
From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, why can Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points is very critical first, 52 years old cancer terminal, only 100 days away from death, to find confidence, anti-cancer 17 months to declare success three, Lee Kai-fu on what basis can fight cancer successfully?

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

It is said that cancer is easy to ruin, but some people are not even qualified to use money to buy health!

Jobs was rich and invincible, died at the hands of pancreatic cancer, Zuo Hui was worth hundreds of billions, and died of lung cancer... Therefore, even if you have money, you may not be able to cure cancer. However, some rich people can escape from cancer death, such as Kai-Fu Lee, who has been fighting cancer for 8 years without recurrence, so many people have died of cancer, why can Lee Kai-fu succeed in fighting cancer?

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, why can Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points is very critical first, 52 years old cancer terminal, only 100 days away from death, to find confidence, anti-cancer 17 months to declare success three, Lee Kai-fu on what basis can fight cancer successfully?

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<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > one or 52 years old with advanced cancer, only 100 days before death</h1>

1. Cancer was accidentally detected by physical examination, and more than 20 tumors in the body were found

In 2013, kai-fu Lee, 52, was during a routine physical exam in Taiwan, and doctors suggested an MRI. Kai-Fu Lee accepted the doctor's advice and continued to work on the mainland after the physical examination. Shortly after the examination, Lee Kai-fu received a call from a doctor, who asked Lee to return to Taiwan as soon as possible for a review, and Lee did not feel that there was any major problem at that time.

When Kai-Fu Lee returned to Taiwan for a review, the whole person was very relaxed, but the doctor was very nervous, especially after getting the results, the doctor sat paralyzed in a chair and could not say a word. Under Kai-Fu Lee's questioning, the doctor pointed to the computer screen, which was pitch black and covered with more than 20 bright spots. He told Kai-Fu Lee that these bright spots were all tumors, and he was likely to suffer from lymphoma, or it could be stomach cancer and terminal bowel cancer that caused the cancer cells to metastasize to lymph. Of course, it is not ruled out that there is a more optimistic situation, Lee Kai-fu eats bad things and causes lymphomegaly.

However, the results of the final examination did not develop in an optimistic direction, and the tumor biopsy in Lee Kai-fu's body was lymphoma and had reached stage IV.

2. Thinking that he can only live for 100 days, he made a will to return to the family

After the diagnosis, Lee Kai-fu felt that "the sky had fallen", thinking that his time was short, and that he might not live for 100 days. He made a will and left most of his time to his family, hoping to leave no regrets in his last time.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, why can Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points is very critical first, 52 years old cancer terminal, only 100 days away from death, to find confidence, anti-cancer 17 months to declare success three, Lee Kai-fu on what basis can fight cancer successfully?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" > second, regain confidence, 17 months of anti-cancer declared success</h1>

Cancer hit him very hard, Lee Kai-fu is very pessimistic, but the doctor analyzed the condition with him in detail and told him that his condition is not terminally ill, Lee Kai-fu was relieved.

1. Chemotherapy + targeted therapy, tenacious anti-cancer

According to Kai-Fu Lee's friend Wang Zhaohui, he personally saw Lee Kai-fu's pain during chemotherapy, opening several holes in his stomach, pipes passing from mouth to stomach, and also needing to be filled with medicine, and the whole pants were covered with blood.

Kai-Fu Lee has never told anyone about the pain of treatment, he has experienced vomiting, constipation, hair loss... But at that time, he was very optimistic, and he was still joking with colleagues in video conferencing, and his hair was not afraid to fall off...

2. Announced the success of anti-cancer and became "Li Rehabilitation"

Li Kaifu took two months to diagnose the diagnosis, six months of chemotherapy and nine months of recuperation, a full seventeen months, he finally defeated the disease. In 2015, Kai-Fu Lee announced on social networks that he had successfully fought cancer, and the tumor in his body had completely disappeared, and jokingly called himself "Lee Rehabilitation".

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, why can Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points is very critical first, 52 years old cancer terminal, only 100 days away from death, to find confidence, anti-cancer 17 months to declare success three, Lee Kai-fu on what basis can fight cancer successfully?

In less than two years, from the terminal stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, it seems almost impossible to happen, how did Kai-Fu Lee do it?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" >3. Why can Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? </h1>

1. Cliff relegation, standardized treatment

When choosing a treatment plan, Kai-Fu Lee also wanted to choose a "no side effect" home remedy like ordinary people, wanted to rely on traditional Chinese medicine for treatment, after experiencing various attempts, and finally followed the doctor's advice to change the way and chose the treatment plan based on Western medicine.

Cancer treatment is not biased, it is very important for cancer patients to standardize treatment, especially for the first time, Chen Ming, chairman of the Radiation Oncology Branch of Zhejiang Medical Association, believes that the first treatment of cancer patients is very critical. The treatment of cancer is different from the treatment of other diseases, covering a very multidisciplinary approach and requiring comprehensive treatment.

Just as the so-called "art industry has a specialty", the professionalism and complexity of cancer treatment, the professional level of doctors is very high, and it must be cautious when choosing to treat tumors, and there is almost no second chance for the radical treatment of many tumors.

2, reflect on yourself, sleep is more important than anything

Before the illness, Lee Kai-fu was a late-night demon, saying that the higher the popularity, the more outstanding the achievements, the less sleep time, and the same is true for Lee Kai-fu, who often handles work until late at night. After the illness, Lee Kai-fu corrected his bad sleep habits, slept at 10 o'clock every day at the latest will not exceed 11 o'clock, get up at 5.30 to 6.30 in the morning, rest for an hour or so at noon, and have enough sleep to make him full of energy and clear-headed throughout the day.

Liang Yun, chief physician of the Department of Hematology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, pointed out that sleep is related to tumorigenesis, and maintaining good sleep can prolong the survival of tumor patients. From Kai-Fu Lee's experience, going to bed after 10 p.m. every night and maintaining a sleep time of 7 to 8 hours may not be a good means to promote cancer recovery.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, why can Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points is very critical first, 52 years old cancer terminal, only 100 days away from death, to find confidence, anti-cancer 17 months to declare success three, Lee Kai-fu on what basis can fight cancer successfully?

3. Eat a balanced diet and eat healthily

After being diagnosed, Kai-Fu Lee adjusted his diet and consulted health experts to develop his own unique anti-cancer package.

Cancer patients because of the impact of treatment or disease, there is a problem of malnutrition, maintain adequate nutrition is very critical, it is understood that 40% to 80% of patients have malnutrition, about 20% of tumor patients die directly from malnutrition!

For cancer patients, the choice of food should be based on high-quality proteins such as fish, meat, eggs, milk and soy products as one of the main intake sources, and the recommended intake is 1.2 times that of ordinary people. In addition, it is also necessary to supplement sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, japonica rice, wheat flour and coarse grains to be adequate, and fresh fruits and vegetables should also be ingested.

In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to not eating too much at each meal, eating less and more meals can promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients, you can eat 4-5 meals a day, pay attention to regular quantification and reasonable allocation of calorie intake. As for the cooking method, it is mainly based on steaming, boiling, stewing, boiling, boiling soup and other light.

4. Exercise anti-cancer, adhere to aerobic exercise

Before the illness, Kai-Fu Lee never exercised, and after suffering from cancer, he no longer drove daily travel to walk mainly, and went to farther places to mainly use public transportation to increase the chance of walking as much as possible.

A study by Professor Leandro of the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil showed that muscle strength training can not only reduce the risk of developing multiple cancers such as bladder cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, but also reduce the overall cancer mortality rate by 13%.

The preferred item for cancer patients is walking, which is less intense and can be performed except for bedridden patients. In addition to walking, you can also choose jogging, brisk walking, tai chi and swimming. In principle, cancer patients are not suitable for excessively strenuous exercise, and should choose items with low intensity, long duration and slight sweating after exercise.

From the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, why can Kai-Fu Lee succeed in fighting cancer? 5 points is very critical first, 52 years old cancer terminal, only 100 days away from death, to find confidence, anti-cancer 17 months to declare success three, Lee Kai-fu on what basis can fight cancer successfully?

5. Keep humorous, smile and fight cancer

In the hospital bed, Lee Kai-fu has also maintained an optimistic attitude and does not forget to joke and have fun. In retrospect, he believes that in addition to the doctor's exquisite treatment methods and the careful care of his family, his good attitude is also an important part of his recovery.

Academician Cheng Shujun of the Chinese Academy of Engineering believes that a bad mentality will promote the occurrence of cancer, and cancer cells will be happy when you are angry. After cancer is detected, anxiety can affect the effectiveness of treatment. After cancer, maintaining a good attitude can "live in peace" with cancer.

Although the economy is an important factor in cancer rehabilitation, but it is not the only factor, every cancer patient can adhere to standardized treatment, healthy diet, adhere to exercise, maintain a good attitude, etc., in many ways to promote recovery, adhere to the faith, believe that they can fight cancer successfully. #健康明星计划 #


[1] "[Academician Interview]: Stay away from cancer, three sentences to build a positive attitude". Cancer Channel, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.2016.3.16

[2] Kai-Fu Lee on 17 Months of Cancer Treatment: Death Credits for Self-Study. China Biotechnology Network.2015.6.28

[3] Sleep is also related to cancer?! Scientists have also found that this traditional Chinese movement has too many benefits..." Second Hospital of Zhejiang University.2020.1.9

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