, and the strength is based on whether the meat is chopped or not, and the fish is scraped off the skin after chopping.

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week

2, adjust the filling, whether the mackerel dumplings are delicious, this step is the key, the ratio of fish and meat is 1:1, the meat must choose 7 fat 3 lean pork belly, so as to better go fishy, and eat will not send firewood, stir in one direction, "stir" force is very important, must not change direction, so that the stirred mackerel stuffing Q bomb powerful, the taste is very good, while stirring with water, the purpose of mixing water is to make the dumplings more tender and juicy.

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week

3, after stirring well, add chopped leeks, which is another key point of the mackerel dumplings delicious, mackerel and leeks are the most compatible, and leeks play a role in freshness, and then add salt, cooking oil, very fresh and sesame oil, there are like pepper flavor can add a little pepper water, stir evenly, the best is the original taste.

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week

4, the rest of the steps after the filling is adjusted is simple, the dumplings are slightly different from the usual, one is that the skin is larger than the original, so that it is enjoyable to eat, and the flat pinch can be, no need to squeeze out the pleats.

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, no matter how expensive it is, my family eats it 3 times a week

Come to us to eat mackerel dumplings, you will be surprised to find that the mackerel dumplings here are on a sale, basically 3 yuan a piece, according to the amount of meals of southern friends 2 tubes full, look at my package of mackerel dumplings You can eat how many?

After the autumn, use it to wrap dumplings, fresher than leek filling, fragrant than meat stuffed dumplings, children eat smarter, seaside people say that eating more fish is smart. Have you learned? I'm Xiaofeng, if you like the food that Xiaofeng shares, don't forget to pay attention to the foodie Fengzi!

This article is original by the foodie Fengzi, welcome to pay attention to communicate with you, so that everyone can benefit, the threesome will have my teacher ~

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