
The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

author:Shanghai Jing'an
The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts
The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

Recently, the series of activities of the 8th Tianmu West Road Street Public Welfare Experience Day came to a successful conclusion. Under the guidance of the Party building, relevant leaders from the Jing'an District Civil Affairs Bureau, the Shanghai Social Organization Evaluation Institute, the District Social Service Center, the Tianmu West Road Sub-district and other departments witnessed the close cooperation between the community, social organizations, social workers, community volunteers and social charity resources.

The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

Public welfare practice: diversified services warm people's hearts

The event carefully integrated the rich resources inside and outside the community, including various venues, organizations and enterprises, to create a warm public welfare event. The event not only brought tangible help to residents, white-collar workers and social organizations, but also conveyed warmth and care.

Career Community

The Federation of Social Organizations of Tianmu West Road Street has given full play to its role as a bridge, linking social organizations and job seekers, broadening employment channels, injecting fresh blood into social organizations, and realizing the vitality of the community economy and the internal circulation of talents.

The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

Charity passes

Shanghai Jushan Charity Supermarket and a number of enterprises participated in charity sales activities, such as 313 Charity Coffee, 626 Charity Green Plants, OH Charity Sugar Control, etc., which not only conveyed positive social energy, but also stimulated more people's enthusiasm to participate in public welfare undertakings, forming a strong charity atmosphere.

The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

Shanghai-style culture

The event integrated traditional culture and modern art, showcased intangible cultural heritage handicrafts such as paper-cutting, and specially incorporated cheongsam elements, allowing participants to appreciate the charm of oriental aesthetics in an interactive way. At the same time, through interactive workshops and other forms, the public's understanding and respect for Shanghai-style culture have been deepened, and the enthusiasm of young people for inheritance has been stimulated.

The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts
The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

Law runs the hearts of the people

Shanghai Jing'an Shangzheng Judicial Research Institute provides legal consulting services to community residents with its professional legal knowledge. Whether it is complex legal issues of real estate inheritance, or the analysis of labor contracts in daily life, consumer rights protection, and neighborhood conflict mediation, they have given nuanced and easy-to-understand answers.

The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

Medical Road Guard

The public welfare activities of the community health service center pay attention to the health needs of residents, from basic medical services to the prevention and screening of specific diseases, building a health defense line for residents at their doorstep, and improving the quality of life and happiness of residents.

The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts
The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

Yihui Salon: Seek the development of social organizations

In order to promote the development of "Tianmu" public welfare brand projects and services, the event specially set up a "Yihui Salon" link. Representatives from different social organizations gathered together to conduct in-depth exchanges and discussions on core topics such as the efficient implementation of project management, the transparency and standardization of financial management, and the scientific setting of target management. The sharing and guidance of experts from the Civil Affairs Assessment Institute provided valuable experience and inspiration for the participants, and promoted exchanges and cooperation between different organizations.

The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

Digital Intelligence: Technology empowers community governance

The event also featured a special publicity campaign of "Digital Intelligence, Quality Tianmu", which demonstrated the application of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence in community governance. Through the display of application scenarios such as smart office, health management, and integrated digital service platform, participants can deeply feel the convenience and changes brought by technology to life. This not only improves the scientific and technological literacy of residents, but also injects new intelligent elements into community governance.

The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

Every small public welfare action is a force for social progress. The successful holding of the 8th Tianmu West Road Street Public Welfare Experience Day fully demonstrated the strong vitality and synergistic effect of the "five societies linkage" mechanism. The convergence of forces from all parties and the efficient integration and utilization of resources have provided new impetus for building quality Tianmu and promoted the innovation and upgrading of community services.

Tianmu West Road Street said that in the next step, it will go hand in hand, using the "five social associations" as the engine to stimulate new momentum for community governance and jointly build a more inclusive, intelligent and warm community.

Reporter: Chen Jie Picture: Tianmu West Road Street Editor: Xu Yuelin Reprinted, please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Jing'an

The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

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The flower of public welfare blooms on Tianmu West Road, and the experience day activities warm people's hearts

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